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Would you delay starting school to go on vacation?

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There are some among us who can take full advantage of being the boss of their own schedule when homeschooling. People who care not a whit about school schedules. People who fly by the seat of their pants, setting work aside for a day or a week if a different/better opportunity arises. Folks who, in some cases, school through the summer just so they can take breaks as the need and desire arises.


I am not one of those people.:) Oh, I'm not a slave to a schedule, and I don't precisely follow the public school calendar. We always stop and start our school year later than they do, for example. I also prefer to roughly follow a 6 weeks on, 1 week off pattern of my own making. But the older my children get, the more I find that a schedule somewhat close to that of the schools does make the most sense. The more need I have of a clear summer break, and the more I realize that said break shouldn't extend too very long without good reason.


So. Having said that, I can't decide how I feel about starting school later than ever this year. (Keep in mind that in this neck of the woods, public schools typically stop in early- to mid-June and resume in late August. I usually school through mid-July and start up again mid-September.) Is a vacation worth it if it means missing out on the front end of fall sports/activities...If going away means coming back and jumping in both feet first and taking few breaks through the year ~ unless we want to be faced with schooling through much of next summer?


I know this is all a matter of personal taste and opinion. I'm squarely in the undecided camp, though, and curious how my imaginary friends have to say.:D

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I'm a bit on the opposite side of the spectrum in terms of being slave to a schedule but..... I have so much I want to cover this year. So.. when we booked our trip in September, and decided upon attending several camps throughout the year, I made the choice to start school early. We started 2 weeks ago and I'm so happy we did. Our vacation with be in DC so it will be educational in nature but no book work will happen while we are there. This was my compromise. Last year we lived in Boston for 3 months (mid July to mid October) I'll be honest, it messed with the rest of our school year in a major way. But... it was such a great life experience for all of us, it was worth it. We were able to live out of our element and have an education of a different kind. It's one of the reasons we home school.


My personal take on vacations are that they are good for the soul. They rejuvenate my family. The whole concept that you are together and don't have the day to day stuff to deal with (that leaky toilet, the fridge that needs to be cleaned out) that you would still be dealing with if you vacated at home. So.. my 2 cents... vacations are worth it. Totally!



Good luck with your choice.




Julie in Monterey

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Yes, in fact we are delaying school to go on vacation this year. We will be jumping back in full force upon our return (including outside classes, sports, etc.) and I know it will be a jolt, but we've done it before and were fine.


When will you start the school year, and how long into summer do you typically do a full school schedule?

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Last year we lived in Boston for 3 months (mid July to mid October) I'll be honest, it messed with the rest of our school year in a major way. But... it was such a great life experience for all of us, it was worth it.


Oooh, luck you! I love Boston! It's one of my favorite cities. I took my older guys there a few years ago and am hoping to do another "field trip" out there next year.


The whole concept that you are together and don't have the day to day stuff to deal with (that leaky toilet, the fridge that needs to be cleaned out) that you would still be dealing with if you vacated at home.


Too true. We live in such an incredible area with a wide array of possibilities at our doorstep. I often feel, particularly at this time of year, like I'd rather vacation at home and further take advantage of our world here. Nothing, but nothing, beats the Pacific Northwest in late-summer/early-fall, in my biased opinion. And yet, as you say, vacations at home are ultimately not free of the standard daily realities, such as...cows.;)


Starting school early would have been a sensible solution; you were smart there. I'm still not at a point wherein I could start up, though, so I'm afraid if we do go, no work will be accomplished ahead of time. My fault entirely.

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We would start in August sometime. I would aim for the 1st.


When September rolled around we would take 2 weeks vacation after Labor Day and head to the beach.


This was great because we didn't have all the crowds at the beach. I would usually drag something along that they could do early in the morning since we didn't head out to the beach until after lunch.


Just in case a hurricane was scheduled or if it rained.


Yes...delaying or rescheduling is worth it for a vacation.

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We would start in August sometime. I would aim for the 1st. When September rolled around we would take 2 weeks vacation after Labor Day and head to the beach.


That sounds nice. I like the idea of getting school underway and getting some work done, then taking a break. In my ideal world, we would take a break in mid-October for a couple of weeks, just because I really love that time of year. It doesn't work as far as the farm is concerned, though.


I'm not in a position to start school now and get anything done ~ especially this next week as we're involved at the fair. At this point, if we do forward with a vacation, I'll just have to accept the fact that school won't get started at all until we return home. Not the end of the world, I know; I just don't want to be stuck still finishing out the school year next July 30 or whatever!:)

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Of course!!!


We're starting August 25th, schooling for 6 weeks, and then taking a week off in October to go to Myrtle Beach!


Why deal with the crowds and the prices of summer when you don't have to??


We're renting a 4 bedroom condo on the beach, with an indoor pool and a full kitchen, for less than $500!!


The only thing we have to pray for is no hurricanes!! :D

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In a heartbeat. Vacationing when the hoards are back at school/work - wonderful! I have three of my public school now and I HATE being tied to the public school schedule. We have taken our last couple trips the day immediately after the end of the school year to try and beat some of the crowds...still, I'd LOVE to be able to take vacations in Sept., Oct.....May.

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Thanks for supporting Organic Valley!:)


Well, in my opinion it is the best quality (as in best taste) organic diary I've found. So far for this pregnancy I can't get enough cottage cheese!





Not the end of the world, I know; I just don't want to be stuck still finishing out the school year next July 30 or whatever!:)


You've got it right here. It's not the end of the world. :) Education and life is not all found in books and school work....but you know that.


So go and enjoy! I'm sure you deserve a great vacation.

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I say go on the vacation, but I do understand why it is a difficult decision. At this time of the year my mind starts gearing up for school and I start looking forward to the routines and schedules, etc. And, my kids actually do too. I can see how it will throw your year off a bit, but I do think that it will be be worth it for you to take a family vacation. I remember that you were wishing you could do that, and so it would be good to make it a priority. But, I do get where you are coming from!

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Personally, I'd hate to miss out on all the excitement of back-to-school at the end of August. I love the newness of it all - books, school supplies, even a few new things to wear. My attitude and energy are at a peak.


I have one child in PS so we're not as flexible with schedule but if there is a good enough reason I will take her out of school for a week or so. I like to take vacation when I need it most - when I am burned out and the weather seems endless. This year we're taking a vacation just after Thanksgiving. A few years ago we did the same in February. We do take a break during the summer but I hate to travel when it's hot. Sometimes we do and I always regret it.

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1. I'm not imaginary ;)


2. We go down the shore every September -- the day after Labor Day. We go Tuesday to Tuesday, and it's wonderful. Kids are back in school, everything is stil open, the weather is glorious, and the crowds are GONE. Perfect. We then take off the remainder of the week and start up the following Monday (this year, it'll be the 15th). We have started as late as the 20th before, and while I at times am apprehensive about doing so, it always works out.


I've come to the point where if we do school on more days than not between September and June, and we STAY CONSISTENT (that's the key), we make good progress and just move forward. Works for me.

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When will you start the school year, and how long into summer do you typically do a full school schedule?


We normally start the day after Labor Day and have a full school schedule through the second week of June. This year we will start school on 9/12 (I start our weeks on Friday.) We are still going to try to finish by the second week of June for our classes at home. All our outside classes finish by the end of May.

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I wouldn't want to delay so that we could go on a "make the family happy by sitting in their over-heated home pretending to like sugar cookies" type vacations. Unless the relative in question was old and sick.


I would do it to go on a 2 week camping trip in Yosemite.


I assume you are going to Europe though. How much do you want to go? Will your children see new things, learn new things, connect with people who offer them really great relationships?


And are your kids pretty well up on their math and Latin? Are they behind in any are that really concerns you? That would matter to me, too.


Will this be a time that you and your children can really connect and enjoy each other? Or is it very active and partly a hassle? Will you and Hans have some marriage renewing times? As a Mom, is the holiday truly a break or does it feel like a huge, huge job? How much do your older children want to go?


These are the questions that would matter to me.

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We're starting August 25th, schooling for 6 weeks, and then taking a week off in October to go to Myrtle Beach!


It would be easier for me to take a break if I'd already accomplished six weeks worth of work, so that plan sounds great. The reason I'm hesitating is because I'd end up not starting school at all until late September.


I hope you have a great start of school and wonderful vacation!:)

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I say go on the vacation, but I do understand why it is a difficult decision. At this time of the year my mind starts gearing up for school and I start looking forward to the routines and schedules, etc.


Yep. Once the fair is over (this upcoming week), there is a general feel in air ~ both real and imagined ~ that ushers in that "end of this season, start of another" feel. Things have been a bit chaotic here of late, so routines and schedules, as you say, sound rather inviting. Thanks for your advice and understanding.

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I'm not imaginary ;)


I imagine you're right.:D


We go down the shore every September -- the day after Labor Day. We go Tuesday to Tuesday, and it's wonderful. Kids are back in school, everything is stil open, the weather is glorious, and the crowds are GONE. Perfect. We then take off the remainder of the week and start up the following Monday (this year, it'll be the 15th). We have started as late as the 20th before, and while I at times am apprehensive about doing so, it always works out.


A relaxing beach vacation sounds luvverly; that's my idea of a good time. It's been far too long since we rented a place at the ocean and just...inhaled life. Even winters out there are wonderful ~ sitting on a couch before a fire, cuppa tea in hand, watching the storms approach off the water. Love that!


I've come to the point where if we do school on more days than not between September and June, and we STAY CONSISTENT (that's the key), we make good progress and just move forward. Works for me.


So do you take the standard couple of weeks off at Christmas, week off around spring break, and typically wrap up the school year in mid-June or so?

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Drat! I knew someone would have to come along and raise thought-provoking questions.;) Just joking; these are some of the same questions rolling around in my brain, contributing to my wishy-washiness. (Surely that's grammatically correct: "wishy-washiness". LOL) I know you were asking these questions rhetorically, but since they're worth consideration, I'm going to go ahead and answer them for my own benefit.


I wouldn't want to delay so that we could go on a "make the family happy by sitting in their over-heated home pretending to like sugar cookies" type vacations.


No, that's not the situation. Probably the closest I ever come to that is when we go to the cloister to visit Hans's aunt who is a nun. But she is a dear, dear woman who sees so few people; it's important to me that we see her when we're in CH.


I would do it to go on a 2 week camping trip in Yosemite.


You and me both! I am so looking forward to the days when more active vacations like that are a reality for us. I'm excited to take the boys to see more of this country, camping and biking and such. It wouldn't have been very easy or enjoyable with several very small people on board, but we're edging beyond those days.


I assume you are going to Europe though.




How much do you want to go?


Enough to still be thinking about it and not enough to stop thinking about the alternatives.;)


Will your children see new things, learn new things, connect with people who offer them really great relationships?


I don't know. I can't honestly say our trips there are of great educational benefit beyond just being in another culture. I mean, the boys themselves want to be with their grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins. They want to connect with those people and that is a different sort of vacation than one where people are purely out to explore new places, kwim?


And are your kids pretty well up on their math and Latin? Are they behind in any are that really concerns you? That would matter to me, too.


No worries here. Latin, meh, we don't put a great deal of energy into that. But overall, all the boys are beyond where I feel they should be/need to be, so that's good.


Will this be a time that you and your children can really connect and enjoy each other?


It will be a time when my husband and children can connect with other people who are important to them. (And yes, those people are important to me, too, but less so, for the most part.) My boys have no relationships with extended family other than my parents, so these connections feel meaningful to them.


Or is it very active and partly a hassle?


I have learned when I go over there that I need to carve out my own time to relax in my own way. It's easy to come home and feel like I need a vacation after the vacation.


Will you and Hans have some marriage renewing times?


There's usually not time for just us, no. Now that all the boys are older, we can more likely work that in if we want to. I'd rather take time like that back here, though, going to some of our favorite haunts.


As a Mom, is the holiday truly a break or does it feel like a huge, huge job?


Pretty much any thing we do feels like work. That's just the reality right now in this season of life. I love to go camping, but it's work. I love to go stay out in the San Juans, but it's work. Sometimes I daydream about taking a totally relaxing beach vacation, but the reality is that it wouldn't be totally relaxing. Not that there wouldn't be enjoyable elements to it, but I'd still be mothering five boys, organizing a family, and that in and of itself can be a huge job, kwim?


How much do your older children want to go?


They definitely want to go, but like me, they regret that it'll mean missing out on some other things.


Thanks for those questions, Dana.

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We are taking our family vacation this year the first couple of weeks of September to give all the college kids a chance to get back to class. We love having the beaches all to ourselves.


Then we'll start school the last week or so of September.


It's your world. Live it how you see fit.

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If you mean, have a delayed starting a textbook or a certain program to go on a trip? Yes, definitely, certainly three times. The first time. my children got a life-changing education in disasters and history (Aug-Sept 2001 with 9/11 spent in DC area, and and witnessing tropical depression, bad car accident which we could help with, tornado, and of course, terrorism). The second time, we visited the Mediterranean and then traveled through Eastern Europe. That was extremely educational -history, art, natural science, government. The last was a short delay by gong to a state park the week school started. We again did natural science, some history and plenty of physical fitness (hiking).


Go ahead and do it.

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We will be delaying school this year for a trip to England and Scotland. Dh has a business trip and we are taking advantage of the savings. I consider this trip to be educational, but I can make Disney educational if I try hard enough.;)


We our not a slave to our local public school's calendar. We were the first year and then I noticed that private school's don't follow our local public school's calendar. Then, why should we. We follow our own calendar.

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Well, for me. I have always started the first Monday in August and get done by the first maybe second week in May. I have always thought, if I start early, then I can take as many breaks through the year and still finish in May, no later than the beginning of June. Which I've never gone into June before. I like being done in May cause we get lots of company down here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast around that time or early June. I am actually starting late this year, only by a week, because my son got to be involved in "Starbase Atlantis" on the Navy base. Look it up in your area, it is an awesome program. (5th and 6th graders) Any ways, it took place when I was planning to start the school year.

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Y'all made it easy since you pretty much said the same thing.;) I went ahead and scheduled the vacation but shortened it by a few days so I wouldn't have to start school quite so late. I know this vacation means a lot to Hans and it'll be pleasant once we're there. I hope in the future to arrange things differently so we don't leave home during such a nice time of year.


Any-hoo, we fly out September 1. It'll mostly be visiting with friends and family in the Lucerne and Geneva area, but I am hoping we can get down to Rome with the older boys for a few days. We'll see.


This week, though, the fair is the focus. Off now to check on our animals and feed lunch to the boys before the demolition derby!:) Thanks again for thinking through this with me.

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