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Weird situation: what would you have done?


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If it was me it would have gone something like this:


Lady: i see you are famous

Me: Whaat?

Lady: Your Obama sticker

me: What?

Lady: blah blah

Me: I dedicated my soul to Odin

Lady: Who?

me: Norse God of wisdom, magic, and war. he sacrificed his eye for wisdom and himself to himself for the knowledge of magic blah blah blah enthusiastic blah

Lady (backs away slowly, goes back to her own car and flees--otherwise, if she tried further prostelyzing a joke about Thor's hammer and nails that is not very kind to the Christian POV might come up).



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Yesterday, I was happily pumping gas when the following happened:


   Lady (stepping about a foot from me): I see you are famous.

   Me: Whaaat?

   Lady: Your Obama sticker.

   Me: What?

   Lady: I want to encourage you to think about your eternal soul etc. on and on...

   Me: I want to encourage you to mind your own business.

   Lady: I thought we were supposed to be our brother's keepers.

   Me: Speechless...I drove off with my gas cap not on...


     I know I was a little rude, but I had no idea what to say. How would you have handled this? I am still angry.


What exactly does your Obama sticker say?   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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That was really weird. What a kook. How does having an Obama bumper sticker make you famous. There sure are lots of famous people out there then. I didn't realize that was all that was needed. How does she know Jesus and God Loves Romney? lol


On the gas tangent I grew up in NJ and we really could not pump our own gas. I remember when I first moved out of state being a little nervous about pumping my own gas because I never did it before. Now I find it such a pain and annoying to have to let someone else pump it for me when I am visiting family in NJ. It is annoying how you can't pump your own in NJ.

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