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I have been decluttering


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My MB is a hot mess.  I hate it, because it's such a mess.  Every time I clear it up though, James Bond comes along and messes it up again.  I love that man, but he's messy and leaves clutter everywhere.  I was thinking about doing some more decluttering/cleaning while he's gone for the next month (he had to go to Hawaii for 2 months for work, the poor thing), but it's overwhelming, and I just don't want to.  I need to get my lazy bum offline and go work on it.  WHY DON'T I HAVE A ROBOT MAID???  In the 50's and 60's they promised that everyone would have a flying car, and a robot maid by 2000.  WHERE ARE MINE???????

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and now I'm full of dust, dander, and pet hair. :nopity:


Am I the only one who ignores cleaning the master bedroom for months on end? I haven't even dared to get behind the furniture or into the closets yet.

Not alone. My husband took all 4 kids to Take Your Child to Work Day last Thursday. It is the best day of the year! I had 8 hours alone...and I spent a good chunk of that clearing out the rubble in our bedroom. Two garbage bags of trash, two bags for GoodWill. I cleared off the changing table that has been piled up with books and outgrown kids clothes (my baby is 3) and moved it out to the garage, folded piles of laundry. I still need to go through my book shelf and get rid of some things, but it feels so much better in there now!

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I'm trying to convince myself to do at least one closet, but it's not working.


I did make my bed.


With Christmas sheets.  But they're clean!!!


You have Christmas sheets?  We have 1 set of sheets per bed (so I don't have to fold those darned fitted sheets!), do I take them off, wash them, and put them back on the beds.  In theory.  I admit that I've slept on my bed more than once with no sheets.   :blushing:   Actually, I would sleep on my mattress all the time if I could, because it's got a cashmere blend cover that is soooo soft.  Whenever I wash our sheets, everyone runs and piles on my bed, because we all love the mattress cover!  Why they put that kind of cover on when it will just be covered by sheet I have no idea.


Oh, look, I'm still online and not cleaning.   :001_rolleyes:

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I started our master bedroom last week. I had no idea dust could pile that high! I always say that our room is the place abandoned things from other rooms go to die. There are piles everywhere. :-( I got a good start last week but didn't finish and then FRI and Sat I was at our homeschool convention and my motivation to finish this project has completely disappeared. Why should I clean and declutter when I now have my very own brand new copy of the WTM to pour over and the perfect mix of classical, CM, and interest-led school to plan (with plenty of movement breaks and arts and crafts thrown in)?! Obsessing over next year's school plan sounds way more fun than De-cluttering my entire house. Sigh....

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Flat surfaces beget clutter. So, my master bedroom is very uncluttered, because there are only a bed (can't clutter it, since we sleep in it), a hamper, a chair, a closed wardrobe, a book shelf full of books, and a small dressser - the dresser surface is the only place where clutter can collect ;-)


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Not alone. My husband took all 4 kids to Take Your Child to Work Day last Thursday. It is the best day of the year! I had 8 hours alone...and I spent a good chunk of that clearing out the rubble in our bedroom.


You got 8 hours?  Lucky one!  I only got from 9:00 - 2:30p free on TYCTWD. 


More power to the declutterers.  Having already gone on my dc binge this year, I can say I didn't know behind and under the washer and dryer could get so dirty!


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A big round of applause for all who are decluttering and a huge hug of support for those not yet up to the task.  


And no, apparently you are not the only one, Carrie :).  In my family, the rest of the house gets cleaned on a regular basis.  But the MB?  Not really.  My master bedroom is a total disaster but the closet was so stuffed with stuff that half of it hadn't seen the light of day in years...and it is a big closet.  I finally actually hired a friend to come help me clean the master bedroom and the MB closet a couple of weeks ago while my mom kept her kids and mine occupied.  She needed the money, she is fantastic at organization and quick decisions and I needed the companionship to keep me going.  But we started in the closet and 8 hours later we quit, completely exhausted and still having never made it into the bedroom itself...at least a lot of the closet got cleaned out.  Maybe I will try again next year...:)

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I must say I like the size of our master bedroom.


Once we have the bed and two dressers in we have about 1 square meter of floor space - and that is the hallway at the foot of the bed. So even if it is really messy it is still easy to clean. 


- oh and our closet is under the attic stairs and the rod is only 1 foot long. 

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Tonight I'm kicking myself for passing over the pretty boxes that were on clearance at Target a few weeks ago.  I went through a giant tub of "I'd better save this" papers. Now I have less-giant stacks of sweet greeting cards, special kid notes/drawings, souvenirs, and newspaper clippings, and nothing tidy to put them in!

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Okay, I got some work done in the MB!!  I pulled 3 boxes of junk out.  Yeah!  There's still so much more to do.  I was texting with James Bond and he said none of it was his fault.  Ha!  I sent him photos of his night stand, which you couldn't even see under all the clutter, and a pile of shoes and CLEAN clothes on his side.  He said the kids set him up.  Yeah.

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I was just thinking today that I need to watch an episode of Hoarders to motivate me to clean my closet. Our room is small, and there is hardly any clearance between the bed and closet... It's not really junky, just full of blankets, too-small clothes, and the oddball stuff that didn't have anywhere to go when we moved here ... Two years ago. Yeah, I know I should just toss stuff since I haven't missed it.


I need to get to Home Depot during a sale and buy a crapload of clear bins.

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I was just thinking today that I need to watch an episode of Hoarders to motivate me to clean my closet. Our room is small, and there is hardly any clearance between the bed and closet... It's not really junky, just full of blankets, too-small clothes, and the oddball stuff that didn't have anywhere to go when we moved here ... Two years ago. Yeah, I know I should just toss stuff since I haven't missed it.


I need to get to Home Depot during a sale and buy a crapload of clear bins.


Haha!  I was thinking the same thing!  Hoarders makes me want to throw out almost everything we own.  


Our bedroom is ridiculously big and weirdly shaped, which leave loads of room for clutter and lots of nooks and corners to stack stuff.  Our bedroom, closet and master bath are over the 2 car garage and are the same size.  We have a strange angled wall between the bedroom and the closet, and a nook off to the side (we do school in the nook).  It's just weird and way too big.  Why builders put in such huge master bedrooms I don't know, because who hangs out in the bedroom?  If you want to give me a big room, give me a massive living room instead.    


Don't get plastic bins!  Get plastic garbage bags and toss it.  I am of the mind of, if you haven't needed it in X amount of time, you clearly don't need it.  James Bond (a hoarder!) does not subscribe to my way of thinking.  Blah.

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Don't get plastic bins!  Get plastic garbage bags and toss it. 

I need bins for the sheets and blankets ... wait, no I don't. We're moving this summer, I hope that for ONCE our house has a proper linen closet. For the past two years, I've kept our clean bath towels neatly stacked on the bathroom counter, next to the single sink. I know, first world problems ... but is it too much to ask that a bathroom has a place to store towels?


I dream of designing my own house. It will have a large laundry room w/ clothes rods & shelving for everyone's clothes (or at least the kids' clothes). It will also have shelves for linen, and will adjoin the hall bathroom. Clean clothes will get hung up & put away right out of the dryer. Kids can access clean clothes and towels on their way to the bathroom where they can get dressed. Dirty clothes go right into the hampers next to the washing machine. I have almost this set-up now, but the washer/dryer is across the house from the "closet room" and bathroom. I LOVE having one place to put their clothes away, and I love that there are no clothes in their shared bedroom. Keeping up with laundry is a breeze and I can make sure I wash clothes before they run out of pants.


I do use clear bins for out-of-season & wrong-size clothes. I'm pretty good about paring down to just the things I can't part with. There is a lot I can get rid of, like the VHS collection that hasn't come out of the box in several years. My husband doesn't part with his things. Luckily he's not much of a collector (except history books ...) but once he gets something, he never gets rid of it. We are in a giant house right now that has a whole room just for his books and "stuff" but we won't be so lucky in another house.

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Haha!  I was thinking the same thing!  Hoarders makes me want to throw out almost everything we own.  


Our bedroom is ridiculously big and weirdly shaped, which leave loads of room for clutter and lots of nooks and corners to stack stuff.  Our bedroom, closet and master bath are over the 2 car garage and are the same size.  We have a strange angled wall between the bedroom and the closet, and a nook off to the side (we do school in the nook).  It's just weird and way too big.  Why builders put in such huge master bedrooms I don't know, because who hangs out in the bedroom?  If you want to give me a big room, give me a massive living room instead.    


Mine isn't what I'd consider crazy big, but it *does cover the area over both of the kid bedrooms and main bath, so it ain't small, either.  The entire house is small, so my room takes on way too much overflow.

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