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Any ideas for an easily mailable housewarming gift?


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How about custom vinyl lettering for their mailbox?  I have one where the numbers are big but in a medium to thin font the length of mailbox, with the name of the street under in a cursivey/funky font.  White lettering for a black mailbox.  Really cute.  I used to sell Uppercase Living which is where I got mine. 

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Our standard gift is a fire extinguisher.  It's a little weird, but always appreciated.  Most people are short on funds and we want them to remain safe.  We also tell them to talk to their insurance company.  A few insurance companies will offer a discount on home insurance if they have multiple extinguishers in the home.

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If their new house allows them to entertain in ways their old house didn't, maybe a gift with that in mind? Extra towels if they have a pool or additional bathrooms. Extra bedding if they now have room for guests. Extra place settings or glassware if their dining room is bigger. Outdoor equipment or snow shovels if they're moving up from a condo where this was handled for them.

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I loved everyone's ideas!

Ima gonna go with...

Probably a gift card to Home Creepo (our family's name for it. My sensory sensitive kid christened it that because "the floors are weird. And it's loud. And the lights flicker and too much ORANGE!"


Some pretty seasonal hand towels bc they are going from 1 bathroom to 3 bathrooms!

I liked the fire extinguisher idea but he has that covered. It is his thing, too.

Thanks so much!

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