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Why is ds currently nuts?


Which to change/fix? Read post first.   

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think has caused the recent behavior increase?

    • Too much gluten
    • The tiny amount of blue food dye in the mouthwash
    • Asthma flare
    • Untreated sleep disorders going wild all on their own. Of course untreatable.
    • Asthma medication
    • Push bedtime a little later
    • Something else I haven't thought of. What would that be?

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The hive seems to have better ideas than the Drs, so I'm coming here.


Ds has been off the wall again (hyper, impulsive, not understanding things). Every single time this happens, there is a reason.


I know from tracking that his sleep has been less than stellar lately, but I'm thinking something is causing the sleep disturbances. He does have some sleep disorders, but he usually does well with a good routine, melatonin, and supplements. I could try pushing his bedtime back. Maybe fewer hours will lead to more productive sleep?


When he was little it was his poorly managed asthma flaring that would create a wild boy. It seems to be well controlled on advair, which he's been on for at least 3 years. I could still treat in the low flare zone without harm (xopenex 3 times a day for 2 weeks).


Recently he started using listerine and act mouthwash which both have dyes, but he's spitting it out.


We usually don't have too much gluten in the house because of me, but I don't think I've seen a solid connection between his behavior and gluten.


That's all I can think of right now. I'm exhausted trying to keep up with him at the moment.

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My first guess would be the dyes in the mouthwash, even if he's spitting it out.  


My second guess is that he's having a "withdrawal" of sorts.  You mentioned not having much gluten in the house.  If he's been eating less (or no) gluten for a few days, and he actually has gluten sensitivities, the withdrawal of gluten can cause detox symptoms which include the kinds of behaviors you're describing.  

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I didn't vote, but I'd start with eliminating the most recent change in his environment - the mouthwashes.  


Other than that, asthma always impacts DS's behavior, so I can see that being an issue.  If he's coming down with something, that might be causing an asthma flare.  How is his peak flow?  Have you measured?


Any other changes in his environment?  Leaves falling?  Sometimes leaves have mold, if that's an allergy that might exacerbate the asthma.


Oh, and if he's normally off gluten and has suddenly added some, that could be it.  

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Are you keeping a food/drug and mood log? I just started one for Tigger this month, especially after he kicked a hole in the wall. It's too early to tell for sure, but I think food additives might be triggering his angry outbursts. He only ate homemade food without any additives for two days, and was much happier. Then this morning he snuck something with additives and exploded at lunch. I need at least a week without him eating anything I didn't approve before I can tell.

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His peak flows are never accurate (according to the previous pulmonologist), so I don't have a baseline. Going by the standard height charts, it's fine.


The leaves have been coming down like crazy, but I don't remember when it started.


I'll cut the mouthwash tonight. His teeth are terrible, so the method the you guys recommended for me, I started him on too.


His gluten consumption is usually on and off. The difference this week was regular pasta instead of gf, but he still eats regular breads and stuff. I'll have to do an official gluten trial when we get over this behavior hump.


I guess I'll just cut the dye. In a few days (unless symptoms become obvious) i'll treat for asthma.

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Will your DS swallow capsules?  Have you ever used activated charcoal?


I keep activated charcoal capsules on hand for DS.  When his behavior gets wonky and I suspect a reaction to foods/ingested chemicals (like dyes), I give him two activated charcoal capsules.  The activated charcoal soaks up toxins in the gut and moves them out of the system.  Food reaction induced behaviors usually stop within about 20-30 min. after taking the capsules.


You'll want to do your own research of course, but I researched activated charcoal extensively before giving it to DS and from what I found, it's not only very safe but also has other health benefits as well.  We buy ours at our natural foods store.  Don't remember the exact price but it's very inexpensive.  It's also great to have on hand for food poisoning.

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He has a TON of stuff going on that I haven't mentioned.


Something in the last few weeks is off. Leaves/weather makes a lot of sense. I should know for sure soon if that has messed with his asthma (today was the first day in a while that he asked for albuterol while playing, but he was running hard).


I'll get him a bottle of the tom's mouthwash and just keep no-dye very consistent.

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Other...for my kids it is usually...


Decreased daylight +fewer hours outside +more hours in a chair doing school work= less quality sleep.



Try taking him swimming for a couple of hours or do some other  whole body exercise like chopping and stacking wood. 

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"The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground." <--Said as she eyes her 1mo old son and wonders what that slight smile is all about...


Dye can work horribly on some kids, so can gluten. It only takes a little to make you want to :crying:  or :cursing:  or send you :willy_nilly: .

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Thanks everyone.


When he gets back from ny (going next weekend), I'll talk to his dr about stopping the advair and treating him as needed. If the as needed becomes frequent, I'll see about a non-combo med to try.


His asthma is not monitored outside of me; no med changes when symptoms are better or worse, no PFTs, etc. There just isn't anyone here. I'll have to ask his dr for a PFT a week after stopping the advair. Maybe a PFT on and off the advair.


He's not had a hospital worthy attack in quite some time. So either the advair is doing its job or we can step down. His last ER event was triggered by penicillin, so not "just" the asthma.


I also didn't consider increased demands and no iPod. When he's mad now he can't just run to his room with his iPod. And I've been expecting *gasp* some school work to be done.


I'd love to consider age, but that's been said about him for YEARS (he'll calm down when he starts talking, he's just 2, 5yo boys are hyper, etc).


Maybe it is primarily the season. Anyone live in Hawaii and willing to house share for 2 years to test this theory? Lol.


Unfortunately I don't have a good log book. Over the years the therapists have discounted what or how I was tracking. Or they wanted more info or less info. Or I'll attempt to track something specific and that will prove pointless in a few days.


I'm considering putting dd in school. She was really upset last night at the way he's been acting. She could use time away from him. I'm terrified of the trouble she'll get into.


I just hope that whatever this is, ds can turn it off and have a good weekend in ny with dd.

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Dd and I talked this morning. She is going to try middle school. :( She's going to start the 21st. I'll register her next week and get her schedule and 504 plan set up.


She's been depressed lately and we don't know how much her meds (Flovent, singulair, Claritin) are playing into it. We know ds's behavior is causing at least some of it. She's also 12 and hormonal. Lol.


Ps will give her space from him and I'll be able to focus on him.


On one hand I hope she thrives there. But on the other hand, I enjoy having her home and teaching her (most days! Lol). I'm also not looking forward to ps illness. They've both been soooo much healthier the last couple years.


Now I have a ton to do next week. Yuck.

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