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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

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Filling out travel tags that go on luggage


Send off tests, and last terms averages to our distance education school- yep, I'm late!


Marking writing that I'm behind in


Clothes washing


folding clothes


sweeping floor


mending pants


Walking while listening to my mp3

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Good morning! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I went to TN to my younger sister's house and to church with Daddy this weekend. 


It is dh's last week of school, so my early mornings to fix breakfast and pack lunch are almost over!


It is also our last week of full school, if the kids finish all they should.


So let's get to it...



breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time


To Do:

make school lists for this week

breakfast for the rest of us

school ds: Awana, grammar, math, history, science test (will be done with this subject)

school dd: Bible, history, lit, Chemistry (review for final), Alg 2


tidy house

go to tea at friend's house (if she is able to have it)

take ds to swimming team practice 




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Good morning all!! I have jury duty first thing tomorrow morning, which is something I would normally dread doing, but I just realized its a day spent waiting around to be called where I can do WHATEVER I want with no kids!!! To top that off, because its so early in the morning my children will be having an overnight at my parents' house tonight!  So I have to get everything done before 4 when I drop them off since I think dh and I our going to see a movie.



-Pet sit am

-Quick clean bedroom

-Help kid's quick clean their bedroom

-Quick clean downstairs

-Pick up yard so lawnmower guy doesn't have to

-Vacuum upstairs

-Vacuum steps

-Cardio class? (this depends on when the movie is tonight)

-return books to library

-List more books for sale

-Get all summer pet sitting dates on the calendar so we can plan our vacation around them

-Pet sit in afternoon

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My goals this week are to help 3 of my dc to finish up their last bit of school work, figure out how to make Eagle Scout ceremony/graduation reception invitations, and get all gear, supplies, and food packed and ready to go camping next week.

For today:
Camping supply trip
Buy stuff for afternoon reception
Tidy/clean house
Babysit friend's children
Afternoon recital and reception

Arrange pet/chicken sitter for next week
Put hold on mail

Lunch: sandwiches, fruit
Dinner: tuna noodle casserole, salad

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Good morning everyone!


Need to grade tests from last week's tutorials and get final grade reports ready.


Going over to see Mom and drop off eldest's boyfriend at his house.


After the huge BBQ and round two with friends yesterday I don't even want to think about food but I need to figure out supper.


Finished cleaning up after the huge amount of company yesterday, it was nice but a lot of work.


Youngest got my cold so not sure if we will do school today or not, she is almost done for the year.


Something got in my coop and killed a chicken so I need to figure out how that happened and fix it.


Collect trash for tomorrow's pick up


bring stuff back to library




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We had a very nice but busy weekend and now it's time to buckle down and tackle this week.


Last full week of school for us too! Hoping to cap it off with a trip to Gettysburg on Saturday for day 180!




cleaning something


Olympian meeting at 7pm (our Wednesday night kids program, dh and I are leaders)


Dinner: Spaghetti and meatballs

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Scout store for awards tonight

Clothing shopping for all boys as they are out of clothes, particularly youngest


4pm- Doctor for middle child


6pm- Meeting prior to scouts

7pm- Scouts


Can't wait for tomorrow, NOTHING on the agenda outside of the house.  


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Lots to do but really don't want to....

- dishes- done

- laundry- last load in dryer

- tidy house

- take care of mushrooms- dh and dd1 are doing

- go to CU to get money- done

- library- done

- get Dh's meds- done

- get my meds (different pharmacy then Dh's)- done

- get stamps- done

- pay bills- done

- drop off some plants- done

- get Dh's coat from in-laws- done

- get groceries- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- bedtime routine

- change bedding for both beds

- print forms for dd1 to play soccer- done

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Good Morning! 


I had a super productive day yesterday and I'm loving starting the week all caught up. 


  • quick tidy of the house --almost done
  • school --lots of grading ds has been busy! 
  • exercise--walk/run 5 miles, kettle bell swings and burpees
  • work on some weeding projects in the back yard --before it heats up
  • read--lots of reading 

Have a great day everyone!! 

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To do all day...  be social...  ugh.


Um, done...

*gather field day supplies


To do...

*pick up ice

*actually go to field day and help run it

*finish reading for writing group

*fit in doing dishes somewhere

*take children to piano

*feed children dinner

*go to writing group


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Today is the last day of dd19's freshman year :party: Busy day---a project to turn in, two finals, and a meeting for her theatre group...all before we move her out tonight :eek: She's finished on the first day, but poor ds is finished on the next-to-last day, a week from Tuesday!


My definites:

--school w dd (down to Alg 3, history, Bravewriter writing)

--pull some geometry problems out of the book from last year as she wants to keep those skills fresh (hmm maybe I'll order her the original AoPS problem solving book...)

--exercise: Pilates abs plus 30-60 min cardio

--gardening for an hour

--move dd home for the summer :)

--read current fiction book before bed


My possibilities:

--read parts of an AP Human Geography text a group of us are considering for a summer discussion group for our kids (they were on the same FLL team)

--decide whether or not to keep shorts and capris I ordered (some reviews said one particular style stretches too much as it is worn, so I think I'll wear it around the house for a few hours. Will look attractive with the tags hanging out :lol:)

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Good morning!


I am waiting for the girls at practice. We will head home, wake up the boys, and get started on school. We do some work over the summer, dropping some things as the summer practice schedule grinds on, and taking a competition break from mid-July until mid-August.



School for dd2 and ds3

Oversee teens

Oversee chores

Clean master/master bath

School administration

Meeting with dd1 about research paper

Pay bills

Start work in basement


Have a great day!

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:willy_nilly:   This is how I feel this morning.  Ds was talking at me this morning and I was feel overwhelmed and I told him that I need a more "Zen morning".  He left me alone.   ;)


So far today I have:

done all the human care stuff including breakfast 

did my PT exercises and stretches.

took my magnesium

helped dd schedule a grocery delivery

listened to ds excitedly talk about his new project which is totally incomprehensible to me.

emptied the dishwasher and put away dishes

filled the dishwasher.


Next I need to: 

finish cleaning the kitchen.  I'm so close. . . don't wander away now!   :leaving:  :gnorsi:

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Good Morning! 


I had a super productive day yesterday and I'm loving starting the week all caught up. 


  • quick tidy of the house --almost doneDONE
  • school --lots of grading ds has been busy! DONE
  • exercise--walk/run 5 miles, kettle bell swings--70 DONE
  • work on some weeding projects in the back yard --before it heats upDONE
  • read--lots of reading --Put off until tomorrow. 

Have a great day everyone!! 

Dh is on his way home...he's taking me and DS to the Nationals game tonight.  I'm so excited.   :hurray:

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Kid's are at my parents'!!!  DH gets off work at 6:30 so I've got 3.5 hours entirely to myself!! I will vacuum and add pet sitting jobs to the calendar before curling up in bed with the dogs and a good book!  We've decided to skip the movies tonight because x-men comes out on Thursday and we'd rather spend our money on that! Instead we'll be playing more Pathfinder

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Hey Gals! Back from the beach. It was wonderful. I was even able to count one day a school day (although nobody official care how many days I log) because we went to the aquarium and learned a lot of cool things!


So.... today is back to reality and back to not eating whatever I want!


** school

** laundry

** allergy shots

** clean up for the cleaners.


Have a great day!

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Welcome back, Krissi!


I had a pretty productive day. I just buckled down and finished the course descriptions for dd1. So with a few tweaks here and there, her stuff will be ready for an application that opens on June 1.




Now, I can start planning next year in earnest!

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I think Monday tackled me. But:

   Did math, French Revolution, science with K.

   Went to the bank

   Bought two pair of really good boy's denim shorts at thrift store for $2 and resisted vintage Mexican tablecloth with six napkins

   Bought chicken feed, fed hungry chickens

   Talked to 2 out of 4 daughters on the phone

   Stayed on my diet

   Read a chapter in Alexander Hamilton biography

   Did a couple of loads of laundry, loaded and unloaded dishwasher, swept, cleaned one bathroom, wished for a homeschool janitor


    That's about it

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