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Exercise Thread ~ 5/25 - 5/31


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I'm off to a good start this week.  I did yoga.  I did six times last week, so I want to do so this week too.  dudeling tried to climb all over me again, and I had to get through to him - this is for my health.  I have to do this every day. I can play with him before or after, but he needs to leave me alone while I'm doing.

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I did a fun little workout this morning. I'm done with my low impact FB schedule so I was just searching youtube for something different. BeFit Beach Yoga. It was short and fun which is what I needed this morning because I got up late this morning.


My 5 yr old crawled into bed with me last night so I had to soak up my cuddle time with him this morning. I miss having babies sleeping with me, and I was enjoying every stolen moment I got. :001_wub:


BeFit seems to be a good channel on youtube. I really need to explore it more.

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Sunday I ran 7 miles.  It felt so good. I also did some Yin yoga Sunday night.   Monday I did a 60 minute easy yoga practice.  Today was a 3 mile run followed by kettlebell.  I was pleased that my single-leg deadlifts felt stable.  I've been trying use two 26lb bells, and I was a bit shakey last time I tried this routine.  Today I felt strong. 

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It's definitely strep, so I laid on the couch trying not to die yesterday.  I tried to go for a walk and made it 1 block.  Violin trip today, and I'm going to attempt a bike ride if I'm back in time. I was doing the Nerd Fitness Beginner Bodyweight challenge, so I'll probably get back to that tomorrow if I feel better.  


Has anyone does this Primal Movement?  It's more along the lines of what I usually do.  I wish there was a practitioner/trainer near here. Oh, I ordered a new Tribal Fusion Bellydance DVD, too. I got bored with my old one.  And I did a little Zumba Core Wii the other day with my girls.  They love it!  It's kind of fun, but lacks instructions.  I do like that there's a Samba Capoiera one, though.  I miss capoiera.  I did find a Yoga Capoiera video on Myyogaonline.com, so I'm going to give that a try as soon as I can, too.  So fun!


Also-has anyone enjoyed the Run! Zombies!  apps?  I heard that they are a more gentle C25K because they start with shorter running intervals.  I need that.  I'm really out of shape for running and I about died last time I did week 1 of C25K.  I own both the apps, but haven't used them yet. 



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Monday- put in a garden, turned over a lot of dirt by hand:), ran with dd 3.4 miles

Tuesday- a.m. went to the gym and ran 30 min. on elliptical then katas, pull-ups, stretching.  Martial arts in the p.m. We mostly sparred.  


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I love how you can know that you did exactly 13 min of capoeira.  It's like knowing exactly how many minutes  you were in labor.   LOL  I bet you were suffering with the combo of the strep and the exertion.


WO & MA done.   Stretch, prehab and roll later today.

Pretty much!  LOL  No, it was an intro video.  I haven't done it in forever, so I figured I'd start small.  So I got through the whole 13 minutes.  No easy feat!  I need to sleep now.

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I started the Yoga Sculpt Fusion series that began yesterday on myyogaonline. Todays video definitely showed me how much upper body strength I lack :/ baby steps…. I finally succeeded in holding crow pose this week though. I now have bruises all over the back of my arms because of it, so my success comes along with the appearance that I am beaten  :glare:

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I started the Yoga Sculpt Fusion series that began yesterday on myyogaonline. Todays video definitely showed me how much upper body strength I lack :/ baby steps…. I finally succeeded in holding crow pose this week though. I now have bruises all over the back of my arms because of it, so my success comes along with the appearance that I am beaten  :glare:

I just started it today.  I was too sick yesterday. :/

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Maybe you should give yourself more time to recover from strep. Sometimes rest is more beneficial than a workout. (Said in my caring but firm mother voice :) )

:lol:  I know, Mom!!!!


I think I'll have to rest tomorrow. For real.  You have my permission to yell at me if I don't. 

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I am going to my first Masters swim meet for seniors (Over 50) this weekend. I am going for personal best. The times posted by those in my age group for the events I am swimming are fast. I am slow....very slow...a good 20-30 seconds slower than most my age. Still, I am going. Preparing for this event has given my practice a goal. After a solid four months of swimming 3 x a week, my arms and legs look better than they have in years, and I am more fit too. It's nice to be able to wear a sleeveless dress without the jiggle of grandma arms. 

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I calculated my body fat percentage using some military guidelines thing...31%  right on the border to being considered obese.  I'm 5'5" and 138 lbs.  But I have a tiny bone frame.  Wow.  That's eye opening.  I really hope that's wrong, but that's really depressing.  


I rested today.  If my ear isn't better tomorrow, I'm calling for new abx and I'm going to try my new Bellydance DVD.  I want to start Run! Zombies! C25K Saturday.

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I calculated my body fat percentage using some military guidelines thing...31%  right on the border to being considered obese.  I'm 5'5" and 138 lbs.  But I have a tiny bone frame.  Wow.  That's eye opening.  I really hope that's wrong, but that's really depressing.  


I rested today.  If my ear isn't better tomorrow, I'm calling for new abx and I'm going to try my new Bellydance DVD.  I want to start Run! Zombies! C25K Saturday.

Doesn't seem right. 148 is boarder line.

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I did yoga today - four times this week.  I'm on a roll.  I also weeded (my garden did not like me being out of commission anymore than I did.).  I think I'm going to start including that on my calendar where I put down if I did yoga or not.

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Wait, that my wrist size is untrue? I'll take a picture and post it. :lol: I was never fun to play cops and robbers with as a kid because I can get out of ties and cuffs ]

No, no...that you could weigh what I think is a totally reasonable amount and because of your frame get those numbers. That seems unfair or untrue. I think your weight sounds totally reasonable. I believe your frame size.
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It's my yoga day. I was tempted to run, since I have to drive all day tomorrow and won't be able to get my long run done, but I think it would be unwise.  I've run and done kettlebell 4 days in a row.  If I push too hard I may regret it.  So I'm about to go practice an hour of yoga.


My sister was out running this morning and got attacked by a dog!  It was a pitbull.  The owners came and got it off her.  She was so shaken up that she had to abandon the rest of her run. I can't believe she had that problem.  I live in an area where there are a lot of strays and people let their dogs wander, but she lives in a very populated town, in a state with tons of regulations.  That dog could have done serious injury.  She was not running on back roads.  Her area has nothing but apartments, condos, and closely spaced houses. No one should have a loose dog, but especially in an area where there are lots of kids around.  Her husband told her to blow it off, I told her to report it.  I hope she does.    

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I'm sorry for your sister. :(  We have a bunch of strays around here that cause trouble.  Dog attacks are scary!


So I saw the doc yesterday and my surgery ear (3 surgeries for tubes and two tympanoplasties) is bulging and horribly infected.  So I'm not supposed to exercise or anything for awhile to keep the fluid and pressure from sloshing around.  So I'm focusing on stretches I can do relatively upright this week.  I have some Katy Bowman videos and some stretches from Kelly Starrett I need to do, anyway.  My upper back pain is back from lying here. Sigh. 


ETA:  I love your blog, Kim in Appalachia.  I read your post about where you're living and it's like YES that's how I feel here.  I've convinced dh to move finally, but it's hard to find a job in his field. :/


I have one Kettlebell but it has a nasty ridge in the handle-I even checked reviews to find one without!  Would you recommend the Lauren Brooks movie or the Breaking Muscle guides for a beginner?  I've used it a little for deadlifts and such, but not full kettlebell routines. 



No, no...that you could weigh what I think is a totally reasonable amount and because of your frame get those numbers. That seems unfair or untrue. I think your weight sounds totally reasonable. I believe your frame size.


Sorry!  I think that's why frame size is important. Right now my weight is lower from being sick, but it'll jump back up.  140 on me would be different than 140 on someone with a different bone frame or body shape.  I had a best friend in high school who was the most fit and athletic person I've ever known.  Her body frame was large, though.  But she was pure muscle.  I am still in awe of her-she's just so active and strong.  I'm a little weakling.   :lol:  I'm kind of surprised I haven't broken more bones!  That's another reason I want to work on muscle-to strengthen my joints since I have arthritis in my knees and hip.  

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Wait, that my wrist size is untrue?  I'll take a picture and post it.  :lol:   I was never fun to play cops and robbers with as a kid because I can get out of ties and cuffs easily. 


ETA: A little smaller than 6"  photo_zps4ba3e15d.jpg





My wrist is a little over 5.25" and people have always thought they can loop their fingers around and comment about it. It gets old ;) When I get a new watch I either have to remove a million links out of it or poke an extra hole in the leather band. Pain in the butt.



I have done yoga each and every day this week. Yesterday I switched it up with the Carnivale dancing on myyogaonline which was interesting to say the least. For someone who used to dance, I sure lost my rhythm and I am really glad no one saw me. 

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