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What grades are 'middle school'?



87 members have voted

  1. 1. What grade does Middle School start at in your area?

    • 4th grade
    • 5th grade
    • 6th grade
    • Other
    • It was so horrific I've blocked it out and refuse to think about middle school ever again! (then why did you open this topic???)

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We generally don't have middle school here in Australia, we go from Primary (k - 6) to Secondary (7 - 12).


When I see homeschool materials that say Middle school on them, what grades are they talking about?  What grade does middle school start at?  Yes, I can have a guess that they're somewhere in the 'middle', but I'd like to hear some concrete specifics please!




p.s. My first poll!   :D

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I voted 6th, as that's when it starts in my town.  You didn't ask, but ends at 8th.


In the town I grew up in, it was jr. high, and was 7th-8th.  Dh grew up in another nearby town where it used to be jr. high 7th-9th.  My guess is, though, that they've both probably moved to the more recently popular middle school model.



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In the area I grew up, it was jr. high, not middle school, it was 7th and 8th.  I don't remember when I first heard middle school, but it still sounds a bit odd to me. And, I still find it very odd to include 6th graders in jr. high/middle school.  To me, they are elementary school still.  LOL.


The area we live in now is about an hour and a half from where I grew up.  I honestly have no clue if they call it middle and I don't know when it starts. 


(I voted other because we didn't have middle school.)

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"Junior high" used to be the most common model and was grades 7-8 most places, but in the in 80's, the concept of "middle school" was introduced and was intended to be grades 6-8 with "teams" where students were grouped together to change classes and the team teachers would be able to confer about the students and coordinate to provide more support while still having teachers who were content experts instead of generalized teachers like in elementary school.


Of course, like all things, the proposed model meeting reality means that districts often need to group students differently for various reasons.


Only on this board have heard about the widespread inclusion of 4th and 5th grade in "middle school."  While there are some different grade groupings at various schools here, it's definitely not the norm.

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I am from Australia too. QLD specifically and it was 1-7 for primary and 8-12 for highschool. live in the US now and I still can't get my head around the whole middle school, Jr high and intermediate school structures.

In our school district middle school is 6-8th grade. But the middle school model where children change classes and teachers starts in the elementary school in 5th grade. It seems to young to me.

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I was one of the first classes to attend a "middle school" in my district. It was 7th-8th. It used to be a jr high (7th-9th). 


In our current area, I think middle school starts at 6th, but it might be 5th. (DD#1 says 6th and I'm inclined to go with her memory vs. mine.)


I read an interesting study several years ago on including 6th graders with olders in the "middle school model" vs. 6th grade as the oldest of the elementary school. The study strongly said there were better disciplinary outcomes when the 6th graders were the oldest than when they were the youngest. I think you can find it from this link. Here is another document that references the study.)

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As long as I can remember, it's been grades 6-8 here. My middle school changed classes like you do in high school. No team teaching or anything. I was in middle school in the late 80s, but it was also like that in the early 80s when my sister attended. The only grade change they made at my elementary/middle school (two buildings attached to each other) was to add half day K the year I started K, then it became full day K the following year.

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My class was the last class in the last elementary school in our district to include 6th grade, so "middle school" as a 6th-8th grade school goes back at least to the 70s (I'm almost 51). On the other end of elementary, my sister (5 years younger) was in the first public kindergarten class in our district. Prior to that, the only K programs were private church-run ones.


It's interesting that even though we've had this middle school set up here for going on 40 years and the cut off date to enter K is 5 by Sept. 1, the public library and nature center programs aimed at "middle school" want children to be 12 years old. With that cut off date, there are many children who don't turn 12 until they are through or almost through 6th grade. I had to argue quite a while to get the nature center to enroll my 11 yo 6th grader in the middle school homeschool science program (her birthday is in August). Since a lot of these programs aim their material at the youngest ages, lumping her in with early elementary ages was not going to cut it.

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Junior High (Middle School) here in the Southwest of the U.S. is usually grades 7 and 8. Occasionally it is grades 6, 7, 8.


I have never heard of grades 4 or 5 being considered "middle school". Usually, I have heard grades 4, 5, 6 being called "upper elementary", while grades 1, 2, 3 are called "early elementary".

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Middle school is 6-8, IMO.  But in our small town, the middle school is 5-8; however, I think that's mainly due to space and available buildings.  As the school grew, the old elementary school became the primary school (K-2).  The old middle school became the new elementary school (3-4), and they built a new middle school for 5-8.  I think I heard somewhere that the 5th grade is on its own hall and is kept fairly separate from the other grades, though.

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