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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm in for Monday. Hre is my to-do list


Load dishwasher


Clear off 1 of the rolling bookshelves in prep for listing for sale

Decide if I can part with another 4 drawer file cabinet, and if so empty & list for sale

Sort dd's outgrown clothing by size & season, then list on craigslist. Remember to offer to handyman's wife 1st in trade

Ship sold items

Continue cleaning living room

Photo & list 2 more shelves of books on FB

Get dd's curtains up

Figure out what to do with the giant stack of food mags in the kitchen

Work on budget

Call County agency about the utility assistance app that was supposed to have arrived over 6 weeks ago & still hasn't.

Ask handyman friend for quote on grey water line for dishwasher, since he will be here later this week to fix fridge anyways

Make sure I have enough lightbulbs to replace all the burnt out lights when handyman is here {he does it when he has another job here as I am just too short to change most of them, even with a ladder}

Work on HS need list to carry in purse for upcoming book sales

Shower for both dd & myself

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The 'second day of Easter' is a national holiday, so I'm not tackling anything :lol:!


We are going to visit my sister and eat dinner there.

I'm going to read some Latin and finish reading my scifi book.


I hope everyone has a great day :D.

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Poor Child #2 now has whatever child #1 had and is throwing up periodically.


To Do list:

Clean up whatever got thrown up on

Rewash the dog bed since one round apparently wasn't enough

Pay bills

School for DC #1

Read books with DC #2 when they feel better; plus history lesson since he insisted

Take DH stuff to dry cleaner (ok, maybe tomorrow ;)

Research technology help for both DC

Reorganize education room (working on it!)

Clean out refrigerator

Take a nap to make up for the minuscule amount of sleep I have achieved over the past week. (well this was a pipe dream but I was hopeful)

Try with all possible effort to avoid getting sick   :)



Jean, good luck at the drs.

Sadie, your meal prep post is making me incredibly hungry.

Ameena, good luck getting everything prepped for selling.


And Tress, I agree with Sadie, that sounds like a lovely day!  


Best wishes everyone...

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OneStepAtATime, hope the kids get better quickly!



Dh is off to school with breakfast and lunch in tow. Daddy is leaving today going home. It's been great having him here for the week. 



breakfast for the rest of us

school with ds: Awana, writing, science, math, grammar, history

school with dd: Spanish, Chemistry, Alg 2, Lit, Writing


take dd to Spanish

stay for tea

bring kids home


homeschool group's moms meeting (It's curricula night! We get to discuss curricula, planning, and organizing. Some of my favorite things!)




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Good morning everyone!

We are on spring break this week, something I've been looking very much forward to.


morning chores all done already


B12 shot for Rowan


pick up the boyfriend for her at noon


check out the car we might have found for her, 2000 Chevy Malibu with only 59,000 miles on it!


clean up after a lovely Easter dinner with friends


call compounding pharmacy and try to figure out why one of the prescriptions isn't here yet


call lab and see why I got a bill when I paid for the draw when I was there


enjoy watching youngest tackle the huge chocolate rabbit dh got her


personal reading, guilt free, The Cold War, A New History and Chicagoland Vampires series


probably a bit of a Buffy marathon with the kids at some point

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Write up directions for out-of-towners, email to printer  ---  wrote out on paper so far


Take dogs for nail clipping  --- made appointment for Friday


Clean out guinea pig cage w DD  --- only changed water and washed food bowl 


Mt. Washmore (laundry!!)  --- going on 4th load... still going 9pm


Decide what's for dinner / food shopping  --- DONE


Create a vocab quiz for Latin  --- did orally instead


Post new chore chart for the week  ---  DONE





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Dd2 slept through the night :) anyways

- laundry- tons to fold, 2 loads to wash and dryer and fold. Need to iron dd1's school shirts- done

- dishes- done

- help dd1 with school science expo project- we will do it tomorrow, we have every thing ready we just have to put it together

- tidy house- done for now

- pay homeowners insurance- done

- go to CU and then Walmart for oil change in my car- done

- return movies- done

- return some library books, renew one- done

- dinner- dh is making it

- remember to give dd1 her antibiotic x2- just got to do bedtime dose

- bedtime routine

- hope to read some- after bedtime?

- take trash out so dh can put by road tonight- done

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Our (short) break is next week :)


Another gorgeous sunny day in the mid-Atlantic region!


--some gardening

--some exercise

--laundry: table linens and kitchen towels

--plan out week

--rearrange planned meals to better fit weather (iow, no grilling when rain is expected lol)

--work on plans for next week's trip to WDW :D

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Good morning!

I am waiting at practice for the girls. Than back home, ds2 has a dentist appointment. Regular school, write up final for ds1, work on his list for his trip and start to get his stuff ready.

We have some laundry to do, kids rooms to clean, and I will need a bit of a nap. I think I got a new version of dh's cold and I completely blame him. :)


Have a great day everyone!

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May I join in?


* Make beds - done!

* Walk - done!

* Make appt for portrait sitting at JCP - done!

* Load of laundry - done!

* RSVP to friend about her son's birthday party - done!

* Fill out form to sign DD#1 up for next gymnastics session - done!

* Make appt for blood work - done!

* Finish making DS's name plate

* Work on science plans for next year

* Read


No school this week - this is my third and last week of "maternity leave," lol.  

Edited by mmeblue
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I don't waaaanna. But I will!

-Dishes to put away and breakfast dishes to go in the dishwasher

-Laundry folded and put away.

-Playroom vacuumed.

-Toys tossed into said playroom instead of at my kitchen table.

-Quickly lesson plan because I didn't get to it last night... and then toss schoolwork to the kids.

-Scrub my floors repeatedly because I have two 2 year olds in underwear today who aren't 100% potty trained. Or even 95% for my son. *shifty eyes*

-Make beds.

-Supervise the cleaning up of the Lego room.

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Dh is applying for teaching jobs not quite so far away (current school is 100 miles from home). He got a call today from a school about 50 miles away. It would be challenging drive because of the population and types of roads, but it starts later and would be less of a drive. I think it would be a school with better behaved students as well. Please pray he'll know if it's right if he's offered the job. 



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To do:


Vacuum downstairs


Home Depot for some soil, herb plants

Kohls for sheets for ds

Target for Rx

Grocery Store

Library for some very overdue items  :glare: 


Today is my first day of juicing.  I usually do green smoothies, but am giving this a go.  Wish me luck!

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Grrrr!!! Found out that the last place that changed my oil (not Walmart, it was a local tire place) stripped my oil plug and didn't tighten the oil filter enough. The guys at Walmart replaced my plug for free and made sure my filter was tight. I know that Walmart gets a lot of flack but I love the tire and lube center at my local Walmart, they always let me know if something is up with my car and if they are able to, they fix it. A lot of times with out charging me for it. If they can't fix it, they tell me a good place to get it fixed :)

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Got dd settled with her lit. assignment and did not back down despite her tween tantrum.  I explained that I am required to educate her by the state and even if they didn't require it, we would require it as parents anyway. . . .   


Dh off to work.


Ds settled with his afternoon work.


Went through all the mail and have bills sorted and ready to pay.

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I'm *almost* done with the name plate, should be able to get it done after the girls are in bed.  I got a bit done on the science planning, but it's a bigger job than I had initially thought.  Haven't done any reading yet...we'll see if I have enough mental energy left for that tonight once the name plate is done!  I may just end up staring at the TV.

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Hope everyone with sick family members will be on the mend soon.  


Today was busy....26 bags of mulch is down--60 new plants are in and wild flower seeds are down on the fence line.   I'm tired, but the rain is coming tomorrow and hope everything will get well established and growing heartily.  


Hope everyone has a lovely evening!


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9:23pm and I just got off the treadmill. I ran out of daylight today!


Today's gardening: moved some perennials and bulbs (scooped up daffodil clusters lol), trimmed one last bush, and spread a gigantic box of pinestraw from pinestraw.com (yes, I know large sections of the country have way more pinestraw than they can use but it needs to be shipped here---I won't use traditional bark or wood based mulches because of the treat of shotgun fungus (google it and imagine what that can do to a white house)).


I need to divide some daylilies tomorrow.

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Ran out of likes, but I was liking you all in spirit.  DS now feeling better and ate a bit of dinner.  DD feeling much better but hated the choices for dinner so ate very little.  Working on tweaking some lessons for tomorrow, plus some additional laundry and clean up after dinner, but I am considering my list pretty much done for today.  


Hope everyone has a great evening and gets plenty of rest, wherever you may be.  Best wishes.

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Finally reporting back in. Didn't get most of my list done as I got derailed by the neighbor kids coming over.


Did at least 4 loads of laundry today

Worked in living room cleaning

Sorted last of books to photo & list for sale

did school with dd

dishwasher running


too tired to shower

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