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10K Mud Run today! (And do hard things)

Renee in NC

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This is what I posted on FB a week ago:


"On September 13, 2010, I dropped the kids off and went to the YMCA. I climbed on a treadmill and started walking. I walked a mile or so, at 0% incline, and I thought I was going to die. Tonight, exactly 3 years later, I did 8 miles on Chicken Bridge Rd. For those that aren't from around here, Chicken Bridge is uphill both ways and not a flat spot to be found.

I have a 10K mud run next Saturday. Tough Mudder is in 7 weeks. Who knew that one decision to climb on a treadmill would lead to my agreeing to pay someone to let me run 12 miles of torture?"


I am participating in http://www.themudbugrun.com/ today.  10K, 30+ obstacles...I just hope to survive!


This is a practice for Tough Mudder (http://toughmudder.com/) in early November.  That one is 10-12 miles.  This is the race that I looked at a year ago and set as my goal.

My whole LIFE has changed since that day in 2010 - I have come so far.  It signifies the day when I took control of my life and refused to live the life I had been living.  I finished my Masters.  I passed the CPA exam.  I got a job.  I will have my license in a few short weeks.  And it ALL started with climbing on the treadmill that day.  
Do Hard Things (yes, I stole that.)  One thing leads to another, and before you know it you're happy with the life you've built.  No, not everything was good.  I am now a single mother to 6 at home and receive no child support.  I still have a lot of excess weight to lose.  My job is boring (I'm over-qualified.)  I don't sleep much, and I am under a lot of stress (see single mother above.)  Overall, though, my life is 1000% better than it was 3 years ago!
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I did a mud run with my kids last week ( mine was 5k, the little guys was 1.5 miles). We had so much fun! We got DIRTY!!! Best part about it was I realized HOW FAR I have come this year! I was STRONG! And had little problem completing the course.


Good luck today Renee!!! Have a blast!!! And remember just how STRONG you are!

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And  :grouphug: .  I hadn't realized you divorced.  That had/has to be hard.  You are a strong woman.  I'm glad you found the courage to take control of your life.  Blessings and peace.   :grouphug:  With the race today, may your kids see a mom who is willing to overcome obstacles and fight, both for herself and for them. 

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