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I need help with gratitude - Christmas "windfall"


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Please help me to feel more grateful about this:


I have always said that I don't want my kids to have those electric cars they can drive around the yard, mostly because we don't have much room for them.  I also feel like they're pretty extravagant for kids and something that would tough for a young child to take care of.  


So the long and short of it is that my husband entered a sweepstakes and we won one of these things.  He thought we'd never win in a million years and only did it as a fun thing with my son who has always wanted one.  (I'm not posting to complain about him entering- it was a huge long shot and we're both shocked we won at all.) I want to be happy and grateful about this so please shower me with stories about how fun these things are and how much your kids love them.


I'm off to pick it up before the store closes for Xmas Eve.



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I never owned one as a kid but my nanny's son had one and we used it ALL the time!!! It was soo much fun.  I don't think I'd ever buy my kids one because they are expensive and we have a small yard.  I would certainly allow a grandparent to buy one if they wanted when we have a bigger yard.  No advice on kids taking care of it.  As a kid our toys were always ours and if we didn't take care of them they would break and we knew that mom and dad WOULD NOT replace them.  It taught us to take care of everything we cared about.

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Congratulations to your family for winning the raffle!  Whenever I win a raffle, I consider that a gift from God and I know that I have had very good luck.. I entered a raffle for one of those (electric powered car or 3 wheel motorcycle), when DD was much younger and we won. We live in a huge rural subdivision that is very flat and with her mother and/or me along, she could ride it on the streets here, because there is very little traffic here. You are correct that they are expensive. The one we won was built in Mexico, but I can't remember the brand name.  We sold it to a family member, after DD outgrew it and wasn't using it.

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They are a blast! I would never buy one because of the price, but there are a lot of kids in this area that have had one. Most the parents have rules about when and where the kids may drive it. All the kids I know of were allowed to park it in the garage or would taught to cover it when they parked it. You can always resell it when the kids outgrow it too.

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My nephews have a couple. My bil pulled them out of dumpsters (at different times) he also found a couple of battries for them in the trash. He hooked two batteries up to the same car so it goes ridiculously fast. I probably wouldn't buy one either, we have a decent sized yard, but not big enough to really take advantage of something like that. BUT the kids love them and have a lot of fun. I wouldn't expect a child to do anything to take care of it except to put it away. And I would tell them everytime they come inside to put things away. (I do that anyway with balls and bikes and scooters)

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I'd feel the same way, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll get used to it.  ;)  My kids' aunties have been threatening to buy those for years.  Every time they mention it, I come up with some reason why it's a terrible idea, LOL.  They aren't old enough, they aren't young enough....  Personally I want my kids to have to use their muscles more.  But I am sure the kids will love it and you'll love watching them enjoy it.  :)

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I'm not sure why we eventually bought one for my son when he was little BUT he LOVED the thing. We used to take it to the park and he would drive around for ages. His little friend and he had awesome adventures in it. When he outgrew it, we passed it on to someone else. It was well worth the expense!

Look forward to all the happy memories he will create.


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How old is your son? My in laws found two at a garage sale last summer and my 3-year-old thinks they are the best thing ever. It's actually a lot of fun.

We live in a small town with a large yard and lots of sidewalks; we are considering buying one for our son's next birthday just because he loves the one at his grandma's so much.

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Indy had 3 of them when he was younger (my parents bought them all-electric 4 wheeler, John Deere Backhoe and a John Deere Gator), and he enjoyed them so much.  We had a huge back yard at one point, so he drove them around like a mad man.  We made him drive them into the garage when he was done, so he learned to take care of them.   My parents wanted to get Han Solo one for Christmas, but I told them to hold off at least until his b-day.  We'll teach him to take care of them too.

I hope your son enjoys it.  What a great gift!  You'll enjoy watching him drive it.

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My kids loved theirs.  My dd got a Barbie car when she was pretty young, 3 or 4 maybe.  It was such a hit that although we always swore we'd paint it black or camo for my son a few years later, he drove it all around even though it was bright pink.  LOL.  The only danger that we ever saw was on hills--stick to FLAT land.


This is one of those toys that will live on forever in my kids' minds, even when they are elderly.  Have FUN, and I hope you can enjoy it as much as your ds will!

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I am sure they will love them. We owned one (a gift), and it was used a lot. Also, several neighborhood boys owned them as well. It was so funny to see them all "driving" around our neighborhood. They all got used so much (daily), the tires eventually wore down and were beyond further repair. I was actually very sad when the day came that my kids were too big for ours. Enjoy! 

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