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i need help solving this issue before school officially starts...

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My kids seem to think they cant do school work unless there is no talking (aka me helping another child)...or a child practicing the piano...both of which are valid Imo....however they wont go for any of the solutions I have come up with...working in another room for example. I think they are using this as an excuse to put off their work...but as the kids get older...it takes longer to do what they need to do and there is only do much time in a day... how can I nip this problem before it gets started this year?...my kids are 9, 11, and13. Thanks.

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My kids seem to think they cant do school work unless there is no talking (aka me helping another child)...or a child practicing the piano...both of which are valid Imo....however they wont go for any of the solutions I have come up with...working in another room for example. I think they are using this as an excuse to put off their work...but as the kids get older...it takes longer to do what they need to do and there is only do much time in a day... how can I nip this problem before it gets started this year?...my kids are 9, 11, and13. Thanks.

I have this happening, but only with one Dc.  To be fair, I think he does prefer to work in solitude, but I still tell him he will have to work in his room and shut his door if he can't take the other noises.  I have also suggested he work out on the patio in nice weather.  (It's odd that he can tune out lawnmowers and various neighborhood noise, isn't it?  Which makes me wonder if it is just noise from his sister that is a problem--kind of like 'she's touching me!' complaints?)


I have also told him that he is going to need to learn to work under less than ideal circumstances and even in strange place since he will have a lot of work to do once he is in college and may need to do some of it in strange places.  I once had a 3 hour break between classes and did some homework in a student lounge where there were all kinds of distractions.


I know it's not great advice.  Basically I do some accommodating and some telling them to just deal with it.

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Do they have any sensory issues?  We were chatting about this in another thread.  Our entire family has sensory issues and it has to be completely quiet for us to concentrate.  I posted before about how I could hear air coming from an air conditioning vent once and it sounded like I was standing near a loud static-y waterfall or something!   :confused1:   Anyway, they do make noise-canceling headphones for kids with those issues.  Our friends have kids in ps and the school actually issued a set of headphones to their daughter to help her concentrate during her schoolwork.


I now try to work with my kids one at a time because of that issue.  I send the other ones away to another room (to play or read).

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I'd tell them go to a different room, wear noise-canceling headphones, or suck it up. Why they can't concentrate isn't as important as how to solve the problem. Make them choose a strategy and then stop complaining. Mine do pushups when they complain about issues we've already solved.

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I'd tell them go to a different room, wear noise-canceling headphones, or suck it up. Why they can't concentrate isn't as important as how to solve the problem. Make them choose a strategy and then stop complaining. Mine do pushups when they complain about issues we've already solved.

I think we're kindred spirits! Our kids could get together and compare who's "meaner", LOL!!

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I'm more of a "suck-it-up" kind of person too. Usually my kids are using it as a way to whine about something. If my girls are playing a board game in the same room when the boys are working on math, I will make the girls go into their bedroom. Who wants to see and hear people having fun while you are doing math? But I better not hear you can't concentrate because you can hear your sibling breathing!

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Do they have any sensory issues?  We were chatting about this in another thread.  Our entire family has sensory issues and it has to be completely quiet for us to concentrate.  I posted before about how I could hear air coming from an air conditioning vent once and it sounded like I was standing near a loud static-y waterfall or something!   :confused1:   Anyway, they do make noise-canceling headphones for kids with those issues.  Our friends have kids in ps and the school actually issued a set of headphones to their daughter to help her concentrate during her schoolwork.


I now try to work with my kids one at a time because of that issue.  I send the other ones away to another room (to play or read).

Pretty much-----either go to a different room, wear noise-canceling earbuds/headphones to listen to music of your choice, or deal.

Sometimes *I* have to go to a different room...

Sensory issues in this house too, as well as ADD, and that's how we deal with it.

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Yeah....now that I think about it...every Friday we have piano lessons in the morning and 2 of my 3 CHOOSE to be in the same room as the lesson WHILE doing their school work...so if they can do it there...they can do it at home....


I also appreciate the advice on not making it a suggestion..but rather...this is what you need to do now...I don't do that enough...thanks!

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Deal, use headphones, go somewhere else. That being said, I do try to keep the schoolroom quiet for a few hours, but we have a pretty good-sized house and plenty of other places for kids to play. Small boys are welcome in the schoolroom, but it IS the quiet room, and if they would rather make noise, they'll be directed to the playroom or another room.

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You might also point out that if they were in a public school room with 26 peers, there will ALWAYS be someone whispering to their neighbor, rustling papers, and, yes, asking the teacher for extra help.

If you offer several suggestions (earphones, moving to another room, dealing with it), and there are still complaints, tell them, "I have offered 3 suggestions so far.  YOU come up with one solution.  All you need is one.  It is YOUR turn to solve this problem for getting your work done."


Yeah, I belong to the Mean Moms Club, too.

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I pointed out to my son that in the workplace, if he is in a cube farm, he'll have to learn how to work around other people's noise. Boss isn't going to give you a private office just because noise bothers you.


Most of the time, the complaints are due to bad attitude, not an actual problem (in my house). I do keep noise/ distractions to a reasonable minimum, but in life, there is going to be noise.

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I know there can be sensory issues, but if they are choosing not to move elsewhere and just complain, I think it comes down to self-centeredness. Unfortunately, some of the wonderful things about homeschooling can actually contribute to the self-centeredness.


I try to keep the common area relatively low-key and keep little kid noise down in the morning, but I have one kid that dawdles sometimes and then tells everyone at 5 p.m. that they need to be quiet while he finishes his work at the table or on the couch. Um, no. We live here. Finish earlier, deal, or go elsewhere. Life does not revolve around any one person.

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Another vote that they basically need to suck it up.  Life is noisy.  We rarely get to work in ideal conditions.  We figure out what to do to compensate and then do it.  End of story.  I have sympathy for extreme circumstances and so forth, but for everyday life, kids have to deal.

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Depends on the day. If I'm in a good mood, I'll tell the talkative one to tone it down or go elsewhere. (For the record, my talker does tend to increase in volume if not reminded to keep it down.)

If I'm not in the best of moods I may start singing. 

"You can't always get what you wa--ant...."

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It is hard to concentrate and think with random loud noises occuring.  Move them to a location with predictable noise...air conditioner, radio, dishwasher, washing machine.


Ugh.  For me, those droning predictable noises make my skin crawl.  They never used to bother me so much, but I'm more sensitive now.  Which leads me to my suggestion.  When background sounds are bothering me more, it's usually a hint that I need to get more exercise, which doubles as sensory input. I'd tell the complaining child to go run outside for half an hour, then take their work to their room and get it done. Exercise improves everyone's attitude in general, anyways.

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