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Ouch! I just fell down the stairs!

dirty ethel rackham

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I have these new super comfy soft athletic socks on and was hurrying down the stairs to get something and slipped down about 6 stairs.  Scared myself to death.  At first, I thought I might have broken my arm, but it was just in a funny position and a little numb - working fine now, but sore.  But, I am one solid bruise down my left side.  That's going to be colorful.  Although I got a little nauseated, no vasovagal syncope this time. 


I am sure that this is the universe reminding me that I am supposed to wear my shoes and ankle brace around the house (I had taken them off because they were getting uncomfortable. )  I wonder how I am going to sleep since I really, really like my left side. 


I downed some ibuprofen right away and am off to take a little more arnica to see if we can reduce some bruising. 


Call me "Grace." 


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I have these new super comfy soft athletic socks on and was hurrying down the stairs to get something and slipped down about 6 stairs.  Scared myself to death.  At first, I thought I might have broken my arm, but it was just in a funny position and a little numb - working fine now, but sore.  But, I am one solid bruise down my left side.  That's going to be colorful.  Although I got a little nauseated, no vasovagal syncope this time. 


I am sure that this is the universe reminding me that I am supposed to wear my shoes and ankle brace around the house (I had taken them off because they were getting uncomfortable. )  I wonder how I am going to sleep since I really, really like my left side. 


I downed some ibuprofen right away and am off to take a little more arnica to see if we can reduce some bruising. 


Call me "Grace." 

I had the same kind of fall a couple of years ago.  Went to the ER and everything.  My arm wasn't broken, but my wallet hurt a bit afterward too.  ER visits of rue then were $100 co-pay.  I was paranoid, i guess b/c I have permanent damage to my right elbow which probably had a fracture at some point that was never treated.  I can't fully extend my right arm b/c of it.  I didn't want anything similar happening with the left arm.


Hope your arm feels better.

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Guest submarines

:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  I fell down the stairs a couple of months ago--I was wearing my running shoes too. I was skipping down the stairs, thinking I could fly. Plop. I found the experience quite scary, and my ankle was sprained badly, but luckily not broken.


I hope you heal quickly.

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That happened to me a year or two ago, only with my leg.  I think I may have bruised the bone.  It hurt for a long time, and in retrospect I sorta wish I had asked the chiro to x-ray it just to see if anything was wrong.  Even after the major pain stopped, it hurt with the weather for a long time.  

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Thanks for the well-wishes.  I am doing much better today, but still very sore.  I even took the dog for a walk (in the SNOW, dagnabbit!)  I am worried that I may have bruised the bone in my hip - the pain is very localized there.  At least book club was cancelled today (several people are sick) so I don't have to clean my house :hurray: .

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I would keep up the ibuprofen for another couple of days, around the clock, as more soreness might turn up over the next few days in muscles you didn't know you had.  (hmm, will ibuprofen exacerbate the bruising?)


FWIW, there's a Tissue and Bone supplement I occasionally take when I'm worried about tendon/ligament injury - it supposedly helps healing.  It seems to help an elbow of mine that gets sore.sometimes.  I started taking that and ibuprofen when I got rear-ended a couple weeks ago (I was fine until 48 hrs afterward when the neck soreness hit like a ton of bricks; I'm fine again now).

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I forgot to say, a doc friend told us the numbness was because of the severity of the pain, that the body just decided it needed to stop feeling it.  My leg went numb from my knee to my toes.  Keep icing it.  If you did bruise the bone, it could be sore for a very long time, like months.  Ice, ice, ice.  

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Glad to hear that I am not the only one.  Sorry for all of you know know first hand how this feels.  I am waiting for my family to start with the klutz jokes.  They love me like that.  When my 15yo nephew was injured last week helping take the tarp off the baseball field and got caught in a huge gust of wind (tarp acting like a sail taking this 6'2, 140 lb kid airborne), you should have seen the superman jokes floating around facebook.  He said he loved them despite the fact that laughing hurt (he has a contusion on the liver, which has ended his baseball season almost before it started.) 

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