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Eating at family gatherings

Night Elf

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I track my food. Every BLT (bite, lick, and taste). I have a family BBQ today with lots of sides. How do you deal with family members who constantly push snacks and meals on you? I'm already feeling anxious that I can't measure out and track my food. I don't want to discuss how I'm maintaining my weight. I'd rather not discuss weight at all. What can I say to avoid the subject?

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I'm in the same boat. I just keep saying no thank you with a smile.

My trick is to pick out something healthy- even if you know it will push you over your calorie limit. Like vegetables and dip- then fill a plate and walk around with it. If you already have food, its easier to say, sure I'll try that later.

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Eat whatever you are planning on and then stick a piece of gum in your mouth. If anyone tries to push extra on you, tell them you're full and that everything was delicious. The gum should help you avoid temptation too. Hot dogs and mint gum don't taste very well together! 


Is it a pot luck thing? Can you bring a big green salad as your contribution? Then you can fill your plate with salad and then take a portion of chicken or beans on the side. If your plate is full of healthy stuff, it will fill you up without many calories. (I need to start tracking again too)

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Have you tried the MyFitnessPal app? You can punch in "pasta salad" and it gives you the vitamin/calorie/fat content.


Would that not depend entirely on the particular recipe? Pasta salad can be pasta with raw vegetables and a non fat vinaigrette or it can be loaded with mayo, ham and cheese. How would the app know?

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Unfortunately, I'm not doing the food. My grandma want's it catered from the barbeque restaurant. Mom asked me to bring a cake so I just bought one because I wasn't in the mood to bake one. I can resist the foods pretty well, even the sweets because I have a sweet snack every night and I just look forward to it. I'm going to put a little bit of most things on my plate. I don't need baked beans or potato chips. I like the idea of carrying around a plate of snacks. My grandmother always has cut up fruit. And I only drink water and no one says anything about that. I'll just have my bottle with me at all times. Maybe I'll grab some baby carrots and ranch dip on the way over.


I'm bringing the game Apples to Apples. People snack while playing games. Maybe they'll be too distracted to think about my lack of a plate. :)

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Would that not depend entirely on the particular recipe? Pasta salad can be pasta with raw vegetables and a non fat vinaigrette or it can be loaded with mayo, ham and cheese. How would the app know?


It gives you a list of options. When I put cheeseburger in it gave me around 20 options, one of which was exactly what I ate. If nothing else it gives a fantastic estimate, and because it's so convenient I actually do it.

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Do the best you can, but realize that holidays can be harder.  As long as you're back on plan tomorrow, you should be fine.


You can check and see if the restaurant has calorie info online, or find a similar chain to give yourself some idea.  Then pre-plan what you want to eat, and try to stick to it as best you can.  Give yourself the option of more fruit or veggies.

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I agree with previous posters, just say "no thanks" or "thanks anyway, I'm fine".  Hopefully there will be salad or cheese (if you can eat that) , fill your plate with what you can eat and just say "no thanks" as often as you need to.  Will all the meat already have barbeque sauce on it or will you be able to eat it without the sauce.


practice, no thanks, no thanks, no thanks


good luck


if anyone put food on your plate, regardless of your wishes, just go to the trash and toss it (it will be them wasting the food, not you)

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'no thank you' rinse, repeat.


My grandmother had that southern hospitality thing down. she was supposed to feed her guests - but she also griped and complained about people coming over and expecting to be fed.  so, I simply said "no thanks" constantly.  (which also annoyed her  . . . .it was impossible to please her. )

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"No thank you.  How about that weather?"  "No thank you.  How are you lately?"  Rinse repeat rinse repeat rinse repeat.  Don't let yourself feel pressured.  But also don't let yourself feel overly annoyed.  This is how some people express love.  If you're going to allow a cheat, just plan it ahead so you don't go overboard.

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I either say no thank you or if that will be an issue I take it and set it down or surreptitiously get rid of it. Yes, I have relatives who are vastly offended if you don't take it. I track too. I don't even try to explain that. If it's at a party or such I just say I had a big breakfast, lunch, whatever and couldn't possibly eat another bite.

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'no thank you' rinse, repeat.


My grandmother had that southern hospitality thing down. she was supposed to feed her guests - but she also griped and complained about people coming over and expecting to be fed.  so, I simply said "no thanks" constantly.  (which also annoyed her  . . . .it was impossible to please her. )

We have a southern grandma, too. We just accept a drink. D puts his, unopened, on the table beside him and returns it to the fridge before we leave. It's ok, because he HAS a drink. He could open it if he suddenly got thirsty. ;)

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I did pretty well. I took small spoonfuls of most of the stuff and no one even knew because they were so busy eating themselves. And then when we were sitting around the table talking, I just ate grapes. My grandmother asked me one time if I had had enough because there was plenty but I just told her I was good. So easy peasy! Pleasant surprise!

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