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Just for Fun: Confess Your Holiday Blunders

Crimson Wife

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I got a notice that the photo book I ordered for my parents shipped and when I opened up the FedEx tracking page, realized that it is en route HERE rather than to my folks' house. Even if I turned around and FedEx'd it to them immediately, it wouldn't get there by Tuesday. So I had to call my folks up just now and apologize for my boneheaded mistake.


I can't be the only one out there who has messed up this holiday season- share your blunders!

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I lost one of dh's gifts. I'm in the middle of a bunch of gift wrapping and I had to search all over my room. I finally found it though. Not like last year when I lost a couple gifts and could not find them. Turned out I'd already wrapped them but I didn't discover that until Christmas day when the recipients opened them. :p

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Once many years ago at Thanksgiving at my parents' house I was trying to help my mom out by cooking sweet potatoes the way my mother-in-law did it, with raw sweet potatoes. My mom always bought the canned ones. Anyway, I didn't realize you had to boil the potatoes before putting them in the oven slathered in butter and brown sugar. They weren't very tender...kinda crunchy actually. Thankfully I've learned a few things since then.

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I got a notice that the photo book I ordered for my parents shipped and when I opened up the FedEx tracking page, realized that it is en route HERE rather than to my folks' house. Even if I turned around and FedEx'd it to them immediately, it wouldn't get there by Tuesday. So I had to call my folks up just now and apologize for my boneheaded mistake.


I can't be the only one out there who has messed up this holiday season- share your blunders!

Call Fedex. They can reroute it once it gets to the Fedex station in your city. Maybe they can get it there for you afterall??

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This isn't recent and is only half of a me blunder and half my mom.


When I was younger I peaked into 2 bags of gifts that were not wrapped yet.  One of the presents was clearly for me, it was a puzzle I had asked for.  I was so excited about getting it!! Come Christmas I never got it.   :confused1:  I was confused and pretty bummed but I didn't ask where it was because then they would know I looked.


Well 2 months later we were playing hide and seek.  I went to hide in the bathroom that was being slowly remodeled whenever my dad had time to work on it.  There were 2 bags of wrapped presents in the bathroom.  My mom had entirely forgotten she hid presents there and with 7 kids to shop for and 7 kids opening presents all at one she had no idea some people didn't get some of their gifts.  My puzzle was there!

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My family considers it a blunder, but I don't.


A few years ago, I made raspberry macarons with a chocolate ganache filling. The raspberry flavoring was reduced from the actual fruit. I processed blanched almonds for the cookies. I used drawn circles to make each cookie the perfect size and shape.


I loved them. DH and the kids did not like them, at all. Each took one bite and declined to eat the rest. Half the batch went into Christmas bags given away to friends and neighbors, and I picked at the rest over the remaining week. I was so disappointed.

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My eldest's first Christmas I completely forgot to "do" a stocking.  My husband was deployed, I was living back home with my mom and I guess I got back into the "kid" mindset ... like, it never occurred to me to get my own kid a stocking! I just went to bed expecting there'd be one for me in the morning. Like every other year. LOL


That child is now a teenager. My mom still makes up the stockings (for me and my kids!) mostly because she's more into that anyhow, somewhat because I usually work on Christmas and am not home, but a teeny bit because I'm so absent-minded she sincerely fears I'll forget to do it myself.  I retired earlier this year, and a few weeks ago she mentioned it was my turn to take over the stockings ... but again, I had forgotten until today when she said she had picked up a calendar for each kid for their stockings. Close call, re-blunder avoided. :scared: I went shopping today for everything, and set my phone to alert me at 2am on the 25th lest I forget to fill them after Mass.



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My youngest son usually has the honor of passing out the presents from under the tree and then opening the first gift.  He's always so eager.  He began opening his present last year, and seeing something pink and green and blue.  I finally exclaimed, "Oh, those are supposed to be your sister's!"  I put the wrong name on the tag.  I worried the rest of the morning what else I'd mislabeled.

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I ordered a toy from Australia this year -- before Thanksgiving -- and it's still not here.  I don't have much hope that it will arrive before Christmas.  The company has told me that it reroutes through China and the China people told me they don't know where it is.  "Should be in America.  Should be here at your house soon.  Give it a couple more weeks."

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I was so excited about finding a biography of Albert Payson Terhune for my mom (xtreme dog lover) and thought it was such a thoughtful gift and that she would be surprised and respectful of my research monkey coolness and willingness to spend a bit of extra money on a hard-to-find perfect gift.


It wasn't until the book was in my hands that I knew what search terms to type in to find out what dog lovers already know: APT isn't that obscure, the book is so well known that she's undoubtedly already read it, and I didn't even get a particularly good price for it.


To top it off, I got an email from her today that says she's rethought and updated her spending habits and is indulging her bibliophilia rather than her frugality by allowing herself to buy books she wants to read and then giving them away without guilt.


Go, Mom; I'm thrilled and think this is totally appropriate and well deserved, but I feel like crap for essentially buying myself the present of reconnecting with one of my favourite childhood authors and saddling my poor mother with an unwanted and unneeded extra trip to the goodwill donation dropoff.


Next year I'll stick to schmancy dog biscuits for my "fur-sisters". :(

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One year when I was probably about 19 or 20 years old I was at my boyfriend's mother's house for Christmas dinner.  Even for regular meals she set a fancier table than we did at my house, so the dinner felt very formal to me.  His mother had Christmas crackers, which I had never seen before, and we pulled them open when we sat down at the table just before passing the food.  I ended up with a little bear on a swing for a toy.  It was very cute, so I played with it for a minute.  But it fell off the swing and I noticed that it had been held on there by a pole up its butt, which caused me to start giggling.  I just. could. not. stop. giggling for probably 2 or 3 minutes.  And everyone just stared at me.  In hindsight, I should have left the table until I composed myself, but I just sat there laughing like a fool.  :lol: 
I was pretty mortified, but I'm still laughing thinking about it.



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Oops!  Just noticed it was supposed to be this year's blunders.  So here's a minor event that made me grumble and everyone else laugh:


I have been baking like mad this week in preparation for holiday parties.  I brought one plateful to a piano recital party for the kids in the afternoon, but I still wanted to make cookies for the dessert platter for dh to bring to work for his annual party today.  I had everything finished except for the cookies, so around 11pm last night I got the dough made up.  I was already tired when I started, so I planned to make a batch to put on the platter and then put the rest of the dough in the fridge so I could go to bed.  Mind you these are pressed cookies using a plastic cookie press I got at the grocery store on clearance for $1 a few years ago, and it is persnickity to use. 


And I overcooked the first batch.  So much for going to bed.


I adjusted the oven and got another batch cooked.  When I went to take them out of the oven, for some reason the potholder was wet.  I burned my hand through the wet potholder. 


So in a fit of frustration I threw the wet potholder across the kitchen and dining room, toward the stairs so I could bring it up (hopefully in a few minutes) and put it in the laundry.  Only it didn't go where I wanted it.  Instead it hit the water compass my 11yo had made as a science experiment earlier in the day, which he had left on the dining room table after dinner, and splashed water into a pan of cut peppermint stick brownies.  :glare:




The kids laughed at me, and said that the brownies were only a little bit soggy on the bottoms...   it didn't stop them from eating them, though.



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There is a present I wrapped, and put under the tree.......and I have no idea what it is or who it was intended for.  LOL  I have spent a week looking at it and trying to remember, but to no avail.  I think I will end up having to unwrap it to see what it is.  I am usually pretty good at putting initials on the presents, but apparently not this one.

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How is blunder defined!  :lol:


We just put our tree up as of last night Friday.  I really don't care if we have one as I don't think a tree makes Christmas, but since we have one I wish we would've gotten it up before then.


Once again we have way too many little gifts for dd.  However, as I stated in another reply, these are mostly "needed" items. 


We are going out today to buy another gift for dh.  It is SATURDAY and the roads/stores will be packed.  HELP!


Oh, I haven't mailed any Christmas cards yet.  Those will go out Monday! :glare:


Now, I need to remember to pick up the prime rib on Monday as ordered. 

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