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Needing a little kick in the butt here...

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I don't have syllabi, checklists, charts or tables for most subjects and do not plan on making any - how's that?


I have:

a pile of resources to use for English&history, and DS will pick in chronological order.

a math book and a foreign language program where we just keep going and pick off where we left.

a science text that DS will work through from the beginning; I have the practice problems selected that I did with DD.


But syllabus, schedule or charts for my homeschool? Way too much of a hassle for me. I'll write course descriptions after the fact.


But hey, I have made a beautiful syllabus and schedule of assignments for the classes I'll be teaching at my job!

Now I only have to make lecture notes for 30 lectures, produce video lectures for my new online class with a software I have never used, and set up the online course with another software I have never used either... fun summer.

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I have been spending all week freaking out over ancient history and a (proposed) archaeology elective. You should see the piles of library books all over my kitchen table right now :eek:

You're making me feel better!  :D



I don't have syllabi, checklists, charts or tables for most subjects and do not plan on making any - how's that?


I have:

a pile of resources to use for English&history, and DS will pick in chronological order.

a math book and a foreign language program where we just keep going and pick off where we left.

a science text that DS will work through from the beginning; I have the practice problems selected that I did with DD.


But syllabus, schedule or chart? Way too much of a hassle for me. I'll write course descriptions after the fact.

Good point!  There are a few things I don't have to make syllabi for.  In general I provide more structure and accountability structures for dd than you might for a more typical dc.  I make logs for almost everything that needs a log or checklist, because we need that structure.  But you're right, math, spanish, those are easy.  For another subject I'm pilfering FundaFundy's syllabus, and another I'm outsourcing...  Maybe I actually only have a few I have to do this time?  Maybe it's not as bad as I thought?  LOL, now THAT would be inspiring.

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Yeah, I only need to make a syllabus for chemistry, ancient history, and whatever electives she finally settles on ( :rolleyes:)


Why do you need a syllabus for electives? Why not simply have her work on whatever subject she chooses, keep track of resources and time spent, and write up a description after the fact?


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Well you're right!  When I wrote it all out, I only needed to write syllabi for 2 of the 7!  Well cool, that's not nearly as bad as I thought.  A lot of the piddley electives we're dealing with this summer or started in 9th.  Well cool, this isn't so bad...

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Why do you need a syllabus for electives? Why not simply have her work on whatever subject she chooses, keep track of resources and time spent, and write up a description after the fact?


Well in general I totally agree with that.  Then you've got some colleges that are actually going to ask what textbook you used, how you assigned a grade, etc.  Dd can do DE free with Cedarville online in our state, and apparently they hassle homeschoolers like that.  At least that's what I'm getting told locally.  Is that anyone else's experience?  


So I'm trying to make sure I have that information at hand to answer those questions *and* I need structure for dd.  Sometimes it's as simple as a table to log time spent, but that still takes time to make, label, and put into a notebook.  


I guess I should start a separate thread on what Cedarville expects.  I'm being told they want transcripts *with course descriptions* even for kids doing online DE.  

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Well in general I totally agree with that.  Then you've got some colleges that are actually going to ask what textbook you used, how you assigned a grade, etc. 

So I'm trying to make sure I have that information at hand to answer those questions *and* I need structure for dd.  Sometimes it's as simple as a table to log time spent, but that still takes time to make, label, and put into a notebook.  


I guess I should start a separate thread on what Cedarville expects.  I'm being told they want transcripts *with course descriptions* even for kids doing online DE.  


I am keeping all this information as a resource list in a simple word file for each subject and year. It was very easy to make that into course descriptions to provide with DD's college application.  (Nobody asked specifically, but I sent the descriptions anyway to give a better picture of our schooling). I usually wrote up long descriptions at the end of each year and created a paragraph description fall of senior year when she was applying.

So yes, a resource list is very helpful - but I write that as we go along.


I understand about your DD needing the extra structure; that's why my comment about electives was directed at Luckymama ;-)

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Usually by now I have 1/2 of next year planned out, but I have barely begun.  I picked most of what we are doing, emailed my program plan to our facilitator but otherwise have done almost nothing.  It is weird for me, but this year I am just so darned busy.  I guess I know what I will be doing this summer when I am down by 1 job and 1/2 the kids

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You're making me feel better!   :D



Good point!  There are a few things I don't have to make syllabi for.  In general I provide more structure and accountability structures for dd than you might for a more typical dc.  I make logs for almost everything that needs a log or checklist, because we need that structure.  But you're right, math, spanish, those are easy.  For another subject I'm pilfering FundaFundy's syllabus, and another I'm outsourcing...  Maybe I actually only have a few I have to do this time?  Maybe it's not as bad as I thought?  LOL, now THAT would be inspiring.


Did FundaFundy post her syllabus on here?  If so, when, where and do you still have a link?

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I haven't even thought about next yr. My grandkids have been living with me for the past 7 weeks. Life is crazy enough with my own clan, add in 2 toddlers, a teenager kicked out his room into the living room....we are not finished with this yr and I don't have the mental energy to think about next. This is so unlike me.....but I am definitely cutting myself some slack. It will get done before we start back up in the fall.

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Have y'all already made your syllabi (checklists, charts, tables, whatever you use) for this coming year?  I haven't even STARTED, ugh.  So let's talk peppy about this and see if it helps me get in gear!  


Well, I've never made syllabi!!


But I need to start making decisions about curriculum for my soon-to-be 11th grader. I want to take advantage of a used curriculum fair at the end of the month, and I really need to have a plan.  Yikes!


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I have a general idea of what we will do next year but nothing concrete. We are not finished with school. We've had extended family activites almost every weekend a funeral, confirmation, bridal shower.


Oldest dd has Sr Banquet next week, and is graduating two weeks later. I have a party to plan, invitations to send out.. etc. ,another bridal shower, and a wedding. Ok I'm tired.


Plans for next year will wait! Lol!

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Ok I'm tired.


Amen to that!  I'm so glad it's Sunday so we have permission to REST, whew!  



I've got our list of classes, know what we are going to use and just starting to get everything planned out. 

I'm curious, what do you tend to do?  (as in how do you plan out your stuff)  

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It turns out things are not so dire as they at first appeared!  There were only two things I needed to plan (science and english/lit), and I think we're going to go with a science that comes with a handy dandy syllabus!  So that just leaves the english/lit, and it turns out I had FORGOTTEN some of the things I ordered and ideas I had had, hehe...  Imagine that!   :blushing:    So that means I really only have to make *1* syllabus and I'm DONE!!!!!!!   :thumbup:

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Usually I'm almost done by now but this year I've been procrastinating b/c DS is being so slow in getting his 10th grade work finished that I decided I needn't rush into 11th.  


I know which texts we're using for math, science, and government. Science and gov both come with a syllabi.  Haven't finalized plans for English yet.  Electives will be online from Coursera so no syllabi needed from me.

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Have y'all already made your syllabi (checklists, charts, tables, whatever you use) for this coming year?  I haven't even STARTED, ugh.  So let's talk peppy about this and see if it helps me get in gear!  


It's intros like this that give me a good amount of peace and good will that youngest graduates on Friday... should I duck now?


I need times like this to make up for what it's going to feel like after we drop my guys off and "new life" begins... ;)

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It's intros like this that give me a good amount of peace and good will that youngest graduates on Friday... should I duck now?


I need times like this to make up for what it's going to feel like after we drop my guys off and "new life" begins... ;)

It will be the end of an era!   :w00t:   But you're right, all good things end and new ones begin...  

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Next year? Oh boy. I'm still pulling together the oldest dd's portfolio to go with her to her eval this week. Fortunately, my younger two had their evals last week, so I'd already finished their portfolios. Then I get to bundle all the required paperwork up and make an appointment at the school district, write the required educational objectives for next year for each kid, get my affidavit ready to be notarized, submit proof that we are complying with the homeschool law regarding medical and dental care...all for the school district. Who has time to think about next year yet? :o.


I do have almost all of next year's resources already and know who is doing what with which resources. I like to get stuff like maps or lit questions printed off over the summer. I also have to get a high school lit class I am teaching in our coop planned out in detail and start rereading all the assigned works. Sometime this summer, I will have to pin down which criteria I will use for assigning a grade in each course for my high schooler. I. Will. Not. Stress. About. Everything. I. Still. Must. Accomplish.


I hope I just made all of you who have already started planning in detail for next year feel better. At least you have started!

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Yes, I moved all of the books for next school year down to the school room, and I'm listed a bunch on Amazon and will do some eBay lots this week. My upstairs office and storage area is going to be boxed up in July for a renovation project, so I'm cleaning out that area. 


In the process, I discovered that I need to order a biology lab book and an SAT math book, which I'll do if the eBay sales go through.


I also updated their transcripts.


This coming week is standardized testing.


Summer projects:


Put together a physics course

Finish course descriptions and book lists for both

Work on career planning with the oldest

Have the oldest write several college essays

Work on SAT essay writing skills with both

I have three DVD courses we're going to do: Dave Ramsey, Teaching Company Argumentation, and How Should We Then Live?

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Next year? Oh boy. I'm still pulling together the oldest dd's portfolio to go with her to her eval this week. Fortunately, my younger two had their evals last week, so I'd already finished their portfolios. Then I get to bundle all the required paperwork up and make an appointment at the school district, write the required educational objectives for next year for each kid, get my affidavit ready to be notarized, submit proof that we are complying with the homeschool law regarding medical and dental care...all for the school district. Who has time to think about next year yet? :o.


I do have almost all of next year's resources already and know who is doing what with which resources. I like to get stuff like maps or lit questions printed off over the summer. I also have to get a high school lit class I am teaching in our coop planned out in detail and start rereading all the assigned works. Sometime this summer, I will have to pin down which criteria I will use for assigning a grade in each course for my high schooler. I. Will. Not. Stress. About. Everything. I. Still. Must. Accomplish.


I hope I just made all of you who have already started planning in detail for next year feel better. At least you have started!

That's INSANE!  Whew, kuddos to you for getting it done!!!   :hurray:   So thankful the process in our state is simpler, wowsers.

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Yes, I moved all of the books for next school year down to the school room, and I'm listed a bunch on Amazon and will do some eBay lots this week. My upstairs office and storage area is going to be boxed up in July for a renovation project, so I'm cleaning out that area. 


In the process, I discovered that I need to order a biology lab book and an SAT math book, which I'll do if the eBay sales go through.


I also updated their transcripts.


Summer projects:


Put together a physics course

Finish course descriptions and book lists for both

Work on career planning with the oldest

Have the oldest write several college essays

Work on SAT essay writing skills with both

I have three DVD courses we're going to do: Dave Ramsey, Teaching Company Argumentation, and How Should We Then Live?

I wondered if I was the only one with this strangely growing summer list...   :lol: 

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I wondered if I was the only one with this strangely growing summer list...   :lol: 


Mine aren't happy with THEIR list.  The reality though is that we school year-round so that they can pursue their various activities during the school year.  My goal is to finish-finish-finish with the oldest though so that he can truly graduate next June.


One of his friends has schooled himself for several years, and he finished all his school work with his last AP test several weeks ago.  They declared graduation, and because he wanted no ceremony or party :huh: , that was that.


Another one is behind on three subjects and will "walk" at the state ceremony and have a party when he gets the real diploma in August (says his mom!).

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A friend and I have two planning-days set aside in early June for just this purpose! I'll take my stacks of books and supplies to her house, plus a laptop, and plan away. Do you have a friend you can get together with? Sometimes that makes me more motivated, plus there's someone there to bounce ideas off of. 


We'll also be doing a consultation (er, lunch!) with a friend whose kids have all graduated. 


I just got the bulk of my stuff ordered this weekend (but of course heard of another "have to have" book since then!). Anyway...excited for things to come now!


Last year I was not at all motivated, so I can definitely relate. If you can't gear up...can you break it into little chunks somehow? Do 30 minutes of organizing your books, or pre-reading something...and then reward yourself with something afterwards. Sometimes once I get started on a project, I'll keep going, and if not, when I've met my time goal, no guilt. Maybe that approach will work for you? 



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A friend and I have two planning-days set aside in early June for just this purpose! I'll take my stacks of books and supplies to her house, plus a laptop, and plan away. Do you have a friend you can get together with? Sometimes that makes me more motivated, plus there's someone there to bounce ideas off of. 


We'll also be doing a consultation (er, lunch!) with a friend whose kids have all graduated. 


I just got the bulk of my stuff ordered this weekend (but of course heard of another "have to have" book since then!). Anyway...excited for things to come now!


Last year I was not at all motivated, so I can definitely relate. If you can't gear up...can you break it into little chunks somehow? Do 30 minutes of organizing your books, or pre-reading something...and then reward yourself with something afterwards. Sometimes once I get started on a project, I'll keep going, and if not, when I've met my time goal, no guilt. Maybe that approach will work for you? 

Good ideas!  If I break things into chunks, I forget what I was doing and lose momentum.  I immerse myself, wrap my brain around the goals and content, and try to get it done pretty quickly.  Turns out my ideas for lit/writing this year were too varied and needed to be broken up into a regular credit and an elective 1/2 credit.  Took extra time to read the text, wrap my brain around it, and figure that out.  Then when you do that your head starts to explode with possibilities and you have to filter out what is most important.  Sometimes I take all that in, then just WALK AWAY for a week, and see what I remember when I come back.  Whatever I remember I conclude was the most important part, and it helps me not get distracted by tasks or options within the materials that maybe were good but not necessary for *my* student.  That process of distinguishing the most beneficial portions is really challenging for me, because you have to be immersed enough to wrap your brain around it but detached enough to let some of it go or re-envision it a fresh way.

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