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What do you do for exercise if you can't run?

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I was reading the "Couch Potato to 5K" thread, and it made me want to buy running shoes and head out the door - it sounds great!


However, I can't run. I have a bone spur in my hip that rubs on the hip muscle, which is about as fun as it sounds. I've gone the elliptical (low- impact) route, but it gets boring after a while.


So - what do you do for exercise when you can't run? I'd love to hear your ideas :)


Heather in MD

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...you'll find he's a big supporter of strength training, not cardio. Though I like to run, I really believe that strength training is more important! Check out one of his books from the library for a fast and easy read. Hopefully it'll encourage you! :001_smile:

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Rec center are cheaper than health clubs and tend to have a the equipment plus a pool.


you can swim. (please don't worry what you look like) when you aren't swimming laps you can do water aerobics or water running.


keep up the elliptical, but change how your are doing it. ad interval training--sprint for 30 seconds, jog for a min. do that for 30 minutes


add a circuit weight routine 2-3 days a week. to get in cardio warm up for 5-15 minutes before. Then between weight machine do 2 minutes of cardio (I sprint around the track, but you can hop on a bike).


try a spin class (you do not need bike short, shoes with clips, etc to join a class)


If you can't go to a rec center

get some dumbells and learn some basic routines. there are many videos out there the one that in my head right now is the "8 minute" series. Once you learn all the different exercises you can do for strength training work with you dumb bells you can create your own cardio/strength training circuit.


Get some yoga and pilates dvds


I assume you have an elliptical at home if you can't go to a rec center. keep using it, but ad the internal training. Some days do 45 minutes on the elliptical and get a good stretch after. Some days warm up for 5 minutes and go do yoga, pilates, or strength training. (Yoga and Pilates can be great strength training without weights)


Check tapes from the library. Try a few new ones a week until you find the style and instructor you want to use for a while.

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Walk and ride a bike. I personally ride my recumbent bike for an hour most days. That way, someone is watching the boys and I get my workout done in the morning.


I love hiking -- when the weather is cool -- and fall always makes me wish I lived in the mountains.

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I can't run for exercise, nor can I walk for exercise because of knee problems (I've had a disclocating knee cap since I was a child) and because of tedonitis in my feet.


I use an eliptical some, but I've had better success just doing farm work. Things like chopping briars, raking leaves, digging and hauling dirt, moving wood piles, hoeing--anything to provide some resistance to my muscles. I am high-risk for osteoporosis (did I spell that correctly?), and weight-bearing exercise is crucial for prevention. Each season presents its different chores outdoors, and I am trying to use them for my health :)

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I walk about an hour every day. What about pilates 2-3 times per week. Hiking is great, swimming is fun, and of course the elliptical and treadmill. I think you should work all of these things into a rotation. For example...my week looks like this. Walk everyday. Hike once a week, pilates 2-3 times per week. I will probably start including elliptical work a few times a week. Also you may want to be doing some light weight work a couple of times a week too and abs. There is so much you can do. I hate running...unless a wild animal is after me!:lol:

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I'm going to write down all of these ideas and get started on them!!


I used to have an elliptical, but sold it because it wasn't getting used - and we needed the money.


I am hoping to join our local YMCA for swimming, but their pool is closed for renovations at the moment and not reopening until later next month. Then I'll be able to use the elliptical there, as well as the bikes, treadmills, etc. Plus, the Y is less than two miles from my house, so I really don't have an excuse not to go.


Thanks again for all of the great ideas! You WTM'ers are the best!!


Heather in MD

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