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Is there going to be a new 52 books for 2014?


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Yes we will be continuing and starting fresh on the 1st. Even came up with some monthly themes and readalongs for those interested. Check out the link Karen provided or the 52 books link in my signature. Look forward to hearing all about your reads. Hopefully 2014 will be a less stressful year!

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I am a 2012 dropout and a 2013 dropout.  I read about 25 books per year it seems.  I just can't do one per week with my schedule.  Ok, well, I could, but I would have to give up some of my social life and I am not willing to do that!  :laugh:

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I am a 2012 dropout and a 2013 dropout.  I read about 25 books per year it seems.  I just can't do one per week with my schedule.  Ok, well, I could, but I would have to give up some of my social life and I am not willing to do that!  :laugh:


I'll tell you a secret, you don't have to read 52 books. Yes, the goal is 52 but everyone sets their own personal goals and we have fun talking up books.  And I try to come up with as many things as possible to torture, encourage everyone to read different genres and add more books to their already teetering stacks.  Reading to me is as necessary as breathing.  It doesn't matter how fast or how slow you read or whether you are reading classics or contemporary books, the most important thing about the whole challenge is reading. 



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I want to join up this year! I've been reading this years threads off and on. I have a goal to start reading more quality along with my (all too frequent) light and fluffy books.

2013 was my first year doing the BaW thread. I can't believe all the wonderful new books I have tried thanks to the people on that thread. I still read quite a bit of light and fluffy and have found some great new authors for those. I have also read some amazing books that I never would have tried if a read along challenge hadn't been happening. There is no pressure to read anything but it is fun to join in when several are reading the same book.

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Oh my! In that case, I'm in!


I joined BaW I think the first year ya'll did it and dropped out by the end of january! Honestly, I blush to confess, I thought that either everyone had full-time jobs just reading or they had just given up on every other responsibility. Or they were counting board books or something.


So . . . yeah, I'm in for the 2014 version.


Yay! Anyone reading The Great Books?

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Oh, good to know… I can do 25.   I assume the ones I have to read with the kids count (high school reading books I read or re-read so that I can talk about it with them.)

Yes, we all count and review them. I have also found the BaW to be a great place to get an opinion about books for the dc's. Some books other's review appear to be something the dc's would love (but not necessarily something that I want to read first) and it is easy to ask if it would be appropriate for my dc. Ds has Gulp in his stack currently which is a perfect example of something that he wants to read and I had it screened by BaW. :lol:

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I am in too.  I had started reading a while ago but felt like I didn't "fit" because I don't manage a book a week.  Sometimes I don't manage a full book a month because I have more than one thing going on.  It's taking me a good while to get through The Count of Monte Cristo, for example. :lol:   And then there are the books I'm reading with my kids for homeschooling, which we sometime go through very slowly (but I count because hey, I am reading too!)  Our church women's group reads a book to discuss every two months, so there's that too.


I used to keep track of my reading and do reviews on my long-neglected blog.  Every January I start that again and then stop by April. 


Love to read, have husband and kids who love to read... glad of that.  Maybe this will help me make more time for it.

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What I love about the BaW group is that there is less emphasis on lists (and numbers of books read) and more emphasis on discussion.  Those of you pre-reading classics to discuss with your high schoolers often find that good literature is wasted on the young.


I cannot tell you how many books I have been inspired to read because of participants in the thread.  My world is broader because of it.

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Oh my! In that case, I'm in!


I joined BaW I think the first year ya'll did it and dropped out by the end of january! Honestly, I blush to confess, I thought that either everyone had full-time jobs just reading or they had just given up on every other responsibility. Or they were counting board books or something.


So . . . yeah, I'm in for the 2014 version.


Yay! Anyone reading The Great Books?


A number of us have been interspersing great books among our other reads.  One of the mini challenges is a perpetual one reading from the suggested list of books in Well Educated Mind by SWB!  Here's the link to 52 Books blog - check out the link bar for WEM Books and also Readalongs and Themes for the coming year.

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