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Who's Going to Tackle Wednesday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Thanks for putting this on here tonight.


Sleep in because dh isn't home

coffee and computer time


school with ds: writing, science, math, grammar, Awana, history

school with dd: Chemistry, Alg 2, history


more laundry

take dd to library

pick up any supplies for chemistry lab

start white chicken chili soup (from a mix a friend gave me for my birthday, along with 2 others and a really neat ceramic pot to carry to potlucks, etc.)

pick dd up

eat dinner

church & Awana

get Chemistry lab class together

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B'fast, lunch, dinner for me and Han Solo


Make a side dish for Indy and James Bond to take to Scouts for the COH (I'm not going this time, as I know Indy isn't getting anything, and I'm tired of going to EVERYTHING)









Find Indy's Latin comp book.  We had it just a week or so ago, but now we can't find it.  It's usually with his textbook and workbook, but now it's missing.  We need to find it!


Empty and reload the dishwasher 


Give Dutch a bath 


2 loads of laundry (3 if I'm feeling wild!)


Exercise!!!!  (I totally skipped out today!)


Plan the perfect crime


Don't commit said perfect crime, because it would probably involve leaving the house, and who has time for that?





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Plans for today:


-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, History, Biology, Geography

-dd7: Math, Writing, English, Spelling, Geography, Reading

-dd5: games with mama, Spelling, Handwriting, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 to theater class

-take dd5 to gymnastics practice



-study Greek / Latin?

-read a book


My head feels weird and I'm expecting Aunt Flo, so I'm trying to do as much as I can from my list, before the migraine starts.


I hope everyone has a great day :D!

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Good Morning  :seeya:  and Happy Hump Day 

MominHighHeels--you're going to love that movie!


Tress--hope you have a good day and your migraine stays away!


Jean---hope you had a restful night and are feeling a little bit better. 


Have a great day ladies! :D


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No voice today, lovely.


--school, apparently with hand signals :lol:

--drink tea

--take more Mucinex


--drink more tea

--"discuss" resources for paper with dd

--perhaps some more tea

--quiet time on the comfy chair

--make kefta, hummus, and pitas

--dh Mandarin class 5-6:30

--dd ballet 6-8

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Kids got up early, which is good since they have been seriously sleeping in lately.


Listen to lord of the rings

Table school with eldest while youngest watches Bob Brier

Table school with youngest while eldest watches Bob Brier

Quiet reading


Friend arrives and we enjoy winter weather

Maybe stop at the library and find a movie worth watching

Boys play computer and I hopefully watch a movie worth watching


And scatter a few chores among that list. But not to many.

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I could use some prayers today.  Dd and I were watching something last night, and a mother was dying. I had no idea how easily the floodgates would open again. I felt like I was right there, watching it all happen again, missing my mother more than I ever could have imagined possible. Dd held me and comforted me and shared in my grief. How love moves us! 

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:grouphug: Amy.


Back from morning practice. Everyone is up and school will begin soon for those who are working. I have to clean stuff up in my study, the paper must multiply at night. 


To do:


pull some things out of the freezer

"motivate" my teens

kid's bedrooms need to be picked up

over see chores

school with ds3. Try to not cry at the terribleness of my dysgraphic's paper. Do what we can to make it better. And remind myself that he is 100x better than he was last year. High school will be okay.

Make doctor's appointments for a few kids

Find some paperwork for dh (I think he has it....)


Have a great day!

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Thanks, Kristi. We did use that paper, and graph paper and now he is writing on the computer. I would say his writing is competent (average compared with a very average student in our school district). It is just frustrating as we have worked so hard on this and his writing, while improving is, improves so slowly..... and does not reflect his (high) level of intelligence.


It is my #1 worry for this kid. And as he is in 8th grade, it is like I am staring down a freight train.

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I really need some motivation, along with some accountability, so I think I will join this thread! For me today...


  • Work (8:30 - 2pm)
  • We are moving in a little over a week, so I've got to get busy packing! My goal today will be at least 4 boxes. Hopefully more though!
  • Finish my laundry...start dd's laundry.
  • Help dd with her report for school (write 5 facts and draw a picture).
  • Church this evening


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Technology is making life quite a bit easier for him now. I have been holding off on some of the "real" adaptive technologies for him, because he is improving, albeit slowly. But certainly before college, he will need to be able to use all the programs available now.


We have moved from tears and rages about writing, to just doing it with very little complaint. And that is my huge victory this year.

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work 730-830

pick up mail

put away paint supplies now that alcove redecorate project is done

clean kitchen


work 3-6

2 kids have rehearsals until 815 tonight

stop by library and find out why account suspended

school with all 4

phone public high school, ds15 has decided he wants to start in the fall for grade 10 there so have to call to arrange for a tour and more information before we have any further discussion about it


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Lets see...

  • vacuum first floor and dust Done
  • put away dishes from dishwasher Done
  • exercise on treadmill because it snowed --​Walked in the snow...it was lovely
  • school --In Progress
  • prepare dinner--


Lunch time check in...


Got lots of stuff done, now to sew and work on my embroidery work. 

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I'm here! We're doing school. One child is crying. I have no idea why. Better find out. Doesn't sound too serious. Isn't amazing how we mothers can interpret a cry so easily? There's the ol' "I'm not hurt I want sympathy" cry, to an "I'm tired" cry, to "I'm not getting my way" cry, to the real thing. And most of the time, it's not the real thing. This is a "nobody is playing with me, poor me!" Cry.


Well, today it's supposed to rain a bit. I'm happy about that.

** school

** getting my hair done ( finally, I am about a Month over due)

** kids have Awanas


Have a great day!

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I'm struggling to keep up with the usual around here.  I don't know really why.  Just a fatigue that weighs me down and makes everything take longer.  It is 10:30 a.m for me and I'm not even dressed.  And yes, I know the irony of me sitting here typing this.  


Breakfast is done.

Pet care is done.

Kids have been nagged into doing their personal care.

Ds is doing robotics.

Dd is doing grammar.


I need to fold some laundry and hope I can find enough clean clothes to put on.  Either that or sort  the laundry and start a load.  

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Well. School is almost done. We're eating lunch. DS1 is confined to his room. For playing with fire. In the house. I'm sorry, but I came unglued. And he is so cocky. "I was being careful!" Yeah, like all the other kids who burn their house down didn't say that, too! No kid plays with matches with the intent of burning down their house. They are all "careful". They all "know what they are doing." So, all is calm now. I apologized for yelling at him. But he's grounded for who knows how long. I know this is natural, typical for an almost 11 year old boy, but we have talked to him umpteen-zillion times about playing with fire. And we do give him opportunity from time to time to "play" with fire in a controlled, supervised situation. But.... he continues to disobey.

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I really need some motivation, along with some accountability, so I think I will join this thread! For me today...


  • Work (8:30 - 2pm) - DONE
  • We are moving in a little over a week, so I've got to get busy packing! My goal today will be at least 4 boxes. Hopefully more though! - IN PROCESS
  • Finish my laundry...start dd's laundry. - IN PROCESS
  • Help dd with her report for school (write 5 facts and draw a picture).
  • Church this evening

I hate moving. I really hate packing. Unpacking isn't all that fun either. Did I mention we just moved a year ago? Unfortunately, we are renters right now which means we are subject to the whims of others. Thankfully our new home will be much more stable. We can stay there until WE choose to move.


But seriously, we just moved! I can't believe I'm having to pack up and do it all again!

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Laundry sorted and 1 load in the washer.

Kitchen is now clean.

Dd and I did math and survived to tell about it.  She is now out on a run with Rocky our 11 year old dog with Puppy ADHD.

Ds are in the middle of Alg 2 and might survive to tell about it.


I am now going to check the laundry to see if I can switch the laundry around yet.  And then I'm going to put away five things from my desk.  

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1st load all dried.

2nd load washed and needing to be put in the dryer.  Will do that soon.

Alg 2 done finally.  I only got about 20 white hairs from it this time.

Dd and the dog came back muddy but happy from their run.

Quick grocery store trip for frozen fruit for green smoothies.

Made green smoothie for dinner and a rotisserie chicken.



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what is it with kids and fires?  I am sure ds15 thought he was being careful too right before my bed caught fire from him.  He didn't learn his lesson though we still deal with it.  I am also sure he thought he and his friends were being careful before they caught the patch of woods on fire and he had to do community service for the damages caused.  I am not much of a patient mom when it comes to fire.

I am sitting outside the library using wifi waiting for the kids to finish their rehearsal now that work is done for the day.  1 hour left to wait.  Then back home to cook dinner and work on cleaning the kitchen more.  After dealing with the spiders from hell giving me a heart attack I left it earlier to focus on my shelf of science books and purging a ton.  So have to get back to it tonight, though I doubt I will be done.  It has become the catch all since I started this decluttering challenge so it will probably take me the rest of the week to get it looking good again.

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