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Need to spend funding on 5 year old


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I have about $500 worth of funding that I need to spend in the next few months on my 5 year old.  We have TONS of books, Usborne, Five in a Row, all the Stuart Murphy Mathstart books, Life of Fred, novels etc. He is the fourth child.  Is there anything that you can think of in your homeschooling room that your kids just love...games, puzzles, books, workbooks, manipulatives etc. that you could recommend?  


We do Five in a Row plus he does Math U see, Explode the Code and handwriting without tears.  He isn't reading yet and he loves playing games -- Stratego and Uno are two of his current favourites.  


Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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They won't cost much, but I would purchase c-rods if you don't own them. Use them w/education unboxed videos for ideas. They aren't used in our regular math curriculum, but have been invaluable with concepts we just weren't getting otherwise. *edited to add: Can you purchase magnatiles building toys? Those have been, by far, the most played with toy in this house for many years.


Magic Schoolbus Science videos come in a set now, if you're ok with screens. Do you have a nice whiteboard? Any games would work, or those with strategy/numbers etc.? Would Blokus work? Rush Hour? There is a visual spatial component to those, and they are good games if you don't own them. Does he know how to play chess? If not, the No Stress Chess game is a great way to learn. Anyone in the family could play with him, and he still has a chance to win as he learns how the pieces move.

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Lucky you to have funding for a 5 yr old, I am used to not getting it until 6 yrs old.  What I really am happy I did is over the last several years I bought bigger items used for higher grades even when my kids were small.  A good microscope, a telescope, high quality art supplies etc.  When they were small their curric and supplies were fairly reasonable in price and I would have more funding than I needed.  When they got older their curric is very expensive at times and knowing I have good quality big ticket items and supplies already makes it that much easier to teach junior high and high school.  About every 2-3 years I would put in a huge order for colored paper, paint and other elementary art supplies and they would last us until the next order.  It really worked well.  Next year when 2 of my kids are registered in 10th funding changes for me and I am so glad I planned ahead and have all those science supplies, art supplies etc for their high school years.

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I like the idea of big items but I think we have most of it already except the microscope and that we borrow from the school as they have a really, really good expensive one.  I like the idea of a huge amount of art supplies, we go thought so much paper and paint!  


Like the idea of DVD's as we only have Canadian Netflix, no cable or anything and our library is tiny and doesn't have DVD's so that could be really helpful.  Love the look of the David Attenborough ones but can't seem to find them outside of the UK?  The kids got really excied about the Disney imagineering ones as we say clips on youtube (even the 14 year old was interested) so I'll look into that.


As for funding, we are in Canada so we get funding if we enroll with a Distance Learning school (basically we have to report every now and again on what we are doing.)  For the past few years we've been given about $1000/child but next year they are cutting it down to half that and are putting a lot of limits on how we can use it.  Makes it less appealing to sign up with a Distance Learning school as there are a lot of hoops to jump through but for the funding we currently receive it is worth it for us, next year I'm not so sure!

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This may be a dumb question, but how do you get funding to homeschool?

It depends on where you live, here in Alberta all homeschoolers are required to register with a school board, in exchange the gov't gives funding based on how you register.  I know there are some charter/umbrella schools in BC, and in the US that also offer funding if you register with them.  From what I understand there are very few states that do this, and only the 2 provinces in Canada, it is not common at all.

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Not reading yet?  Maybe purchase All About Reading curriculum!  Amazing!  We also have the DVD set of Magic School Bus which are great time fillers for my 6 year old when I am still busy with her brothers.  I would look at manipulatives too.  Dry erase markers are a hit here too and we have multiple boards for spelling, drawing etc.  thus we always need more markers.


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How about:

Educational puzzles and board games(Geo Puzzles, Qwirkle, Rory's Story Cubes, etc.)

Educational DVD's such as Magic School Bus, Liberty's Kids, Leap Frog etc.

Audio books

Art Supply's(you could get some nice stuff)

Toob Toys

Cuisenaire rods


Can you use some of the money for outside classes at all? Like art, music, or some kind of exercise. That might be a good way to use some money.




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Foreign Language.



We use FlipFlop Spanish.  So far the lessons seem to cover the same stuff as the free Salsa Videos from Georgia Public Broadcasting.  I've also made a number of games to practice Spanish as support to the curriculum.  You can also purchase FlipFlop from amazon.

We also make use of the Usborne Spanish Dictionary.



Teach Me Everyday French  Dd's K1 Enrichment teacher is teaching the kids some French phrases, so I bought this to ride in the car.



If I had money, I'd get Better Chinese to supplement what we learn from the local Chinese School.



We haven't cracked it open yet, but everyone else seems to like Song School Latin.

Little Pim is available for several languages, but may be a little young for 5yo; maybe someone who has Pim can comment on it.


You don't have to do all of these languages, but you could pick one.



Also, I've also bought ahead when I have funds.  I have a copy for each girl of Explode the Code, Wordly Wise, and cursive stuff.  I have math through pre-algebra for both girls.  I have phonics K-2 for both girls.  (Younger girl is currently 3).


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I second the art supplies!


* get really good beeswax crayons and/or some nice colored pencils - my girls love these (youngest goes through 2 packages a year - she prefers them over her crayons!)


* lots of construction paper and paint.  Discount School Supply has really nice watercolor paper, too


* Kinetic Sand- DD's charter paid for this last semester.  It keeps her busy for about an hour (this is my constantly in motion kid)!  Plus, it cleans up VERY easily (as opposed to my nemesis, Moonsand, which I'm  still finding in the nooks and crannies despite getting rid of it a year ago.)


*Zometools - a small set will keep all the kids involved - elders can make geometric shapes while your youngest can simply create freeform objects.


I also have to use up some funding from this year for my 6 year old, so I'll post again if I find anything else.


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I second the art supplies!


* get really good beeswax crayons and/or some nice colored pencils - my girls love these (youngest goes through 2 packages a year - she prefers them over her crayons!)


* lots of construction paper and paint. Discount School Supply has really nice watercolor paper, too


* Kinetic Sand- DD's charter paid for this last semester. It keeps her busy for about an hour (this is my constantly in motion kid)! Plus, it cleans up VERY easily (as opposed to my nemesis, Moonsand, which I'm still finding in the nooks and crannies despite getting rid of it a year ago.)


*Zometools - a small set will keep all the kids involved - elders can make geometric shapes while your youngest can simply create freeform objects.


I also have to use up some funding from this year for my 6 year old, so I'll post again if I find anything else.

Zometools is a brilliant idea. We just got some for Christmas and they have been a huge hit. I wish we had the giant kit from HSBC.


What about the Atelier Art dvds? You could use them with all of your kids. My husband, 9 year old, and 6 yar old did the same lesson in level 2 last week and all enjoyed it.

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500 dollars for K?  Wow!!!


I would just load up on science supplies, all kinds of math manipulatives, history components (timelines and such), add to your personal read aloud library, PE style equipment, subscriptions such as Little Passports and magazines.


Can you use some for educational field trips or memberships?


Is this how much you get? Or some left over? I could educate a child for about 2-3 years on 500 dollars!!!


Can I move to Canada?

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The students receive about $1000/year in funding...it is supposed to go down to about $600 next year.  It was easy to spend the funds for the 14 year old as the books etc. tend to be expensive.   As for putting it towards memberships, yes that is possible but we live on a remote island so there isn't anything for us to put it towards....


I think the zometools and snap circuits look interesting...hands on is always a hit.  Love the Little Passports program...will see if that will work too.  Thanks for all the suggestions, I've made a note of them all (the DVD's were a great suggestion as the kids love the documentary type shows and they would be appropriate for most of my kids!)  so that I have ideas for next year as well!!

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Science lab supplies are expensive-- but a great investment! A quality microscope (with training, our 6 yr old has done well with a compound microscope geared toward high school / college level work; soooo glad we didn't pay for a flimsy K-5th model); droppers; stains; slides + cover slips; storage for slides..... And that's just for microscopy. If I had the funding, I could easily dream up lots of other lab equipment I'd love. :-)


Have fun shopping!

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Put in an order for



Snap circuits

Some science kits (don't usually go for these but I think he'll like them)

And Tons of Audio books because I'm tired of listening to the Odyssey titles we currently have!)


Still have money left over for art supplies.


Thanks for all the great suggestions

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The students receive about $1000/year in funding...it is supposed to go down to about $600 next year.  It was easy to spend the funds for the 14 year old as the books etc. tend to be expensive.   As for putting it towards memberships, yes that is possible but we live on a remote island so there isn't anything for us to put it towards....


I think the zometools and snap circuits look interesting...hands on is always a hit.  Love the Little Passports program...will see if that will work too.  Thanks for all the suggestions, I've made a note of them all (the DVD's were a great suggestion as the kids love the documentary type shows and they would be appropriate for most of my kids!)  so that I have ideas for next year as well!!


You must be in BC, we are too :)

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Are you all going to do anything about the changes in funding?  It's a big deal in our area, but people also want to keep it out of the media and/or keep it quiet because they think it will cause tighter controls.  And there are the registered people locally who keep saying "we told you so".  Ugh.  I wish the ministry would just enforce the rules they already have instead of adding more on.



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We're on beautiful Mayne Island (southern Gulf Islands)...moved here in July from Vancouver.  The funding situation is discouraging to say the least...each year there are more contraints and hoops which is getting tiresome.  I plan to phone the Ministry this week to figure out what is going on and to see what I can do to change it.  I don't think fear of the media is a concern of mine.  It is well known that private schools receive funding and I'd like to see the Ministry mess with that as I'm sure a lot of the parents from the private schools would be up in arms.

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My 5 year old loves to paint, color, draw, etc. I would invest in some prisma color colored pencils for the long run, a membership to a zoo or museum and do some of the programs. I would also buy an ipod or ipad because I love the games and librivox app for free ebooks. Classical music CD's. And a few games.

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