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IRL people you know of old age pregnancy?


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I don't know ages except for my mom who had me at 40 and my sister at 43. But I do know women who were in their late 40's.  One in the last few years had her youngest who was 10 (so in her late 30's) and then the last baby (I think- we moved and by now they may have moved too since we were all military though he definitely was retirement age). 

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52! My parents good friends. They had kids early, the kids were my ages- through college finally and about gone. They had just downsized their house to a small condo, and bought an rv. It was not really a happy thing- they really struggled with it. My parents were in a hard spot walking the line between "congratulations!" and "ohhhhh...dear....". It all worked out, though, that boy is finally in high school now and they are cautiously optimistic they will get to retire soon after all. My dad still marvels at it- my youngest is only 2 years younger!

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A woman from our church had twins at 53!  She and I were pregnant at the same time.  Oh - and she had a 5 yo at the time.  It can happen!


Oh my word. I had my twins at TWENTY-three, and that just about did me in!

I called my MIL when I saw this article, she had twins but they thought it was one child, she found out when she was in the hospital about to deliver, the nurse took one look at her and told her. My husband was 20 months old at the time. (My MIL is praying for this woman who will soon be very tired)



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I called my MIL when I saw this article, she had twins but they thought it was one child, she found out when she was in the hospital about to deliver, the nurse took one look at her and told her. My husband was 20 months old at the time. (My MIL is praying for this woman who will soon be very tired)





That is insane! I can not even imagine the shock!


OP: Any news?

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A female relative of mine got pregnant at 49 but miscarried towards the end of the first trimester. She and her husband had barely had time to get over their shock when the m/c happened. They had mixed emotions about the loss, which I can totally understand.


Latest age I know of in my social circle for a healthy baby and no fertility treatments having been used, the mom was 46.

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The woman who told me where to apply for my first job had a change of life baby at 42.  For her it was  HUGE blessing.  When they went in for the c-section (planned), they found a grapefruit sized tumor somewhere in her abdomen.  She was asymptomatic for cancer.  She only lived about 7 years after that.  I still feel sorry for her daughter.  


She laughed at the lady down the street.  Down the street lady laughed at her for getting surprisingly pg at 42.  Down the street lady got surprisingly pg at 45.



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I will test tomorrow. The idea of being pregnant is so appealing; the work of having a baby so old is not. I will be either excited and scared to death or disappointed yet relieved.

This will be the last time I will ever test if it turns out negative. DH had the big V done nine years ago. I am menopause age anyway now. So if it is negative, then there will be no chance whatsoever I will be pregnant in the future. I will gladly and quietly anticipate menopause and plan life with dh for the empty nest years! So weighing the two options, I lean more towards the no more pregnancy camp.

Why, oh, why do I still have a little fluttering hope that it is positive? If not for my high age, I would seriously welcome a pregnancy. In fact, my age aside, I would really enjoy the process of preg even though I had two c-sections and two months bed rest for my second baby.

I guess you ladies can understand me.

Sometimes speculating all the possibilities itself brings lots of happiness and fluttering excitement. I used to daydream about climbing Mt. Everest. Talking about traveling adventures even when they are highly unlikely to happen also brings me lots of satisfaction.

My joy from pondering over the pregnancy possibility will end tomorrow for good if the test comes out negative. Then I will plan on all the travels dh and I can make and things that God has in store for me to do that doesn't involve raising babies.

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My husbands father was the 9th child his mother was 51 at the time.  She thought she was going through menopause, her 8th child was 13 at the time.  FIL was a healthy baby/child.  My mom was 37 when my brother was born and I have a friend who was 41/42 when she gave birth to 4th child.  Good luck and I hope you get the answer you want.

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Tested NEGATIVE. I don't experienced any strong feelings because I really don't have any preg symptoms anywhere. I did enjoy entertaining the possibility for a few weeks. So, now I can visualize myself having more time to give to dh and my community. I am way over two months overdue for my period. Thank God I don't have menopausal discomfort of any sort.

I have an annual well check up tomorrow, so I will talk things over with my dr.

Thanks for sharing your stories and for encouraging me.

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I know! Triplets at age 42 is crazy enough, but 4???


I hope she has a lot of family and friends to help.


I hope she has a lot of help as well. I was telling my husband about the article, and he said he thought he was having a mini panic-attack just thinking about it. We have five kids, but neither of us could imagine have four at once and definitely not being 10 years older than we are now.

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Tested NEGATIVE. I don't experienced any strong feelings because I really don't have any preg symptoms anywhere. I did enjoy entertaining the possibility for a few weeks. So, now I can visualize myself having more time to give to dh and my community. I am way over two months overdue for my period. Thank God I don't have menopausal discomfort of any sort.

I have an annual well check up tomorrow, so I will talk things over with my dr.

Thanks for sharing your stories and for encouraging me.



I am glad you have a settled mind about it now, not knowing can be so hard.


May you have much joy as you enjoy the kids you have now, and your future spending more time with your husband.

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I know two women who have gotten pregnant at 47. One was totally shocked. Her youngest child was well into high school. She gave birth to a healthy 11 pound baby.


The other was less shocked. This was her 11th child, and she and her husband were committed to the quiverful movement. She also had a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.


I read things saying that it is almost impossible for women in their later 40s to get pregnant without assistance and with their own eggs. But I know these two women 

A first pregnancy is unlikely, but a woman who has born children is more likely to get pregnant near the end of fertility, because hormonal irregularity causes unpredictability. These babies used to be called"change of life babies" in my grandmother's generation and "last chance babies" in my parent's generation.


My grandmother had her last baby at 41, and stopped having cycles completely at 42.


Tricky, tricky, mother nature.

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I wish we had one more kid. I wish dh didn't have the V done. I have never regretted it until now. It is too late. I need to settle and enjoy what I have.

If it's any consolation to you, my dh has NOT had a V, but I still wish we had one more little girl to raise. I can see her in my mind and cannot relate to those who get to this point with no wish for another. I do enjoy contemplating things I can do without another child to raise, but the truth is, there is no vacation, no interesting experience, no cool car I can drive that is better to me than having another daughter to raise would be. (Not that a boy would be unwanted, but as long as we're talking wishes anyway, another GIRL to love and raise is my highest wish.)

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Oh, quill, quill, quill, I so understand what you mean. If I could go back five years and had the maturity and feelings I have now, I would try to have another child. My friend has three girls and one baby boy. I am so jealous. I never stop imagining how many more children (maybe one or two more) I could have given birth to and how wonderful they would be. It is always hanging there in the back of my mind if or when I am not consciously thinking about it. There is some longing, you know. I had my last when I was nearly 40 and I was on bed rest for two months before c-section was done. So we thought that was it.

Also, dh is a single child. I know I should accept it, but I always wish he had a sibling or two for us to visit, enjoy, and share life and responsibilities supporting his parents with. I have two live brothers and two siblings that passed away a few years ago. I always wish my late sister were able to know my boys.

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