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creepy guy at the movies...


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my dh wanted to see Heat because he'd heard it was good and we ended up taking our 22yr old college daughter with us.  We sit down in the nearly empty theater and this guy comes in.  I can't explain it but he just didn't seem right.  He sat down in front of me just to the left of me (my husband was next to me and our dd was next to him) and seems agitated.  Then he got up and walked out :huh: .  He wasn't even there 2mins.   When the movie started he came back in and sat in the same seat and slouched way down and looked to our right.   I watched him for a bit thinking ... what the ???.  I'm thinking this is very bizarre behavior, and wondering if I should say something to the management.   And, I don't want to elevate things to something worse.  People are crazy these days.   Then I realized - he's looking at my daughter's *(#@.   What the heck!!??  So I lean over to my daughter and tell her to put her legs down (she's got them up on the seat in front of us) because there's a creeper here looking at her.   But, he doesn't stop, he's still looking at her.   Then he up and leaves. (this is all within about 10mins).  Later she tells me its because he kept looking at her and she gave him that "what are you looking at??!" look and he walked out.


Later, she told me she had noticed him when we first came to the theater because as we walked through the theater he came out of another movie and walked in behind us.  She said he didn't look right to her either.  She thought he was homeless. 


I was contemplating going to get management but was concerned because so many bad things can happen, and  then he just left.  So I figured we were okay.  But now I wonder if I should have.  I mean if there's some creeper prowling around movies looking at girls/women.  Ewww..

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She told me she had noticed him when we first came to the theater because as we walked through the theater he came out of another movie and walked in behind us. 

on top of the creeper vibe - this.  he's going in and out of theaters looking for "something".  unless the management catches him doing something, or someone complains about something more than just a feeling, there isn't much they can do other than be aware.

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on top of the creeper vibe - this.  he's going in and out of theaters looking for "something".  unless the management catches him doing something, or someone complains about something more than just a feeling, there isn't much they can do other than be aware.


Yes, exactly why I wish now that I'd gone to management, but I didn't know that until after we were in the car going home.

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You could still call the movie theatre and let them know . . . it is not going to hurt to make a phone call. For all you know others have complained, too. Don't beat yourself up. Many of us freeze in bizzare situations. I bet you won't second guess what to do if something like that ever happens again.

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You could still call the movie theatre and let them know . . . it is not going to hurt to make a phone call. For all you know others have complained, too. Don't beat yourself up. Many of us freeze in bizzare situations. I bet you won't second guess what to do if something like that ever happens again.


I ended up calling last night.  The manager said they had a couple complaints and tried to find the guy in the theater but couldn't.    She said they later saw him outside the theater.

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I ended up calling last night. The manager said they had a couple complaints and tried to find the guy in the theater but couldn't. She said they later saw him outside the theater.

I'm glad you called -- and it's also good that other people reported the guy, as well.

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Not to sound too judgmental, but I'm wondering why your husband didn't confront the guy.  My husband would've had absolutely no problem saying something and then "escorting" the guy out of the theater himself, and then alerting the management.  This guy definitely fits the profile of a creepy stalker looking for someone to prey on.  IMO, it's always better to report suspicious behavior and be wrong, than to not, and then something horrible happens.


And this is yet another reason I'm so glad I'm married to a cop who NEVER leaves the house without carrying his off duty gun on him! 



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The concept of someone carrying a gun to the movies creeps me out. The guy was looking - he could have been dangerous but it is more likely he was just a sad, lonely person. A major confrontation would just have disrupted things for everyone else. I do miss the days when there were ushers in every movie with a torch who were quite happy to enforce order.


I live in a country where even the police carry there guns in lockboxes in their cars not on their person so my view on carrying guns will be different from someone in the US.

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Not to sound too judgmental, but I'm wondering why your husband didn't confront the guy.  My husband would've had absolutely no problem saying something and then "escorting" the guy out of the theater himself, and then alerting the management.  This guy definitely fits the profile of a creepy stalker looking for someone to prey on.  IMO, it's always better to report suspicious behavior and be wrong, than to not, and then something horrible happens.


And this is yet another reason I'm so glad I'm married to a cop who NEVER leaves the house without carrying his off duty gun on him!


I think PrincessMommy and her DH were fine. I respect her creep-o-meter but I also know it's not illegal to look at someone. So what could her DH do? Citizen's arrest for being a creeper?

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Not to sound too judgmental, but I'm wondering why your husband didn't confront the guy. My husband would've had absolutely no problem saying something and then "escorting" the guy out of the theater himself, and then alerting the management. This guy definitely fits the profile of a creepy stalker looking for someone to prey on. IMO, it's always better to report suspicious behavior and be wrong, than to not, and then something horrible happens.


And this is yet another reason I'm so glad I'm married to a cop who NEVER leaves the house without carrying his off duty gun on him!

IMO there is a big difference between the average Joe movie goer getting into a confrontation over wierd behavior and an officer who has been trained not only in how to spot potential threats but also, in theory, how to handle them without creating danger to innocent bystanders.
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Wow!  I didn't expect such a "bashing" regarding my response!  But, okay...


I guess I'm just used to being married to a man who has the balls to question some creeper staring at my daughter's *(#@.!  When I said "confront", I didn't mean that the husband should've gone up to the guy and punched him in the face.  I just meant that he could've at least asked the guy if he has a staring problem, thus calling him out on what he was doing.  I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with doing that, especially since PrincessMommy stated in her post that the creeper was indeed staring at her daughter's *(#@.!


After seeing these responses to my post, I'm even more grateful for the man I married...one with balls, and a gun!  

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Agreed, other than asking him what his issue is, there isn't much anyone could do. We were walking into Ikea the other day and a man was staring at my 3 year old daughter. It was really strange...I don't know how to explain it, but it felt weird. As we passed by him I asked my DH if he noticed, and he said he did, and gave the guy a look that said don't mess with me, which is when the guy stopped looking. But neither of us said anything or did anything because there is no law against looking, and because maybe the guy just has a daughter that looks like mine, or thought he knew us, or something.

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Not to sound too judgmental, but I'm wondering why your husband didn't confront the guy.  My husband would've had absolutely no problem saying something and then "escorting" the guy out of the theater himself, and then alerting the management.  This guy definitely fits the profile of a creepy stalker looking for someone to prey on.  IMO, it's always better to report suspicious behavior and be wrong, than to not, and then something horrible happens.


And this is yet another reason I'm so glad I'm married to a cop who NEVER leaves the house without carrying his off duty gun on him!



Wow!  I didn't expect such a "bashing" regarding my response!  But, okay...


I guess I'm just used to being married to a man who has the balls to question some creeper staring at my daughter's *(#@.!  When I said "confront", I didn't mean that the husband should've gone up to the guy and punched him in the face.  I just meant that he could've at least asked the guy if he has a staring problem, thus calling him out on what he was doing.  I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with doing that, especially since PrincessMommy stated in her post that the creeper was indeed staring at her daughter's *(#@.!


After seeing these responses to my post, I'm even more grateful for the man I married...one with balls, and a gun!


First, I didn't see anyone bashing you. People have opinions, they are like >self-edit<, don't get your's puckered just because someone has one that is different.


Second, for someone who started off her first post not wanting to be judgemental you really screwed the pooch on your second post there.


But bless your heart for trying.

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He could be a homeless guy who wanders from movie to movie all afternoon/night and doesn't leave until the last show ends. Though most of them tend to snooze rather than move around every 10 minutes.  It's a place to sleep inside.  I think you did the right thing reporting it.  



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Wow!  I didn't expect such a "bashing" regarding my response!  But, okay...


I guess I'm just used to being married to a man who has the balls to question some creeper staring at my daughter's *(#@.!  When I said "confront", I didn't mean that the husband should've gone up to the guy and punched him in the face.  I just meant that he could've at least asked the guy if he has a staring problem, thus calling him out on what he was doing.  I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with doing that, especially since PrincessMommy stated in her post that the creeper was indeed staring at her daughter's *(#@.!


After seeing these responses to my post, I'm even more grateful for the man I married...one with balls, and a gun!


You said your husband would say something and then escort the man out of the theatre.


On what grounds?


And people disagreeing with you is not bashing...just saying.

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Wow! I didn't expect such a "bashing" regarding my response! But, okay...


I guess I'm just used to being married to a man who has the balls to question some creeper staring at my daughter's *(#@.! When I said "confront", I didn't mean that the husband should've gone up to the guy and punched him in the face. I just meant that he could've at least asked the guy if he has a staring problem, thus calling him out on what he was doing. I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with doing that, especially since PrincessMommy stated in her post that the creeper was indeed staring at her daughter's *(#@.!


After seeing these responses to my post, I'm even more grateful for the man I married...one with balls, and a gun!

I am very sorry if my earlier reply made you feel bashed. I in no way meant to criticize your obviously well trained professional law enforcement officer of a husband. Most of us are not wed to such professionals.


But you have certainly criticized the husbands of many of the rest of us here. Thank you very much.


I am confident that my dh could protect me and my dds quite well if the need arose. Though I've always been the type to go for brains over ba....er, brawn.



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I am very sorry if my earlier reply made you feel bashed. I in no way meant to criticize your obviously well trained professional law enforcement officer of a husband. Most of us are not wed to such professionals.


But you have certainly criticized the husbands of many of the rest of us here. Thank you very much.


I am confident that my dh could protect me and my dds quite well if the need arose. Though I've always been the type to go for brains over ba....er, brawn.



Criticized those of who have LEOs as dh's along with those who don't.


Blessed mommy your dh would have no grounds for laying hands on the person in question. Doing so would be abuse of law enforcement powers and I would hope someone would call his superior on it.

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Am I the only one who read the part of PrincessMommy's post where she said, "Then I realized - he's looking at my daughter's *(#@.?"  He was obviously not "just looking/staring".  So how is this not grounds for being confronted, and then escorted out of the theater, if need be?  I guess maybe my husband and I are overly protective of our daughters??????? 


And trust me when I say that not only does my husband have balls, he also has brains!  I don't think he'd make it one day as a cop, or be promoted to Sergeant at the age of 29, if he didn't have brains!  I just got really lucky...my husband is smart and HOT!  :)

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Agreed, other than asking him what his issue is, there isn't much anyone could do. We were walking into Ikea the other day and a man was staring at my 3 year old daughter. It was really strange...I don't know how to explain it, but it felt weird. As we passed by him I asked my DH if he noticed, and he said he did, and gave the guy a look that said don't mess with me, which is when the guy stopped looking. But neither of us said anything or did anything because there is no law against looking, and because maybe the guy just has a daughter that looks like mine, or thought he knew us, or something.

It's so uncomfortable when stuff like that happens -- the person isn't actually doing anything wrong, but your creep-o-meter starts blaring inside your head, and then you keep looking over your shoulder for the next hour, making sure he isn't following you. :ack2: I hate it when I get that feeling; fortunately it doesn't happen very often, but when it does, I always pay attention to it. I know some people would think I was crazy or paranoid, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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Am I the only one who read the part of PrincessMommy's post where she said, "Then I realized - he's looking at my daughter's *(#@.?"  He was obviously not "just looking/staring".  So how is this not grounds for being confronted, and then escorted out of the theater, if need be?  I guess maybe my husband and I are overly protective of our daughters??????? 


And trust me when I say that not only does my husband have balls, he also has brains!  I don't think he'd make it one day as a cop, or be promoted to Sergeant at the age of 29, if he didn't have brains!  I just got really lucky...my husband is smart and HOT!  :)


Forgive my denseness (density?)...but I don't know what Debbi/PrincessMommy meant when she said he was staring at her &^*&^.


If her legs were up on the seat, did she mean crotchal region? Or chest? Or...what?


And you still haven't told me the specific charge. Hooha Staring?


Edited a bit.

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Am I the only one who read the part of PrincessMommy's post where she said, "Then I realized - he's looking at my daughter's *(#@.?" He was obviously not "just looking/staring". So how is this not grounds for being confronted, and then escorted out of the theater, if need be? I guess maybe my husband and I are overly protective of our daughters???????


And trust me when I say that not only does my husband have balls, he also has brains! I don't think he'd make it one day as a cop, or be promoted to Sergeant at the age of 29, if he didn't have brains! I just got really lucky...my husband is smart and HOT! :)

By management. Not some random person, off duty LEO or not.


Part of being protective of one's children is not doing anything that can get one sued for everything one has.

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I would tell someone that was bothering me or my child to leave me alone.  Strangely, that doesn't require me to have "balls" or a gun.  But if someone has not done something, I am more likely to move and glare or ignore.  That doesn't make me or anyone's husband a coward.  My husband has magic conflict resolution skills (I call them his Jedi powers) and probably would have gotten the dude to leave the theatre entirely voluntarily and think that leaving was his own idea.  People do not say no to him and he is NOT a physically intimidating guy at all.  He's a lanky guy with nerd glasses.  


When one needs to dive into a situation "balls first" one very well may be overcompensating for something.  

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Am I the only one who read the part of PrincessMommy's post where she said, "Then I realized - he's looking at my daughter's *(#@.?"  He was obviously not "just looking/staring".  So how is this not grounds for being confronted, and then escorted out of the theater, if need be?  I guess maybe my husband and I are overly protective of our daughters??????? 


And trust me when I say that not only does my husband have balls, he also has brains!  I don't think he'd make it one day as a cop, or be promoted to Sergeant at the age of 29, if he didn't have brains!  I just got really lucky...my husband is smart and HOT!  :)


Well, I think it's rather inappropriate to assume because my husband didn't do anything that it means he doesn't have b*lls (or that's he's stupid or something - that's rather immature of you) - as have you HAVE clearly stated.  You can bash our husbands but we can't disagree with your opinion on how we handle the situation?


As I said, the guy was clearly agitated.  Is that against the law too now?  But, it did frighten me when he first came in.  My thoughts immediately went to Aurora movie shooting.  I was glad when he first left. 


For the record, my husband was clueless about what was going on.  That's the way he is.    I wasn't to the point of involving him,  I was thinking of way to deal with the situation without escalating it to something worse... and  I was at the point of getting up and taking care of it *myself* when he left.



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Forgive my denseness (density?)...but I don't know what Debbi/PrincessMommy meant when she said he was staring at her &^*&^.


If her legs were up on the seat, did she mean crotchal region? Or chest? Or...what?


And you still haven't told me the specific charge. Hooha Staring?


Edited a bit.


LOL!! This made me laugh.  Can you imagine how time consuming it would be if we had to get our husband involved every time some guy was looking at our bOOks?? 


for the record it was probably her crotch (can we say that here???!!)

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LOL!! This made me laugh. Can you imagine how time consuming it would be if we had to get our husband involved every time some guy was looking at our bOOks??


for the record it was probably her crotch (can we say that here???!!)

Well, to repeat myself, I respect your creep-o-meter and I think you handled it fine.



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