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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!

This list will most likely take today and tomorrow.


Organize books that have arrived and start boxing up books to sell (begun but will be a long process)
Everyone clean bedrooms (ds' is done, dd's is almost done, we didn't touch ours)
Clean bathrooms (one bathroom is finished, the kids' and the smallest!)
Clean out kids' bathroom drawers/cabinets
Move ds' legos to bonus room
Put together table for Daddy to have a tv space

Clean office job
Clean out pantry
Plan school for next week

Shoe Shopping


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It's a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in the sky :)

Today's tasks which may carry over to tomorrow:
--drive dd to ballet (dh will pick up)
--go to Shoprite and Staples
--clean up front yard ornamental beds
--clean up veggie garden space
--remove old raised beds (they've been used for seven years and need to be replaced as we don't use treated wood)
--go to Lowe's/Home Depot/lumberyard to price cedar for new beds
--lay out new raised bed design using stakes and string
--finish pruning blackberries and blueberries
--prep dinner; may swap tonight's and tomorrow's meals

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Lets see...
- dishes- done
- fold a load of laundry- done
- boil down sap- done, got about a pint and a half :) dh will gather more sap later today
- tidy house- done
- take dd1 to inlaws to stay the night- done
- dinner- meat pulled to thaw, dh and I are going out with the baby
- read/ self Ed?

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With all that's been going on I totally forgot taxes, thanks for the reminder Jean!

Hope everyone is well and happy today.


We made it home from NYC at 7pm last night, reeling and wiped out totally.

 Rowan is much sicker than we knew.  She not only has Lyme but several co-infections.  We loved the Dr.  Trying to find out now, what, if anything, insurance will cover.  She is going on a long regimin of oral drugs to beat the co-infections and they are putting in a Hickman Catheter for her to get rocephin iv drugs for a minimum of 2 months as well.  Then there are about 15 supplements we need to get her as well.  Kind of reeling from the information dump and can't find out what we need to know until Tuesday.  Which, naturally, is making me nuts.

Also in addition to gluten free, she now has to go high protein, sugar free and no fermented foods.  At least I can work on figuring that out.


Suggestions on the meals would be helpful if anyone knows good products along those lines.



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Good Morning, Ladies!
Today, today today..... another busy Saturday. I hate busy Saturdays. I prefer leisurely Saturdays where I can just putz around. But, not today.
** VBS meeting at church 9:00am
** since I am already half ways to Clovis being at church, I will hit Costco and then come home
** in-laws will probably come by mid-afternoon
** tonight there is a male chorus concert at my parents' church that both my dad and fil will be singing in. They do it every year and since there is never child care we never go. But this year my mom offered to watch the kids, so wet are going
** try to get to the nursery today. My cucumbers all died.

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Good Morning....I slept 12 hours and now feel soooo much better.


Jean...hope you have a good day! 


Lizzie--praying for you and your dd.  


Everyone else...have a great day.


The sun is shining and it's beautiful out.  I've just reloaded my iPod and I'm heading out for 5 miles.  Then home to shower and read and relax.



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First load of laundry is almost done.


I'm a little overwhelmed with the books we have in our house and garage. I really need to sell some, but there are no used homeschool book sales in my area. I hate trying to sell things online, finding cheap or free packing materials, and shipping them unless it is a big group of books. Our homeschool group does let you send out an email of things you have for sale, but I've not had a lot of luck with that in the past. What to do?



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Lizzie, praying for Rowan and you.

I am waiting to pick up from swim practices. When I get home, a quick clean of the house, some laundry. I promised to take dd2 out to look for a new dress for confirmation. Then some quilting and relaxing.

Hopefully, Dh will finish the taxes today.

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Can I join today?


Paint trim in kitchen & powder room off kitchen

DS needs to clean his room

Vision Therapy for DS

Dinner is already cooking, woo hoo!


Hunt down the spider or other creature (ick!) that bit me in the shower yesterday (wow, did I have a scary reaction!  Yikes.)


Lizzie and Rowan - big hugs.  Are you prepared for the herx train that will be stopping in front of your house soon?  My days on Rocephin were rough.  I had a ton of co-infections, too, and they were a tough, long road. If you need a cheerleader - life improves and gets better, it just takes patience, lots of it. ...Oh, and please, please, don't neglect your probiotics and S. Boulardii!  (Oh, and if you are seeing Dr. J or Dr. H in CT - they both rock!)  

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Lizzie--praying for you and your dd!  I'm so glad you at least have a plan of action now. A high protein diet, does that mean meat, veggie sources, or both? 



One load in dryer and a second in the washing machine


Kids' bathroom is cleaned out and reorganized


Lunch is done, too



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About to take a load out of the dryer


Finished planning ds' school for next week


Going in a few minutes to clean the office



I'm adding shoe shopping to the list because there was an ad in our week's mail for a store here in town. The sale ends today. 



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Started off okay, but grumpiness happened.


But now Dh is submitting paperwork, and we will finally be getting refunds for lots of stuff (Dentist, Otho, Eyes, Chripractor....) Dh usually only submits the paperwork twice a year, so we will be getting a lot of money soon. :)

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Lizzie thoughts and prayers for you and Rowan.  I'm glad y'all made it back home safely.


I slept til 10.  I felt horrible but I guess I needed the sleep.
I got up, got going and took #2 to town to pick up a few things
Dh and #1 mowed the yard
Came home and cleaned out the garage

Still to do:
Make a run to the dump--cleaned out the garage
Maybe out to lunch  it's almost 2:00 and no one has eaten since breakfast.

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Pushed older ds out the door to urgent care; throat infection



Trader Joes

garage sales...found a great ocean picture that needs reframing for $4; also found two of those Paris-themed ribbon boards for dd's room for $2; a set of the Courageous book/bible study for $1;  a Roxy jean jacket for $2.  Not bad for an unplanned trip.  :hurray:


To do:



library to renew books, drop off magazine donations



math with dd

possibly go see Noah this afternoon with dh, early dinner


Praying for all of you, and hope you have a great day!





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Julie, hope the grumpies are gone

KRG, hope you feel better.

Back from the office! Man was it dirty. The sub decided not to clean Thursday night while we were out of town. She said it wasn't that bad. Hmmmm.

We're going to get showers, get dressed,go shoe shopping, and eat dinner out.

Check in with you all later.

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I have been lazy, lazy, lazy.  I finished the last of the antibiotics I've been on for 3 months.  And my body is totally worn out.  I have sat here and played a silly computer game for hours.  I was determined to get past this one hard level!  Dh, on the other hand, has been the energizer bunny.  I told him that I felt guilty but not enough to actually get up and do anything.  


So far today I have:

Gotten up.

Made and eaten breakfast.

Made my bed.

Waited for an hour and a half to be patched into my meeting but they never called so I took that as a sign that it was ok to be lazy today.  I didn't have anything to contribute to the meeting at this point anyway.

Took dd to volunteering.  Picked up dd from volunteering.

Ate leftovers for lunch.

Did about 10 minutes of physical therapy exercises.  I'll do some more later.  Maybe.  Unless I get even more lazy.  

Oh and I've taken lots of probiotics to help build up my body again (I was taking it while I was taking the antibiotics too but that was just to keep things from getting worse.)


Dh and the kids have:

Taken stuff to a neighborhood garbage pick-up event.

Took the stuff they wouldn't take to the dump.

Went to some kind of an estate sale.  Didn't buy anything.

Went to REI.  

Cleaned the kitchen.

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What a night!


We went to Office Max to have the binding cut off of some workbooks. 


We went shoe shopping. Dd got 3 pair (bought 2 with her own money). Ds got 1 pair. I got none because I don't think they make a shoe anywhere that I like. 


We ate dinner at Truett's Grill (a 50's themed Chick-Fil-A restaurant that has a sit down side and fast food side).


We went to Kroger and did mega grocery store shopping using coupons and ecoupons and shopping what was on sale.



I've got dd's school planned for this week, too. I'm about to start another load of laundry.






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Dh took us all out for dinner tonight.  Great food - salmon with a lemon chive cream, lime basmati rice, green beans.  Plus a shared apple cobbler with cinnamon ice cream for dessert.  Yum!  (I pretended that the cinnamon in the cobbler and ice cream would off set the sugar and keep my blood sugar from going up. . . )

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