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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Plans for today:


-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Geography (test), Reading, History

-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading, History

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons

-take dd5 and dd3 grocery shopping



-get enough steps

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


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it is -12 out there, wind chill temp today will be -35, so the schools are closed.  That means I will have an additional 4-6 college students at my house all day.  I don't mind.  When they leave, it suddenly gets very quiet, like going from 60 to 0 in an instant.  Aidan is in hog heaven because he is a party animal.


Today, I am going to:

Clean kitchen

Cook and bake

Clean living room

Clean dining room

Groom Aidan


Tidy bathroom


Pay bills

Sign up for health insurance

Make dinner





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There's a 100% chance of snow by mid-day! Dh's school is off for the next 2 days, but he had to report. They said they'll let them go when it starts getting bad, but he has a lot farther to drive than the rest of them. 


We will do school until it starts snowing or he gets home...after that, it is enjoy the weather and play board games!


To Do:

Breakfast for dh


coffee and computer time


breakfast for the rest




watch for snow




watch for dh




....Have Fun!



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I don't mind the cold, but I do mind the cloudiness we're having.


--start chicken marinating soon!

--school: maths, sciences, history, English

--get dd18 at 10 after calculus

--dd14 eye doctor at 11:30


--exercise: Pilates abs and thighs

--order bday present for dd18

--update Goodreads and BaW thread...

--start baguettes tonight

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work diner 5am-6am

work daycare 730-830am

drop ds15 off at community service at 9am

work daycare 3-6


clean something


cook something

littles swim lessons (last one) 6-6:45pm

teens cadets 630-930

fill gas tank again(3rd time since Friday, I need my new tire on there, the spare is horrible on my mileage)


work on coursera course

look up recipe for moon cakes to take to work this afternoon found recipe, too hard for daycare kids to make, so making cupcakes instead


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Good Morning everyone!

Well, no cold for us. It's supposed to hit 70 again. But, there is a chance of rain on Thursday. We are all praying hard. I have never seen the landscape so dry in my entire life. It is actually scary!


On the docket for the day.....

** school for the kids

** housework for me

** work on the budget. January has been an ugly month. Gotta figure out if prices really are going up that much (our energy bills sure are) or if we just had some unusual spending this month. Usually we are pretty good about living within budget.

** dd has tumbling this afternoon

** DS has a basketball game this evening


Have a great day, gals!

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Well because I got locked into a room for 3 hours last night before everything was done I still have a few things from yesterdays list.


~Vacuum upstairs

~Clean my bedroom

~DS Math

~DS Phonics

~DS Reading

~DS Reflex math

~DD phonics

~DD math

~Pay bills

~clean kitchen

~clean bathroom

~clean downstairs

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I missed posting yesterday, but we got back late Sunday (or early Monday) and yesterday was mostly spent doing laundry and driving for hours in a snowstorm.

I am back from am practice and have to get all the kids going on school.


school for kids

check up on teens

get wiper fixed (froze to the windshield last night)

get to the bank

start planning summer (have to get some dates to my MIL)

oversee chores

random housework

if time, work on decluttering project

pm practice: swimming (2 locations)



green smoothie

write 30 minutes

art/craft 30 minutes

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finished morning shifts at both jobs and got ds15 dropped off.  Came home and realized dd14 had latin class and she was 30 minutes late for it so hollered at her to get up, she is now in her class.  I am ready to lie down again but I think the others are going to be getting up shortly so I probably won't get a chance.

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My mom is not responding this morning, and her ammonia levels were up last night (which can make you go in a coma). Please be praying for her and our family. Thank you all so much.

Amy, does she live with someone who you could reach or is there someone nearby who could check on her?  Police will do welfare checks too, if needed.  

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Jean--she is in a rehab facility. I meant she isn't waking up or squeezing anyone's hand. My dad and younger sister are with her. It has started sleeting here and more is coming, so I am hesitant to try and get up there. 

I'm sorry, Amy.  I am glad that she has nursing care and has family with her.  I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to drive in that weather.   :grouphug:

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To do-

Wash comforter for guest bed

Fold load of laundry in the dryer

Vacuum upstairs

Wipe counters in both bathrooms upstairs

Make dinner-turkey teriyaki meatballs, rice, ginger spaghetti squash, salad with ginger dressing

Geography and history with dd1



Math, cursive, and writing done with dd1.

Math, handwriting, phonics, reading, and science done with dd2.

Letter and puzzle done with dd3.

Kids and dogs got lots of outside time because ITS SNOWING!!! ;-)

Swept kitchen and dining room, and entryway

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Ice day here.

House is still clean :)
I canceled school
Kids are playing
Dh is working from home

Not a whole lot to tackle. I've enjoyed catching up with friends on fb this morning :)

Amy, praying for your family.  How are you feeling today?

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Plans for today:


-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Geography (test), Reading, History

-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading, History

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 and dd7 to music lessons - DONE

-take dd5 and dd3 grocery shopping - DONE

-library - DONE


-treadmill - DONE

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit) - DONE

-vit D & multi & fish oil - DONE

-NO SUGAR - fail, ate some sweets


Dh cooked dinner!

I went to a friend to pick up some stuff for our rabbits.


Now, off to put the kids to bed and read a book.


See you all tomorrow.

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Well, school's done. Had a pretty lousy day with difficult children. Lots of disrespect and rudeness. Dd7 threw 2 enormous tantrums. I can't figure out why she's doing this at her age. Anyhow, she's at tumbling class right now. Dinner's smelling good in the crock pot.

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Krissi, I hate to tell you this, but dd12 threw an enormous tantrum today at her much older age. . .  RC has already talked me down once today . . . .  She's more pleasant at the moment but is still driving me absolutely crazy.  (Dd, I mean, not RC, though I'm sure that RC is pleasant at the moment. . . )


Tidied and cleaned kitchen, dining room and living room with dd12's help.  (Yes, that is a positive.)

Folded and put away two loads of laundry with ds16's help.





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Finished afternoon shift at daycare.  Kids finished swimming lessons, ds10 passed, dd6 did not.  Teens are currently at cadets.  Headed to the diner to do my night time clean up before I go to get the teens.  littles did a bunch of Lang arts and math today.  Teens will watch another lecture from TC superstar student.  Of all the TC lectures we are currently working through this is their favorite set by far.  I didn't have to cook as we had left over chili tonight, I did get the laundry started and put gas in the tank.  Garbage can will be wheeled out on our way out the door, and then when we get home from cadets while the teens eat and watch their lecture I will get some cleaning done, and finish up with reading a few pages in bed.

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