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The case of the disappearing leggings-case solved:)

Flowing Brook

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Last night at walmart I bought two pairs of leggings. This morning I put both pair in the washing machine.  When they were done I took them out of the washing machine along with other clothing and put them on the table. Walked off and did some other cleaning chores.  Somebody took all the clothes off the kitchen table and put them on another table. I hung all the clothes up and noticed I just had one pair of leggings. So I went off to find the other pair. They are no where to be found. Seriously I looked in the washer, dryer, all over the kitchen which is where the w&d are. The room where the other table was, the bathroom where the clothes are now hanging. They are no where to be found. I just got done looking through the dirty laundry.  The dog did not get them. I started thinking maybe I've gone mad and only bought one pair last night. Nope both empty packages are sitting on the kitchen table.  So tell me how can a pair of leggings just disappear and where could they have possibly gone?


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Mine are always with ds's ballet tights.  Dh does the laundry folding quite often.  I find my socks in the boys' sock drawer too.  That's probably not where yours are though.


Have you looked in the back in the dryer filter?


I did not put them in the dryer.  They are pretty thick. So I am not sure they could get in a place like that. I guess it could not hurt to check since they are clearly not in any of the obvious/normal places.

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Not that it's any help or even relevant...

But I bought a large pack of twistable crayons. We used them a few times. They have been missing for over a year. I found them today in the bottom of the bin that holds the coloring books-even though I've looked there before.

I hate how stuff disappears!

I'm still searching for a pair of jeans of mine. They've been missing for months.

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Really look inside the sleeves and the pant legs of the stuff that is hanging up. Consider turning it inside out. I have found leggings and socks and undies inside clothes and I never noticed until I went to put them on. Don't forget to look inside the other pair.


Shine a flashlight around inside washing machine drum. If the leggings are black then they might be wadded up in a shadowy place. Take the flashlight and walk your route from machine to bathroom or, crawl around. They might have fallen to the ground and be hidden from sight. If you have a dryer next to washer, look in the space in between the two. Look behind the washing machine. I once lost a sweater there. DH put it there after washing to be hung up and it slipped behind and he never noticed when he picked up the other stuff. Do you have a basket of towels or a dirty laundry basket in the bathroom where the clothes are hanging? Look there. It is so easy to put something down while you are hanging stuff up and you forget to get it. I can see myself putting something damp on top of the basket of towels while I got a hanger and then forgetting it is there and moving on to the next thing


Can you tell that I lose stuff quite often? My mind wanders and I find things in the weirdest places. I start thinking about some book I like and forget everything else. I like to say that I have a rich inner life, lol

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It's the gnomes. They steal socks and odd bits of paper, and like to nest under my 12 year old's bed.


You're not wearing them, are you? Is someone else? Did you remove the security tags? Maybe they've upgraded them to homing devices.


Do you mean these gnomes? (Note: There IS a curse word at the tail end of this!)


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Any possibility that you did in fact put them in the dryer without meaning to?

Could they have fallen between the washer and dryer?  Or behind the washer or dryer?


Could they be stuck to something you laid on the table, such as the bottom of a clothes basket or something?

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I keep coming back to see if you found them :). Last week I KNEW I put my 4 yo's shoes in the car, KNEW it. We got to a friend's house and I couldn't find them. I searched my van for 10 minutes. I saw them in the car the next day >.<, clearly I am going insane.

I keep checking, too!!!

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I often find things hiding in this little opening inside my wash machine. It feels really gross reaching in, but the treasure trove of little kids socks (and big people socks!) makes it worth it. When we first moved into this house, we didn't realize it was there so we kept having things missing... Turns out the wash machine really DOES eat socks... :D

I hope you find them!!

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I keep coming back to see if you found them :). Last week I KNEW I put my 4 yo's shoes in the car, KNEW it. We got to a friend's house and I couldn't find them. I searched my van for 10 minutes. I saw them in the car the next day >.<, clearly I am going insane.

Me too!


I have a fridge in the laundry room. I've pulled stuff out of the dryer and stuck it in the fridge when I needed both hands to rearrange and grab whatever.

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Well I found my pedometer outside this morning on the sidewalk shining out under the leaves. I don't remember going outside during the time I lost it. It could have fallen in the laundry which I dried on the deck, yet I would have heard it in the washer. So, you might try outside under leaves if you have them, you never know. 

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I found them! My mom was here and brought the whole pile of clothes in another room and hung up the missing pair of leggings. (She was going to hang up all the clothes.)  She left shortly after.  After hours of searching and thinking I had gone crazy she called. While on the phone with her I asked her if she had by chance seen my leggings.  She said she hung them up in the spare room!? Ok thanks mom. Good to know that I am not crazy.  She was trying to be helpful did not mean anything by it. She started to hang up clothes for me then got distracted with something else. She did not realize I don't hang clothes to dry in that room.   So thanks everyone for all the suggestions.


My dog says I owe him an apology for even thinking it might have been him.  Nothing less than a huge beef bone will pacify his hurt feelings.

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:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


So you're saying that your mom is the one who is trying to drive you slowly insane... ;)



Isn't that part of the whole motherhood gig?


Just because the kids grow up doesn't mean you have to stop!



yeah the laugh I got when I asked her about it made me wonder how innocent of a mistake it was. 

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