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What is your morning routine?

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What is your morning routine Please include wake up time and chores, devotional ( what you include in your devotional) or other opener etc. I am struggling with trying to get our mornings to get started right and I am not sure where to start.




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Get up, [greet kids, oversee breakfast making and eating, oversee clean up] start table time. During the bracketed items, I'm on the computer. During table time we do Bible reading (or try to), and dh reads the Bible at night as well (just explaining why you don't see Official Quiet Time).

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I get up at 5:40, quickly dress for exercise, and have my quiet time. My quiet time is short - pray, read several verses, write down one that really spoke to me, and pray again. I'm out the door at 6:00 to exercise with my sis-in-law. I get back at almost 7:00, grab a glass of water and head to the shower. I'm ready by 7:30, the kids are up at 7:00 and I get the baby up and dressed. We're downstairs making breakfast by 7:45 and finished eating by 8:15. After that we clean up breakfast, and do some chores that vary by the day - sweep, dust, clean mirrors, showers, etc.. We start school at 9:00.


Last year we started school at 8:00, but my dishes were never done and I was too tired after school to accomplish household chores. This is working great! Of course, we've only been at it three days this year so far. :)

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I get up around 5:30, put on coffee, do yoga / meditate for about 30-40 minutes, come in and drink coffee / check email / daily schedule until 7, then feed the children, hustle them off to get dressed, brush their teeth and make their beds. We start school around 8. At some point in there, I throw laundry in and get dressed, but when depends largely on what's for breakfast, whether I need to address some email or scheduling debacle, etc. (At this point, it's almost 9:00 pm and I'm still in yoga clothes - lots of fires to put out today :ack2:)

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You know, this will show how much of a perfectionist scheduler type person I am, but I got tired of never having the mornings I *want* so I just sat down, wrote down what I really wanted to get done--including a leisurely fill in blank here--and then I followed my dream morning schedule. It's still in the process of becoming a habit, though. :)


I get up with dh. I wash my face because it just wakes me up and I use my favorite soap! lol Get dressed. My goal is to walk with dh partway to the bus stop (there's a short cut through our neighborhood and so I get a nice little walk with him and a nice little walk alone back to the house).


Then, I get myself breakfast. ALONE. I take my vitamin. I try to read my Bible a bit (my study time is at night, though). Quickly, before the 2yo wakens, I will either clean in the kitchen or start a load of laundry. Usually can't get both in! lol


When the little guy wakes up, we snuggle on the couch in front of Sprout (t.v.) for about 20-30 minutes. I get him breakfast, we get dressed (if I haven't already) and the other kiddos start dragging themselves down. I've been good about making muffins and stuff the night before, so usually breakfast goes fairly well. If I haven't, the older ones help the younger ones while I start on one more quick chore before the official school day begins.


Then we all get around to starting school by 8 or so. :)

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First off - three of my kids go to school, on three different buses (two high schools, one special needs school) and hubby has a train to catch. Soooo.... I wake by 5:30 to make sure dd downstairs is up - her bus is 6:38 and I know she needs time to eat, get purty, etc. Then make sure ds #1 is up. His bus is 6:50. Stay out of hubby's way as he heads to the shower and I go eat my b'fast yogurt and read the newpaper lickety-spilt. Then get son #2 up at 7 - his bus is not until 8:30 but he moves very slooooowwwwlllyy and if I try to speed him up he just stops in his tracks (ah, autism!). About 7:30 I get youngest dd, my 7th grade homeschool victim, er, student up. I get to shower, eat more food, make lunch for silly son to take, make sure he is still on schedule w/o setting him off, etc. After his bus comes dd gets to math while I walk the dog. Then we do the rest etc. and so on.


i need my quiet time with the paper and hot tea./yogurt from 6:30- 7 or I am MEAN all day!

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What is your morning routine Please include wake up time and chores, devotional ( what you include in your devotional) or other opener etc. I am struggling with trying to get our mornings to get started right and I am not sure where to start.





Get up between 630 and 7, get a cup of coffee and go straight to my chair with my Bible and have my devotions. Right now using Morning and Evening by Spurgeon. Pray. Study the Word. Visit with dh as he gets ready for work. Empty dishwasher. Get kids up about 8. Straighten up kitchen, get school area ready, shoot for breakfast about 830 and start school about 9. We do our morning prayers together, handwriting and spelling, then break for morning jobs (make beds, brush teeth, get dressed etc). Play break if jobs are done well without nagging. Back to school, and on with the day.

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Ok..I'm only posting because I feel someone needs to speak for those who wake up at a reasonable hour.:glare:


9am - wake up...let the dog out...check emails...start coffee

10am - make sure all the kids are up and moving...getting dressed, bkfast and chores done

11am - start school

1pm - lunch and educational show

1:30pm - back to school

depending on the day we'll usually finish up around 4.


My dh works a 1pm-1am shift, so somedays we don't begin until he's gone to work. It's the only time the kids get to play w/him.


There are some mornings that I'd like to begin earlier, but for the most part I enjoy moving on our timeline. We recently moved to the country and it's nice to not be bound in anyway to neighborhood kids getting home from school.

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Wow, some of you wake EARLY!

I'd love to wake up between 9 and 10. I usually have to get up around 7 or 8 though lol.

My little routine is Wake up, start laundry, get a pepsi, change the 2 little ones diapers and get them dressed for the day. Have the older 2 boys bring me their dirty laundry... ask them again, and again lol. Dh usually starts breakfast, I usually walk into the kitchen in time to help finish. We all eat and dh then leaves for work.

This is usually where my day gets hectic.

I try getting the boys to dress decently and brush their teeth. The younger kids play while me and the oldest start school, which is usually around 9 or 10.

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Ok..I'm only posting because I feel someone needs to speak for those who wake up at a reasonable hour.:glare:


9am - wake up...let the dog out...check emails...start coffee

10am - make sure all the kids are up and moving...getting dressed, bkfast and chores done

11am - start school

1pm - lunch and educational show

1:30pm - back to school

depending on the day we'll usually finish up around 4.


My dh works a 1pm-1am shift, so somedays we don't begin until he's gone to work. It's the only time the kids get to play w/him.


There are some mornings that I'd like to begin earlier, but for the most part I enjoy moving on our timeline. We recently moved to the country and it's nice to not be bound in anyway to neighborhood kids getting home from school.


Thanks for posting! I was afraid I was the only mom here who cannot function at 6 or 7 am! I get up when the girls wake me up. That is usually around 7:30. I do have my alarm clock set for 8, so if we aren't already up by then, we can get up. We eat breakfast, brush teeth, etc and then start school by 9. School until lunchtime and then baby naps. Afternoons are for playing outside, crafts, and housework. I really need to start incorporating a mommy bible study into my mornings. But I usually read my bible on the front porch while the girls play outside in the afternoon.

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What is your morning routine Please include wake up time and chores, devotional ( what you include in your devotional) or other opener etc. I am struggling with trying to get our mornings to get started right and I am not sure where to start.





Wake up at 6:30- get coffee, check boards, watch Joyce Meyer/put on laundry/fold

7:30-get on the treadmill and run! (till 8:15)/pray while running

8:15- get dc up and get them breakfast

8:30- 9:15 get in the bath/get ready/fix girls hair, make sure dc do chores then fix my breakfast

9:30-off to school till about 12:30 or 1 (all written work is completed here)

Break for lunch then back to finish history reading/science


I think the quickest thing that gets me off routine is answering the phone, and getting too involved in a thread :001_rolleyes:

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I wake up around 7 and drink coffee for an hour. I try to have my quiet time then. Dd16 & dh leave to take her to high school and go to work at about 6:50.


I wake dd13 up around 8, and she eats breakfast and then starts on her literature at 8:30. This means my coffee hour can now be extended to two hours. :D (I've always planned literature to be first thing in the morning for a reason).


Somewhere in there, around 8:30 or 9, I go wake up dd9 with a story. Then she eats, we get dressed, and I go check on dd13's progress with her literature. Then we get on with the rest of the day (math, Latin, the rest of our English).


Also, if I'm cooking a big breakfast (like bacon and pancakes), I'll do that after math, around 10:30/11.

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Ok..I'm only posting because I feel someone needs to speak for those who wake up at a reasonable hour.:glare:


HA! Would it make you feel better to know that I used to sleep in until 10 or so? Since my boys were little, though (because they are so very big at almost 4), I can't seem to sleep until even 6. It IS a bit creepy. :001_huh: The kids sleep in until 7ish, so that's my only quiet time to think and get things done before the crazy starts.

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Get up at 7, head to gym, back at 8. Shower and eat breakfast when I get back. The kids have to be up at 8 and do their morning devotional time.


8:30 kids have breakfast and I do Bible study with them.

9:00 chores for kids, I start laundry and empty dishwasher.

9:30 school


I've moved my quiet time to the afternoon after school when I have a bit of a break and Romy is occasionally sleeping. The morning is too rushed and I don't do it well in the morning.

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I take my shower at night, so that I can get dressed right away when I get up in the morning. I get up when the dc get up (or rather, I *used* get up when they got up, lol), which is around 8. So I'm up, and dressed, and have my bed made before I leave my bedroom. This does *so* much to help my day start off right.


Breakfast is around 8:30, kitchen is cleaned, then I wash my hair in the kitchen sink :-) after which I wash my face and, depending on whether I have to leave the house or not, I blow-dry my hair and put on light make-up.


We were usually doing any Official School Stuff by around 9-9:30. We rarely did anything Official after lunch. I read aloud to the dds right after lunch, and then there might be errands or general goofing off in the afternoon.

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I get up with dh at 5:30 and I go and exercise at the gym. Then, I come back and do my quiet time. This usually lasts until about 6:45. In the summer I am on the computer until my kids get up (at 8:30 or so), but it the school year, they get up at 7:00 and get going with breakfast and school.

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Ok..I'm only posting because I feel someone needs to speak for those who wake up at a reasonable hour.:glare:


9am - wake up...let the dog out...check emails...start coffee

10am - make sure all the kids are up and moving...getting dressed, bkfast and chores done

11am - start school

1pm - lunch and educational show

1:30pm - back to school

depending on the day we'll usually finish up around 4.



There are some mornings that I'd like to begin earlier, but for the most part I enjoy moving on our timeline. We recently moved to the country and it's nice to not be bound in anyway to neighborhood kids getting home from school.


My sister soul mate!

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Well, now that the kiddos are actually sleeping past 6am (just started happening this summer) I take advantage of the quiet time in the morning for myself. Whenever they get up we have breakfast and before that I'm on the boards (no one else will admit to that!) and checking my e-mail with my cup of tea in hand. After breakfast everyone tidies up his/her own space, we clean the kitchen and we sit down for school. Sometimes that's 8:30am; sometimes not until 10, but it all works out in the end.

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