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My back yard smells like dog pee. Help!

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Our rental has a very, very small backyard.  It's about twice the length of our garage and not quite as wide as a 2 car garage, and we're fine with that, because we have 2 small dogs, and they don't need a lot of space.  The problem is that our yard smells like pee and it is getting really, really strong.  You'd think with all the rain we get in the PNW, it would help wash it out, or at least dilute the smell, but it does not.  On the days when we have loads of sun, I think it gets baked into the soil, like a little mud/pee brick, and the smell is overwhelming.  We have no a/c, and the only "windows" in the back of the house are the sliding glass doors, because the garage sits behind the rest of the house.  If we want any kind of cross ventilation downstairs, we have to open the doors, but then the house stinks.  It's horrible!  Is there anything I can do that that would help?  Other than get rid of the dogs, of course, because that's not an option.

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I have seen supplements in dog product magazines which purport to reduce urine odor. 


(off to look)


Okay, here's what I found:  GrassSaver Biscuits - reduces urine PH to help prevent lawn burn.  Reduces stool odor (doesn't say anything about urine).


Dog Rocks:  Add rocks to your dog's water bowl, 100% natural, helps prevent urine burn in lawns.


Here's a lawn product:  Yard Odor Eliminator Plus:  Stool & urine deodorizer; great for lawns, dog runs, concrete & gravel



I have NOT tried any of these....




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Do your dogs like to pee in a particular place?  Are they boy dogs or girl dogs?


My boy dog likes to pee on a bush or tree.  We have a lot of both, so I guess it's not the same place all the time and this has not been a problem, but in a small yard with two dogs, I can see that it might be.


Maybe you should plant a "peeing bush" for them.  If it's girl dogs and they are peeing on the ground (which is what my girl dog did, but maybe this isn't a universal boy/girl pattern) I might plant grass or some kind of ground cover. 

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I'd try watering the area right after they "go."


You might try spraying the yard with a disinfecting solution meant for dog kennels (you can find the solution for sale online).  Most of those are meant for hard, non-porous surfaces.  But they might help in a yard.


And not to worry you, but I'd be just a bit concerned that some kind of health issue in one of the dogs was causing the urine to smell so strongly.



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I would also look at reasons other than actual urine.  This time of year here the juniper is fornicating and my whole yard smells like cat pee.  I spent a couple of springs sniffing all the carpet in the house looking for the pee (even though my cat had never been an issue before)   Now I just know it is coming from outside

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I would also look at reasons other than actual urine.  This time of year here the juniper is fornicating and my whole yard smells like cat pee.  I spent a couple of springs sniffing all the carpet in the house looking for the pee (even though my cat had never been an issue before)   Now I just know it is coming from outside


OMG, you made me choke on my Fudge Stripe Cookie!!! Fornicating Junipers! BWAHAHA!!


My vote is Junipers. We have them out front and they are horrid. I thought  stray cat had been spraying around my house the first spring we were here. The city also planted them by the bajillions along the highways and this time of year I have to put the air recycle on in my car when I drive that particular stretch. Foul, foul, foul!


My vote is it's probably your landscaping. And my 'fornicating junipers' smell stronger when wet, so your rain may have something to do with it.

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Do you have any bushes in the yard?  There is one called a boxwood that smells like cat urine.


I agree that it could be a plant. We had boxwood at a previous house and it was dreadful for a few weeks in spring. Scotts broom can also get stinky, and that's all over the PNW right now.

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Thanks everyone.  We have no bushes or anything out in the yard.  It is definitely dog pee.  My guess is it's just because it's so concentrated in one small area.  We had the same issue in the small dog parks in our housing areas in Germany.  Even if there weren't a lot of dogs using it, in the spring and summer it reeked.  I went to Pestsmart today and got some stuff to spray on the yard.  It made a huge difference within just a few minutes.  We'll see how long it lasts.

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Daily or twice daily walks will probably help. I'm an open-the-back-door kind of dog walker, so I know it would be a hassle, but I might do it in the face of a pervasive smell.

I ran out of likes! First time that has happened to me.


Anyway, I agree.

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My aunt has a small yard (though not as small as described) and she sprays special doggy pee spray each and every time.  I always thought she was nuts, but your post has changed that.  I've definitely never smelled dog smells at her house.


She also has her dog trained to use a designated gravel area, maybe 2'x4', so she's never running around to find hidden treasures.  (I am jealous of that one. My 9yo dog would never go for it, lol.)

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