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"It's free to look."

Miss Peregrine

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Just be careful using the vegetarian thing that your grill isn't sitting prominently in your yard. Been there.


Well, I don't have a grill, but you can always grill & roast veggies. (And just because I'm vegetarian doesn't mean that my family is... but I don't divulge that part.)

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I've tried telling the meat truck guy that we're  vegetarians but he told me that he also has fish.  I know some vegetarians that eat fish but most do not so???  At least I was truthfully able to tell the guy that dh is horribly allergic to all fish.  

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(My mind is totally in the gutter.)


Yeah, I wasn't thinking dinner fixins' either.








(My mind is totally in the gutter.)


Such a weird thing to say, right? Lol. A little creepy.


Plus, it's like 90' here today. Not buying meat out of your truck.

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We get meat truck guys at our house every couple months. It's always the same story: "I'm finishing up my route and I have this unsold meat -- I can give it to you for a good price."


Once, the FedEx man showed up right after them and ran them off, LOL. He then came up to my door and told me that he'd seen that these meat guys were scammers. Dunno if that's true, but I appreciated the chivalry. :D

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They rarely come around and I've never bought. So, I can't say anything about quality.


But my brain went to very bad places with the thread title. Since my likes are gone and it's not the first time this week, I think that I'm probably doomed to the WTM "Liker Ladies of the Night".

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I have always heard that meat trucks exist... but never seen one in real life.

I have only seen a few. In our area, they need special permits to sell door-to-door, and apparently those permits aren't easy to get.


Once, I was standing outside chatting with a neighbor when a pushy seafood truck guy came by, and my neighbor told him she hoped he had a copy of his permit handy, because he was going to need to show it to the police when they arrived. He said he'd go get it out of his truck... and then he got into his truck and drove away, never to be seen again. :D

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If the meat was good I might buy it.  I mean...  how useful.  Then again, I hate pushy salespeople.  And it seems so sketchy.


You know what I wish people still did door to door?  Sharpen knives.  I'd pay every time in a heartbeat.  I hate sharpening them myself and I never remember to take them to the hardware store until they're super dull.

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They stop by here about once during the summer every year. I tell him that we are vegetarians and he always looks so sad.


And I have many friends who are vegetarian and vegan and they all have grills and use them often. I don't, but that is just because I don't really like grilling. But, I like eating it at other people's houses, lol.

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