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flea control for dogs--what works best for you?


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One of our dogs keeps getting hot spots that I'm pretty sure are related to fleas. For the sake of this thread, lets assume that they ARE flea related and not food/allergy related, which is a whole 'nother topic that I've already studied and addressed.  Regardless, I KNOW we have fleas. What kind of flea control do you use and how well does it work? Both dogs are medium-sized and short-haired, and they mostly stay inside.

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I don't know about "best" but I've been using Frontline Plus on multiple dogs for years and years and it's never let me down.  But there are a LOT of anecdotal reports about it losing its effectiveness in various parts of the country.  As long as it's working for me I'm going to keep using it.  I know it has a long safety record, and that's very important to me.  If I ever need to switch to something else I'll go by my vet's office and ask about which product seems to work best in this area.  I have a very (very) long relationship with them, so I know they'd tell me the truth and not just recommend whatever product they make the most profit on.


For an active flea infestation I would first treat the dog with Capstar and then with whatever monthly product my vet recommended.  I would also treat my house and yard.

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We use a monthly pill that I think is Comfortis.


I second Paws. Capstar is very effective for knocking the fleas off her body now -- or, within the next 30 min or so -- and give a good soothing bath with oatmeal wash or something else soothing. If you don't follow up with a preventative, though, new ones will just hop back on. That's the Comfortis.


I just really want ro recommend that bath with a soothing shampoo or conditioner. Her skin is inflamed and irritated and will feel better.

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We just went in last month and had fleas on both our dogs.. I can't complain that a product was not working because we were not currently using one, and this was our first time with fleas. That being said when discussing options with the vet, they mentioned fleas this year (we are in Washington State) have been horrible and they are seeing dogs who have been on Frontline even becoming infected. They started us with Capstar and then them Confortis as the monthly protection.

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Adams............. not the cheapest but not the most expensive either. No prescription required, carried at Walmart.

Works great.......... haven't seen a flea or tic or ANYTHING on dear dog since switching from a more expensive brand. Dear dog has had

zero negative reactions either.

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