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Night Elf

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From about 18-22ish, I loooooved going to clubs that played hip hop music. I wasn't much of a drinker but loved to dance. Heck, it was at one of these clubs that I won two sets of "Meet and Greet" tickets to see Boyz II Men!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! (MissKNG screams like a school girl!)

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Perchance, you are a KROQ fan?

I remember the debut of KROQ. There were a lot of spilt sympathies between fans of "a little bit of heaven, 94.7, KMET, tweedle-dee" and "The Roq" back in '72.


The station had its ups and downs. In the peak years I tuned in quite a bit. These days rarely. Does Steve Jones still do his show? I've enjoyed that one.


I mostly spin my own tunes these days (deep collection).


Bill (currently listening to Miles Davis' "In A Silent Way" from 1969)

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No. I have never been to a nightclub or anything like that.

I was brought up that they are places of evil - overdrinking, drug use and wild sex.

I was brought up that way too but I still went LOL


I didn't get married till I was almost 27 and then my DH who hates that scene cut me off LOL.


I went to tons of nightclubs ( I must have missed those places of evil here in Australia I didn't find any).


I wouldn't say I "partied" I was LDS and went with mostly LDS friends so no drinking or drugs..just dancing to cool music.


I had a few gay friends and often went to gay clubs...those were great...no guys trying to chat me up ever ......although I must be really ugly because no women tried to chat me up either LOL.


No trouble ever came to us except the one time we stayed out too late and they locked our car in the public garage and we had to pay a fine to get it out. I guess the only thing I didn't like was the smoking being a non-smoker myself.


I always went with a group of friends...no one tried to take me home...no one offered me drugs...no one even offered to buy me a drink ( again I must be really hideous LOL)


It was fun but it would be too loud for me now In my old age...I get enough screaming at home with my kids LOL. I just want to go to places that are dead silent these days.

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I was done with clubbing by age 14.


Oddly enough, I just went to hang with my friends. I rarely drank, and the only time I've ever gotten more than tipsy in public, it was because my mom told me the wrong blender for the virgin daiquiris. I never did drugs or had wild sex either. I was the boring friend that was more interested in discussing books and politics. I sat with the "old" people. You know. The 30 year olds. LOL

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I have never been interested in going out to bars or nightclubs. I would say "clubbing" would be one of the last things on earth I would consider fun. I have always wondered whether people really like it or just pretend to like it because they think it is cool (I'm not trying to be offensive, I have truly wondered this). I also have never had an alcoholic drink, not for moral reasons but because I'm not interested in losing control of myself, even a little. I wonder if its the INTJ in me?

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I went to clubs and bars when I was younger.  I never went to a dancing club, though I probably would have liked it, if it wasn't too crowded.  I attended concerts at college- anyone remember Bow Wow Wow- and that concert was a bit overcrowded for me.  The blues concerts I went to never were.  We would go to clubs to hear music and we would go to a local bar to eat hamburgers and talk with friends.  I always went to these places with friends and after freshman year, with my now dh.  As to after college, we didn't go hardly ever.  I have been to lounges on cruise ships- that kind of thing. 


What I know think about is how my University basically turned its nose on alcohol laws.  I know I went to receptions with sherry being handed out before I was 21.  Now the drinking age was not 21 then everywhere but it was in the state that University was in.  When one of my classes had a field trip to the nearby state, a number of students didn't take the school bus and drove and stopped back on the way home at local liquor stores before returning to Illinois.


But in terms of partying- that referred to getting high and not to drinking.  Furthermore, for most people I knew, binge type drinking went way down after freshman year.  But that was many years ago and I know that binge drinking has skyrocketed and more young people seem to do it for longer now too. 

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Well, yes. Girl from private, all girls school runs amok on college campus. I also worked as a waitress and then later a cocktail waitress, so like some other posters, I spent a fair amount of time in bars - working to pay for college. Drinking there was too expensive, so it was usually wine and cheese in the park with my now dh. On campus, there were some great little coffee houses with live music and a couple of really good jazz bars in town. And I can't forget the Grateful Dead concerts in a packed football stadium. The path from campus to the stadium was lined with, er, "vendors."


Out of college, I worked for an alternative newspaper and several of my clients were music promoters. Grunge was huge and I was able to see some amazing concerts. We don't make it to clubs these days, but did make it to a Pearl Jam concert with dd and my nephew.


I have a few regrets about my behavior during college, but overall it was fun and I would do much of it over, but with less alcohol and more class time.


ETA: Totally forgot about the six months we spent in Montana after college graduation working at Yellowstone. We lived in a town of 600 with six bars. Our favorite, The Blue Goose, had live music every weekend and young people from all over the country who worked in the park came to dance and have a good time.

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No.  Never partied, never been drunk, never used drugs.  Have had just a small amount of alcohol my entire life -- one beer, a few Daquiris (sp?), a few glasses of wine and a couple of Rum and cokes.  There's no appeal there for me taste wise, plus as a control-freak introvert (INTJ) drinking and partying and loud, crowded environments just aren't my thing.

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One of the great jobs I had in my youth was working for the "then fledgling" (but still extant) local alternative weekly paper, the LA Weekly.


I had a low level position (but one that paid better than I could believe at the time), but the greatest thing about this job was I could call up just about any club in town and arrange a "press-pass" for myself and friend. Did I take advantage of this? And how!


And clubs tended not to "card" members of "the press" :D


Good times.






You worked for an alternative newspaper? I am shocked and deeply troubled.

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