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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Happy Tuesday everyone!  (Some earlier than others. . . )


Clean kitchen


Ds - geometry

Ds - work on his baseboard trim.

Go to lunch with DawnM!!!!! :party:  :party:  :party:

Work on copying project

Figure out how to get the right book for Algebra 2


Yard Work?

Dd - work on her room.

What to have for dinner. . . .

Grocery store - maple syrup, paper towels

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Tuesday's List:




cook real food

finish packaging up ebay auctions to ship

school with dd

Call insurance company

possible errand run - not sure. Might try to make the post office to ship, or might wait & do it Wednesday instead.

Prep for yard sale planning on having Friday & Saturday


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Ok night before is a good way to get the ball rolling in my head at least....

1) call to schedule an appointment to see specialist dd was referred to (again)

2) call contact given by professor to add me to class interactive website

3) post hmwk response on web site

4) write a personal statement for a class that'll be part of my portfolio ( semester long assignment)

5) throw together a crock pot dinner

6) take kids to co-op

7) Do some of the basics with kids today (some math + Lang with dd; preschool time for ds)

8) pack some snacks and my crock pot dinner for school tonight for myself (pregnant woman here)

9) take kids to sitter next door to be watched until dh gets home

10) class from 4-6:30 and 7-9:30

11) come home and collapse :)

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Ok so the important stuff yesterday got done so I will continue to play lol


Tuesday's list:


Homeschool the kids (remember to give kinder kid more so we don't have another I don't have enough work meltdown :huh: )

Continue to work on laundry

Organize kids' dressers 

Call bowling alley to reserve a couple lanes for bday party

Sweep and mop

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Get dd on the bus for her first day :( done

Go back to bed for a bit- done

Laundry- done

Pay house and truck payment- done

Get a new to us tire for my car- done

Library- done

Take dh his gas money- done

Tidy up- working on it :)

Dishes- done

Dinner- planned

Get dd off the bus- done

Help/fill out whatever for dd's school- done

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First day of eighth grade at ps for dd. She does look very nice this am, and is ready for a good year.


I have flea control to do--probably mop the entire basement. 

Also need to re-season my cast iron frying pan, as my wonderful ds put it in the dishwasher last night. 

As a matter of fact, I am thinking of having HIM scrub it out (rusted) and re-season it...Yep, that's what I'll do!


I am not going back to work until either later in the week or next Monday, so we shall see what the day brings. 


Have a lovely Monday, Y'all!

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Lunch time here.


Had a much better morning than yesterday. Kids were cooperating much better, except for my dd2 who managed to let the rabbits escape, dropped the bucket with feed and decided to give the rabbits lots and lots and lots of hay. The days of letting her play quietly in the garden are obviously over now we have pet rabbits ;).



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Good Morning.


Today is the start of our new school year.


1. Get Older two daughters ready for Preschool and 2nd grade

2. Homeschool Oldest son and entertain an almost 4 mth old and Laundry

3. Pick up 2 yr old daughter from Preschool

4. Head to baby daughter's well baby check up

5. Pick up my 2nd grader from school

6. Homework with kids

7. Drop off Son at Youth Group

8. Get them ready for bed

9. Work on my school and Read two chapters of The Shinning for a book club I am in.

10. Pass out.

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I'm really going to try and be productive despite our full house situation. So here goes:



Make breakfast

Get dressed/ready for the day (kids too)

Make dds new card system


School time:









(Putting a remind here for myself to:) Do NOTEBOOKING PAGES! :)

Assigned reading time

Fun reading time


In between/After:



Pick up each room:

                Living Room


                Dds bedroom


                School room




Todays cleaning job is bathroom (luckily the tub is still sparkling from my scrubbing on Friday. So it will be a quick job)


My personal goals for today: Stay positive during school, not stressed. Also, to find time today to sit down, relax, and read a little of my book.


ETA: Just crossing off the progress made.

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Get DS's diapers folded and packed for daycare--done

Get myself and DS ready and out the door by 6--done

Drop DS at children's center and go downtown for clinic.

Clinic all day. --halfway done

Somewhere in there, outline two oral presentations for evening seminar.

Clinic over @5, finish prepping presentations over packed dinner--

Need to pack dinner AND lunch today.--done. Made tuna salad for one meal, packed leftover fish soup for the other

Evening seminar class 7 to 8:30.

Bus/walk home

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We are almost up to a full academic load this week with the exception of her elective (she has to decide---either programming or more number theory).


To do:





--freeze meats purchased Saturday

--plan meals for week

--finish rearranging bookcase for this school year

--order rules booklet for Science Olympiad (I won't get my "free" copy until our coaches' clinic in early Nov---that's way too long to wait!)

--wash sheets


I think something else is on the list I wrote out last night...

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We have been hitting the list hard already this morning!  


As of 9am,


get up and dressed


print out new chore charts and laminate

daycare child arrived (8am)

English, HW, science, and math with dd9

put away remaining clean laundry

send emails to try to get dd15 registered for the PSAT in October



schoolwork for dd15

math with ds



school with dd6

English, science, and writing with ds

history for dd9 and ds


order new math books for dd9 and ds

afternoon chores

reading time for kids

naptime for daycare child

drive dd15 to dance (3:30)

drive daycare child to her mom's work (4:45)

pick up dd15 from dance (5pm)

pick up paycheck from work

go to bank

meet friend to buy rainboots for dd6 (5:15)

ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

squeeze in a workout at the Y while ds is practicing

get everyone home for dinner

showers for kids

evening chores

get ready for an even crazier Wednesday

look through spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 so we can start later this week

fill out paperwork/write check for Spanish class that ds starts tomorrow

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Is it Tuesday already?


I started my list last night, and then I realized I had a huge amount of stuff to do... so I got started on a couple things before I went to bed...  But there's still lots to do:


return heart monitor thingy

pick up 3 dozen cookies and deliver them

get a package together to mail to missionary daughter

get violins ready to return to Shar

go to the post office


wash wash wash 

fold fold fold

laundry room clean up

11:30 Dr. Appt


work on newsletter

get things ready for violin lessons



TIme to get that laundry going!


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It is nearly 830 am, and I am going on about 2 hours of sleep.


Corn blanched, cut from cob and in the freezer

Plum sauce is made just waiting on the canner to come to a boil

taking babysitting girl to school in 5 minutes

am petcare



To Do:

clean kitchen

wash floors (kitchen and entrance)

vacuum living room rug and sweep/wash laminate

vacuum alcove

dayhome interview som time between 11-3

kids come home at some point


boys room

teens have cadets tonight

take a nap

pm petcare

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Plans for today:


-homeschooling the kids

-take dd9 and dd7 to first music lesson

-Greek & Latin vocab for me

-Greek grammar review

-2 loads of laundry




-bike to library to pick up book

-after dinner clean up

-exercise (weightlifting)


Still to do:


-put children to bed

-Latin vocab

-read a book :)




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Kitchen is clean.

Worked on  health history stuff since my neurology appointment got moved up to tomorrow morning instead of a week from then.  

Ds is working on his room.

Dd is working on her room.


Need to take meds etc. and then go to meet DawnM!  Need to stop at Home Depot for paint for ds - and paper towels.  

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Kitchen is clean.

Worked on  health history stuff since my neurology appointment got moved up to tomorrow morning instead of a week from then.  

Ds is working on his room.

Dd is working on her room.


Need to take meds etc. and then go to meet DawnM!  Need to stop at Home Depot for paint for ds - and paper towels.  

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Tuesday's List:




cook real food

finish packaging up ebay auctions to ship

school with dd

Call insurance company

possible errand run - not sure. Might try to make the post office to ship, or might wait & do it Wednesday instead.

Prep for yard sale planning on having Friday & Saturday


1pm update - Done with 1 load of laundry and a load of dishes. School done. Insurance company called. Errand run likely tabled for tomorrow. Still waiting on payment for 1 ebay auction.

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Kids just got home.  Heard back from the diner that interviewed me last week.  I got the job.  So that means I now have 3 jobs.  The Diner is not open yet, they are fixing the dishwasher and running all the dishes through it, then the health inspector can check it out, and then waiting on the permit.  They are hoping before the end of this month though.  So Now have my writing job, the diner and childcare.



Just waiting on this dayhome interview mom to show up.  Hoping to still get a nap in, we will see.  Time to make lunch and get some laundry done.

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Worked on  health history stuff since my neurology appointment got moved up to tomorrow morning instead of a week from then.  



That's a good thing, right?


Heard back from the diner that interviewed me last week.  I got the job.




Tuesday is over for me :). I did everything on my list, even the Latin vocab.

I'm off to bed and will see you all in the morning.

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Had a bit of a snag in my day.. Family is all out visiting other family so its just dh and the kids at home. I thought I would use this time to be extra productive but dd was invited over to my aunts. Just got back from visiting with her. Dd is still there. Now I'm trying to play catch up on all that I had planned to do.

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Interview family was a no show, which is just as well because my kids came home from gramma's rude and mean and nasty.  Nipping that right now.  ds15 walked in and left a trail of slobbishness so that has been an issue really ticking me off after all my efforts to clean up.  Both teens have asked to skip cadetsm tonights.  I called the sparks leader (girl guides for the 5-6 yr old range) for dd5, she starts next Monday night.  Still no nap.  Everytime I close my eyes for 1/2 a second WW3 starts up, so I am just going to power through and make it work.  I am still hoping to get the boys room done tonight, but we will see, I am so tired I don't want to but it smells like something died in there so I should (what is it with boys stinking up a dang room)

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I'm really going to try and be productive despite our full house situation. So here goes:



Make breakfast

Get dressed/ready for the day (kids too)

Make dds new card system


School time:









(Putting a remind here for myself to:) Do NOTEBOOKING PAGES! :)

Assigned reading time

Fun reading time


In between/After:



Pick up each room:

                Living Room


                Dds bedroom


                School room




Todays cleaning job is bathroom (luckily the tub is still sparkling from my scrubbing on Friday. So it will be a quick job)


My personal goals for today: Stay positive during school, not stressed. Also, to find time today to sit down, relax, and read a little of my book.


ETA: Just crossing off the progress made.


Laundry will be on tomorrows to-do list. I need a shower much more :)


Assigned reading will be done at bedtime.



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Met and had lunch with Dawn.

Stopped at Home Depot and got spray paint and paper towels.

Stopped at grocery store and got maple syrup and spaghetti stuff.

Ds did 2 loads of laundry.

Ds finished his geometry

Dd finished going through 2 drawers of stuff.

Ds cut some trim and painted it.

Made dinner

Cleaned both bathrooms while I talked to Impish.



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Well, this day did not go as planned. Shortly after my post at 9am, I found out that our fridge was no longer working (long story).  So, I had to make see what could be salvaged, store it in coolers, and go to town for large quantities of ice.  I also had to make several phone calls to the repair company, who will not be coming before Thursday afternoon since they had to order a part.  I also had to clean out the fridge.  Considering this deviation from my plan, we still managed to get quite a bit done off of my "still to do" list. I am now "done" for the night.  Anything else not finished will have to wait for tomorrow.  I'm too tired to care anymore!


school with dd6

English, science, and writing with ds

history for dd9 and ds


order new math books for dd9 and ds

afternoon chores

reading time for kids

naptime for daycare child

drive dd15 to dance (3:30)

drive daycare child to her mom's work (4:45)

pick up dd15 from dance (5pm)

pick up paycheck from work

go to bank

ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

squeeze in a workout at the Y while ds is practicing

get everyone home for dinner

showers for kids

evening chores

get ready for an even crazier Wednesday

look through spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 so we can start later this week

fill out paperwork/write check for Spanish class that ds starts tomorrow

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Since I slacked off yesterday, I had to get on it today.  I had planned to go for a walk this morning, but it was pouring rain, so I watched TV instead.  :)





First day of 6th grade!

Cleaned kitchen

Swept and mopped LR, DR, Kitchen, and entry 

Cleaned boys' bathroom

Washed my hands about a million times because it was gross from the previous people who lived in this house.  Blech.

Vacuumed loft, MB and MBath and closet (yes, we have carpet in the bathroom)


More school

Nap (I swear I'm never going to really get used to this time change)



Gave Han Solo a bath and put him to bed

Picked up the million little toys scattered all over the floor and on the stairs


And now James Bond and I are watching Doomsday Preppers.  This show is crazy.

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