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What can I wear UNDER this?


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I bought this yesterday, on a whim. I still think it's cute (DH bought me a couple of adorable, knee length wrap skirts at the Greek Festival this past weekend - and I was looking for some tanks or plain fitted tees to wear with them).


The problem? The lace in the back, and the lace on the shoulders, make it clear that it wasn't meant to be worn with... er... typical female undergarments :p Not a huge deal - but when I put it on, it's definitely a bit see through! What is MEANT to go under it? I can't imagine wearing it "solo", but it definitely doesn't look okay with "undergarments" either!


Obviously not a super serious post, in the grand scheme of things, but I really like the shirt - if I can figure this dilemma out, lol.

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I'd wear it with a flesh-toned bra--preferably a convertible one where I could use the clear plastic straps. Or if that were too obvious and I were feeling daring, I'd try it with a backless bra: http://smile.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=backless%20bra&sprefix=backles%2Caps&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Abackless%20bra . But I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with it, physically, because I assume the backless bras have adhesive, and my skin reacts to that, sometimes badly. If I couldn't figure a way to wear a bra with it, I'd take it back.


ETA: Yes, a cami would work well, too--Sheldon posted as I was typing :)  Oh, and I also meant to say--depending on what's see through, it may go back anyway, unless I wore a cami under it. See through on the shoulders and down the middle of the back because of the lace, I'm ok with. If it's see through in other places because the material is just too thin, it would require a cami.

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Okay, not the answer that you're looking for but a recent conversation with a younger friend yielded the info that lingerie is supposed to seen. She would no doubt wear a strappy black bra with this outfit. Just giving you the current youthful perspective :D It's a pretty top, btw.

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Could you wear it with a colored tank top? That way you could wear a normal bra (or one that matches the colored tank), and the color of the tank would show through the lace. Your tank top could be in a color coordinating with your skirt.

That's what I would do. Plus it will make the eyelet pop and not make people wonder if you're nekkid. ;)

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I have one that is even more see through on the back.  I wear a nude color, T-back, lace bra that is very close to my skin tone.  Since it is lace, you have to really look to see it through the shirt details. The nude straps are very hard to see and honestly if anyone is looking that hard to see them.....I don't care if they see a strap of flesh colored fabric.  LOL 

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So I went up to Macy's and found an olive green colored tank that I think will look nice with it. If that fails, I'll... probably return the shirt, lol!


Ahem. Regarding the black bra recommendation from the youthful crowd - I think my husband would kill me, and I'm CERTAIN my daughter would attempt to pull off the same (and then DH would kill her - or at least lock her in the house for many years to come, lol). :lol:

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On the Today show this am, they had a summer fashion segment.  One of the women had on a lace top.  Different from your's but still lace.  The "exper" said lace is big this summer and just wear a matching color tshirt/tank whatever underneath it.

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