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Could This Be the Same Wasp?


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For the last few days a large, nasty looking yellow and black wasp has been in my room. I keep jarring it and taking it out of the house. I even walked it to the end of the street and set it free. Last night I took the jar out at night, unscrewed the lid and left the jar there. I just jarred the wasp again!


The thought that this thing is returning to my home, my room and specifically my bed (the place it comes from each time) is really freaking me out. (I have an insect stalker!)

The idea that there is a nest of them in my house somewhere is really, really freaking me out. (oh god, I hate animals!)


The boys were so enamored with it, that I didn't kill the wasp, but now I'm considering it just for some peace of mind its either the same one and if I kill it I'll be rid of it and if it is NOT the same one then at least I'll know, ya'know.


I have moved my bed, my dresser and gone through the closet--I don't see them anywhere and these things are loud anyway! I should here them if there were more. Lord knows I can hear the one. I really don't like using bug spray--we have a small, poorly ventilated house and would have to be out while the house airs.


What should I do?

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I kept getting them in my bathroom. One at a time, just like that. Turns out there was a nest in the eaves. They must die.

Did you call an exterminator or take them out yourself? I don't want to battle a nest of wasp (no matter how big or small!) but I don't want to pay the $$$ for a pro either...

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are wasps yellow? Ours are black and orangish brown here.

I took a closer look and asked Pal. He says it is orange-brown and black. Buddy says it is orange-yellow and black.


What does the color tell you about the wasp?

ETA: Oh, I see, I said it was yellow, not yellow and black.

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You can just leave it in the jar.


No dead wasp smell. Can't escape.


I'm betting on a nest. If you have a nest, you will probably need to call an exterminator, depending on how big it is. A small nest, you can take out yourself.


If it's large and yellow and black, it's probably a hornet. Don't mess with hornets. Pay the exterminator. Google images to see what you've got.


Hair spray works well on a wasp or just a few. Makes their wings stick together. You still have to be able to "hit and run" and be out of the way.

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Drione Dust. We got it off amazon. Apparently it's what the exterminators use. Two summers ago, I was outside with the kids and we noticed a steady stream of yellow jackets going to and fro the siding on the side of the house! DH did a little googling and read about drione. We ordered some and he started puffing it in all the siding cracks he could reach. Activity was greatly reduced! However, over the next several days we would have a few yellow jackets crawl out of the space under the kitchen sink window sill and slowly suffocate on the kitchen counter. Ick! But I prefer to live in a no pest zone!

The dust saved a bunch in exterminator fees and we had a bunch for subsequent problem areas.

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Are you sure it is not a Japanese Hornet? I kill those on sight. They are not aggressive, but their sting is ooooow!, they are invasive and they kill bees so they have to go.


Here they only nest in the forest, but for some reason they spend an excessive amount of time trying to get in the house.




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