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Oh aye.


And now how much would it freak everyone out if I said that not using the quoting button does happen. That a lot more is quoted and discussed over there without using that feature? Would that make everyone feel better, or more aggravated, do you think? Would everyone be okay with now knowing that ANY of the secret, closed SGs here might have people copying and pasting them into their own discussions? Really, I think that people here need to understand that this is the internet. Whatever you say, ANYWHERE, can be copied and pasted ANYWHERE else. Like if you talked about a gun discussion from one forum on another forum based in, say, a country to the north of us on a thread about bikers scaring people in red SUVs. KWIM? And it's not always who you think that will be doing the copying and pasting. People need to keep that in mind and just not say anything on the internet that they don't want to show up somewhere else, out of context or not, and be discussed.

I don't know KK. I've been part of a lot of social groups since they started up on the older board and I've never noticed a lot of quoting from the general/chat board being taken to the social group and discussed further. Maybe I've just been in the wrong groups.


I think what bothers most people about being quoted and not knowing why is the gossip possibility. Just not knowing if it was an innocent comment or malicious is unnerving. I think it isn't following the gossip rule #1. Don't let the gossipee know the gossiper is saying anything about the gossipee. We've all walked into the room where everyone is talking about us. The dead silence that follows is uncomfortable. That is the feeling one gets in this situation if one is the quoted.

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Am I the only one fascinated by this whole UltraSecret Facebook Group?


Who's in it?


What do you talk about?


Do you need a sponsor to get invited?


Is that were so many of the high-post count people have disappeared to? You know, the people who think the board has turned into a Jerry Springer show?


There are actually several. 

I'll say this as someone who was quoted on the freethinkers' group last time this topic came up. I'm 99% certain if someone is quoted and discussed it isn't in a demeaning way. I contacted someone in that group when this happened before. We talked for days via email about the being quoted issue, our kids, our lives and stuff in general. There really is no malice there among that group toward the Hive as a whole.


I'm not singling anyone out when I say we need to put aside prejudices. Just because a person is a non-believer doesn't mean they are evil, mocking our beliefs or finding ways to do harm to a believer or his/her reputation. Our perceptions of what "they" may say about "us" just because it is the atheists is probably wrong. There shouldn't even be an Us and Them.


Yes, it is disconcerting to find someone is commenting on one or what on one has said in a manner such as a private social group. And gossiping really is rude. It is something I personally try to limit, but it happens occasionally. Some people are just a bit better at covering up the gossip than others. It would have been a non issue if the person who did the quoting had said:


Scarlet said,


Instead of quoting her directly.

Thank you, Parrothead.  I have been alerted a few times (once even by someone in the Atheist group! gasp!) for accidentally quoting them in another thread.  For some reason, sometimes the site carries over a quote to another thread and I'll think I'm quoting and replying to something said, when in fact I am sleep deprived and responding to something *completely* different.  And I've also posted really amazing quotes over to discuss elsewhere because I think it's such a cool idea that I must share it.  kwim?


FWIW, who cares?  I'm sure there's enough gossip going on within this site that it would put a Junior High to shame.  I have better things to do with my time, personally, but unfortunately, not everybody gets along 100% of the time.  

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Oh aye. 


And now how much would it freak everyone out if I said that not using the quoting button does happen. That a lot more is quoted and discussed over there without using that feature? Would that make everyone feel better, or more aggravated, do you think? Would everyone be okay with now knowing that ANY of the secret, closed SGs here might have people copying and pasting them into their own discussions? Really, I think that people here need to understand that this is the internet. Whatever you say, ANYWHERE, can be copied and pasted ANYWHERE else. Like if you talked about a gun discussion from one forum on another forum based in, say, a country to the north of us on a thread about bikers scaring people in red SUVs. KWIM? And it's not always who you think that will be doing the copying and pasting. People need to keep that in mind and just not say anything on the internet that they don't want to show up somewhere else, out of context or not, and be discussed. 


Yeah, as I admitted upthread, I did mention that gun post on that other site but I didn't get personal, I was just mentioning a disturbing (to me) trend that played out in that discussion.  For the record (to those not on that other site), the topic was about people jumping to extreme conclusions about someone's character (and the safety of children around same) based on seeing something they are not used to seeing.  That is a very public and popular site and I do know that some of the WTM members also frequent that site.


But your comment above makes me wonder - why would anyone want to go into a secret place to talk about people?  Especially to talk trash about them.  Especially people you don't even know and who have not done anything to hurt you.


I'm a member of a closed group here, and I can't imagine it being used like that.  If it ever is, I will quit immediately.  If I have something to say about someone personally, I'll first say it to their face.

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I have no idea. I'm sure any conversation we have there could be had here in PM's. Honestly (no snark), if you really want to know, I'd pm her directly. No way I'm speaking for her, ya know?


Have you ever heard of statement analysis?


Usually when people say they have "no idea" it means the exact opposite.


crazy stupid love was part of that group and she said she left.

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Have you ever heard of statement analysis?


Usually when people say they have "no idea" it means the exact opposite.


crazy stupid love was part of that group and she said she left.

Really? What do they say when they actually mean they have no idea?

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Have you ever heard of statement analysis?


Usually when people say they have "no idea" it means the exact opposite.


crazy stupid love was part of that group and she said she left.


Whether she knows why or not, it does seem better to let CSL speak for CSL on such a matter.


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Guest inoubliable

I don't know KK. I've been part of a lot of social groups since they started up on the older board and I've never noticed a lot of quoting from the general/chat board being taken to the social group and discussed further. Maybe I've just been in the wrong groups.


I think what bothers most people about being quoted and not knowing why is the gossip possibility. Just not knowing if it was an innocent comment or malicious is unnerving. I think it isn't following the gossip rule #1. Don't let the gossipee know the gossiper is saying anything about the gossipee. We've all walked into the room where everyone is talking about us. The dead silence that follows is uncomfortable. That is the feeling one gets in this situation if one is the quoted.


I can see that. I understand. The people in the SG do try to not use the quoting feature. Sometimes it happens. I can't do anything about how it makes the quoted person feel, but I had hoped that chiming in here and letting everyone know that it's not a place to maliciously gossip about the believers of this community would help. Usually it's a "hey, in that peanut butter thread, someone mentioned using almond butter. Is that a thing? Anyone here do that?". (Okay, lame example, but you know what I mean.) Directly quoting someone almost never happens in the SG that we're talking about here. After the last time someone got upset here over being quoted directly into a discussion over there, the group decided to avoid direct quoting in the future. We do have some new members since then. I'll address it. 

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Really? What do they say when they actually mean they have no idea?


They might say, "I don't know."


The premise is that it is extremely rare a human being has "no idea" about something they were involved in.




You were in law inforcement. This can't be news to you.

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Why would you say they are a group that tends to be mocking? Because of who the members are or because they are atheists?


That's a good question.  Thank you for asking it.   :)


Being atheist does not equal being mocking, intolerant of others' religious beliefs, or even that one is a person who needs to discuss religion, or one's lack of it, constantly.  A person who is an atheist might do all of those things at times, just as a person of any religion might do those things, too.






ETA: Wow, you all are too fast for me.  I got called away, came back, posted and realized too late that this thread is light years past the point where I meant to insert this.  Oops.  Sorry.   :blushing: 

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They might say, "I don't know."


The premise is that it is extremely rare a human being has "no idea" about something they were involved in.




You were in law inforcement. This can't be news to you.

Actually it is news to me. I say I have no idea all the time, and mean exactly that.

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I figure anything I write on the internet is there for everyone and anyone to read.  I know I have seriously regretted .things I have written, but there they are.  I usually re-read what I wrote to give myself a chance to 'delete'.  If after the second reading I don't want to delete it, I post.  I don't want to write something I will be ashamed of, so re-reading gives me a chance to consider.  After that, if someone quotes it, I've already thought about it and was okay with posting it.


The issue I see with being quoted in a private group is that it doesn't give the person quoted a chance to explain or defend themselves.  Honestly, if that happened to me I would wonder why they quoted me and what they were saying about what I wrote.  I wouldn't lose sleep over it, but I would be curious.


People talk, IRL and on the internet.  When I comment to a friend or a group of people, I have no guarantee that what I said won't get spread around.  Usually, I'll never know.  On this forum, we have the ability to be notified when we're quoted.  I'm glad I don't have that in real life.  Normally I want to know when I've been quoted so I can respond.  That seems to be the issue.  You can't respond because it's a private group.  Maybe not knowing would be more peaceful.





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Guest inoubliable


But your comment above makes me wonder - why would anyone want to go into a secret place to talk about people?  Especially to talk trash about them.  Especially people you don't even know and who have not done anything to hurt you.




This is the problem. People not in the group would tend to be believers of a religion. Any religion. It makes the members of this particular SG "them" and not "us". It's easy to believe that the group is a secret place to trash talk non-members. 


It's not. 


Some people here are convinced that they're more important than they really are - at least in the SG that we're talking about here. I cannot stress it enough. The group does NOT exist to talk trash about other people on this board. 

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Have you ever heard of statement analysis?


Usually when people say they have "no idea" it means the exact opposite.


crazy stupid love was part of that group and she said she left.


I can explain this fairly easily.  The FB group moves fast and if you are set up to not recieve notifications every time something is posted, it is very easy to miss a post.  So it is very possible that she really has "no idea" if people are saying things because it is possible to miss many posts without knowing it.


Also, in the entire time I've been there, this forum has maybe been brought up less than once a month, if that.  And it usually just brings the conversation over there to continue.  We aren't twirling our mustaches and being dastardly.  Unless I've just missed those posts.   Which would be sad, I do love being dastardly. 


We mostly talk about.... wait for it.... homeschooling. 


I know.   My earth shattered, too. 

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They might say, "I don't know."


The premise is that it is extremely rare a human being has "no idea" about something they were involved in.




You were in law inforcement. This can't be news to you.

Really?  I always say "no idea".  Maybe it's a geographic thing?  


This is the problem. People not in the group would tend to be believers of a religion. Any religion. It makes the members of this particular SG "them" and not "us". It's easy to believe that the group is a secret place to trash talk non-members. 


It's not. 


Some people here are convinced that they're more important than they really are - at least in the SG that we're talking about here. I cannot stress it enough. The group does NOT exist to talk trash about other people on this board. 

I agree.  And I will add that some of us actually believe in something or are open to beliefs of some sort, but fit politically and spiritually more in with the group.  It's definitely not an "us vs. them" thing.

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Guest inoubliable



I agree.  And I will add that some of us actually believe in something or are open to beliefs of some sort, but fit politically and spiritually more in with the group.  It's definitely not an "us vs. them" thing.


Yes, exactly. I forgot to mention that we do have a fair amount of people who identify as Wiccan, Pagan, Pastafarians, etc. 

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This is the problem. People not in the group would tend to be believers of a religion. Any religion. It makes the members of this particular SG "them" and not "us". It's easy to believe that the group is a secret place to trash talk non-members. 


It's not. 


Some people here are convinced that they're more important than they really are - at least in the SG that we're talking about here. I cannot stress it enough. The group does NOT exist to talk trash about other people on this board. 


I never thought that, but then you said:  "And now how much would it freak everyone out if I said that not using the quoting button does happen. That a lot more is quoted and discussed over there without using that feature? Would that make everyone feel better, or more aggravated, do you think? Would everyone be okay with now knowing that ANY of the secret, closed SGs here might have people copying and pasting them into their own discussions?"


I may have taken it the wrong way, but it seemed to imply gossip.


I think it's great to have a social group to talk about things most people don't understand.  I would think that would be do-able without quoting others or mentioning them personally.

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Oh, and words like actually and exactly are considered unnecessary qualifiers.


When people use those, it indicates it is a sensitive topic to the writer.

Wow! I'm such a flipping mess. I'm in for it now. Nobody will ever believe a word I say. Oh, coo! I can be on the fast track to being that eccentric old woman. Yeah, me!


Funny how it is a sensitive, yet never thought of topic.

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Wow! I'm such a flipping mess. I'm in for it now. Nobody will ever believe a word I say. Oh, coo! I can be on the fast track to being that eccentric old woman. Yeah, me!


Dude, "nobody will ever"?  You obviously have a lot of baggage you are trying (unsuccessfully) to hide.  :P

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Am I the only one fascinated by this whole UltraSecret Facebook Group?


Who's in it?


What do you talk about?


Do you need a sponsor to get invited?


Is that were so many of the high-post count people have disappeared to? You know, the people who think the board has turned into a Jerry Springer show?


I'm not in it either I guess. Bummer.  Particularly since rumor has it there's some tea there. 

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Dude, "nobody will ever"? You obviously have a lot of baggage you are trying (unsuccessfully) to hide. :P

Apparently so. I tell you, I'm a... what is the phrase Joanne uses? Hot mess?



ETA: maybe I should have quoted Joanne so she knows I've mentioned her in a thread. Quick someone PM her.

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Oh, and words like actually and exactly are considered unnecessary qualifiers.


When people use those, it indicates it is a sensitive topic to the writer.


I use actually *all.the.time* my kids used the word actually as toddlers. It wasn't until people started commenting on a toddler saying "actually" that I noticed how much I say it.


I think it's strange to use something as nebulous as "statement analysis" to imply that Bethany is lying. But, I tend to be fairly direct.

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Wait...apparently I'm thinking of another secret group? I have no idea what's going on. One of these days I'll be in the cool clique and know wtf is happening.

There are multiple secret groups running around. I believe there are at least 4 FB groups. Lots of the SGs are hidden away for privacy since they are of a sensitive nature. My group voted to be hidden so if anyone was interested in converting they wouldn't have to catch flack about either well meaning people here or from family and friends.


FTR: I lasted about 12 hours with one of the FB groups. I just really dislike FB as an entity, and it felt somehow disloyal to SWB.

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Wait...apparently I'm thinking of another secret group?  I have no idea what's going on.  One of these days I'll be in the cool clique and know wtf is happening.  


Are you in Skull and Bones, Golden Dawn, Freemasons or something else? ;)

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I use actually *all.the.time* my kids used the word actually as toddlers. It wasn't until people started commenting on a toddler saying "actually" that I noticed how much I say it.


I think it's strange to use something as nebulous as "statement analysis" to imply that Bethany is lying. But, I tend to be fairly direct.

Me, too.  Apparently Freud would have a fun time with my subconscious mind.  I seem to be all sorts of nefarious.  I also use "like" and "totally" a lot.  I would say it's because I was a skater punk for years and I picked it up, but really, it's probably that I'm devious. 

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Oh, and words like actually and exactly are considered unnecessary qualifiers.


When people use those, it indicates it is a sensitive topic to the writer.


The way I understand it, those sorts of things are only "red flags" if you have a baseline for what is normal for a specific person, and those things fall outside their normal speech.  You can't point at someone off the street and say, "Hey, you just said [whatever], therefore I know you're lying."  It doesn't work like that.

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Me, too.  Apparently Freud would have a fun time with my subconscious mind.  I seem to be all sorts of nefarious.  I also use "like" and "totally" a lot.  I would say it's because I was a skater punk for years and I picked it up, but really, it's probably that I'm devious. 


Are your pants on fire? That's the real question. :D

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There are multiple secret groups running around. I believe there are at least 4 FB groups. Lots of the SGs are hidden away for privacy since they are of a sensitive nature. My group voted to be hidden so if anyone was interested in converting they wouldn't have to catch flack about either well meaning people here or from family and friends.


FTR: I lasted about 12 hours with one of the FB groups. I just really dislike FB as an entity, and it felt somehow disloyal to SWB.


I thought they were talking about SGs first, and I know there is a secret general WTM fb group that I'm not cool enough to be in.  This has gotten quite complicated. :p

Are you in Skull and Bones, Golden Dawn, Freemasons or something else? ;)

I can't answer that unless you know the handshake.

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Wait...apparently I'm thinking of another secret group?  I have no idea what's going on.  One of these days I'll be in the cool clique and know wtf is happening.  


When that happens, will you invite me?  And maybe clue me in to all the secret happenings?  I didn't know there was a secret FB group or a closed atheist group.  I'm totally out of the loop! 

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The way I understand it, those sorts of things are only "red flags" if you have a baseline for what is normal for a specific person, and those things fall outside their normal speech. You can't just point at someone off the street and say, "Hey, you just said [whatever], therefore I know you're lying." It doesn't work like that.

This actually makes more sense.

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The way I understand it, those sorts of things are only "red flags" if you have a baseline for what is normal for a specific person, and those things fall outside their normal speech.  You can't just point at someone off the street and say, "Hey, you just said [whatever], therefore I know you're lying."  It doesn't work like that.


I just look for pantalones en fuego. 

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When that happens, will you invite me?  And maybe clue me in to all the secret happenings?  I didn't know there was a secret FB group or a closed atheist group.  I'm totally out of the loop! 

You're asking too publicly.  Obviously you aren't trustworthy. 







Says the person not cool enough to be in the super secret group.

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I use actually *all.the.time* my kids used the word actually as toddlers. It wasn't until people started commenting on a toddler saying "actually" that I noticed how much I say it.


I think it's strange to use something as nebulous as "statement analysis" to imply that Bethany is lying. But, I tend to be fairly direct.


I'm stating directly that I think Bethany has an idea why crazy stupid love thinks a secret FB group that both Bethany and CSL both belonged to is a gossipfest.

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The way I understand it, those sorts of things are only "red flags" if you have a baseline for what is normal for a specific person, and those things fall outside their normal speech.  You can't point at someone off the street and say, "Hey, you just said [whatever], therefore I know you're lying."  It doesn't work like that.


I'm not doing to it to someone off the street.

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I'm stating directly that I think Bethany has an idea why crazy stupid love thinks a secret FB group that both Bethany and CSL both belonged to is a gossipfest.

I have no idea what's going on.  I think we're having a bit of fun.  Maybe it's because I feel slightly tipsy from stress today. 

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You're asking too publicly.  Obviously you aren't trustworthy. 







Says the person not cool enough to be in the super secret group.


Drat!  When I am a super ninja, will that make me cool enough and trustworthy enough?



ETA - Drat again!  I should have PM'ed you!  Clearly I am never going to make into the super secret group.  :tongue_smilie:

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