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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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There were so many posters from the other side of the world when I posted this early last night that I thought I'd post it again when it is day for some of you and night for the rest of us.  I'm drinking my nighttime magnesium and am  hoping that I'll sleep long and deep.  


Clean kitchen


Swim lesson

Ds - geometry and Latin

Dd - math?  history?  grammar?

Work on camp lesson

Work on camp music

yard work


Go through fridge looking for budding science experiments and get rid of them.

Find wedding card and make sure it gets filled out and put with the wedding present.


So much depends on whether I"m functional or not tomorrow.  

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I hope you will have a good night, Jean!



I think all the kids are better now, the weather is very nice, I think it's going to be a good day.


Plans for this morning:


-clean bathroom

-declutter bedroom closet

-study Latin

-stalk the postman :), I'm waiting for my Greek study books to arrive

-remove weeds from front garden (I don't like to garden, but I can't put this off any longer)

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I should be in bed since I must be ready to leave the house in under 4.5 hours but here goes.


Cub Scout Day Camp for me and all the kiddos


Once home-


Diaper laundry

a load of towels

clean my kitchen

DS - handwriting worksheet

DD - counting practice

and then get ready for another day of day camp

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It's 11:00 now.


Cleaned the bathroom, with a little help from my 2yo :)

Decluttered the bedroom closet. I do this regularly, so it wasn't too bad

Folded one load of laundry

Put one load of laundry in the machine


I'm putting off working in the front garden untill it gets a little cooler.


I'm going to try some Caesar now and think about what to make for lunch.

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Nope.  Not going to do it.  <---Lie


It's almost 2pm here.





1 load of laundry

Vacuumed LR rug

Swept LR/DR and entry

Surfed the interwebs

Bank (blech)

Post Office (double blech)



I still have to:


Frost Indy's b-day cake (he's 11 today!!!!)

Fold the load of laundry I washed

Pack for our trip to the Star Wars Europe Convention (Indy's b-day present.  Three days of Star Wars geekdom.)

Go to Aldi to get more water.  It's so hot we're sucking it down.  We've drunk 20 1.5 liter bottles in 2 days!  Yikes.


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Done so far:


dd to ballet intensive



To do:


today's beginner Pilates workout


continue planning history (have been working on this all week when dd's at intensive)

more dorm shopping with dd18

pop into Costco for the item I forgot to put on the last list (frozen mixed berries for dd13's smoothies)

weed a bit since the temp has dropped

prep dinner

sit with an exhausted dd13 after dinner while she tries to stay awake to do geometry

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I finally got a decent night of sleep and the world looks better today.   :hurray: 


You are posting these threads way too early, Jean!


This morning I hope to:


  • read some of the book I picked up at the thrift shop
  • call one of our 'dog-people' friends 
  • walk on the treadmill & listen to sermons online
  • organize some of the books for the upcoming year
  • straighten the downstairs
  • look at my friend's email about the IEW class I'm teaching this fall
  • plan with Dd the dog training she is going to teach to her friend later today
  • pack for a visit to a friend's house

Not sure how much of this I'll get through before we have to leave this afternoon, but I'm going to try!



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Congratulations with Indy's birthday, Mom in High Heels!



I read 45 lines of Caesar...and now my brain has turned into mush. But I'm quiet proud that I was able to do so! There were a few lines that I wasn't really certain about, but pretty sure that it had something to do with soldiers...and killing...and battle lines :D.



Luckily lunch was easy, leftovers from yesterday.


Still haven't seen the postman :(.

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Today is fair day!

So to do today:

We leave in 45 minutes to get the kids to ds14's work so they can get ready to be on the A&W float at the parade. 

Find a good spot on the route to sit, set up my lawn chair and wait for a few hours-note to self either bring a book or lesson planning

Pick kids back up from the A&W zip home and eat a good lunch.

Head back to the fair grounds, get in, send kids off with their ride all day wrist bands and say "I'll be over there in the shade, come find me if you need me and stay together"

Go sit in the shade with my book, my puppy and a bottled water.  Ahhh this is the life. 

Some time after 10pm gather up my now exhausted teens, and head home.  Have a quick late supper and go to bed.

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I must not have had enough water to drink yesterday, as my legs were cramping up again in the night - bah.  And then the rabbits, who are usually very quiet at night, decided to tear their box apart at 4am - humbug.  At least dd10 is no longer throwing up.


Done So Far:


Kitchen cleaned

Dishes done

Pork shoulder in slow cooker


To Do:

Put away laundry

email to church group

email to S.S. coordinator

Find TOG binders


Spend a little time outside in the sun- weed garden or attack invasive vines

3-hole punch TOG papers

Sort papers and put into binders

String orchestra arrangements

Get dressed

Drink more coffee

Make dinner for family

Orchestra pot-luck/play-in


Lunch - ham & cheese gf pancake sandwiches, fruit

Dinner - pulled BBQ, leftover rice and veggies, salad



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God just slammed a door in my face.  In a moment of desperation last night I signed up for information on our state virtual academy which uses K12.  I just talked to the representative.  Once I cut through the rah-rah speech he was reading and asked if I could ask "the question of the hour", he admitted that ds16 (who is going into 11th grade) would be put back to 9th grade, no questions asked, no recourse at all because ours was not an "accredited homeschool".  Which is another topic (I started a thread on the high school board).  What's important for this tackle thread is that I did check it out and that avenue is done - finished - complete - absolutely not an option.  So now I'm going to hit the shower.  

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Jean, I'm sorry. I was told, too, before beginning high school, that any classes would not be accepted by the state if I tried to enroll my kids in high school later. Once you take the plunge, there's no turning back :eek: It's so frustrating though...a college will accept homeschool classes but a high school won't. Makes no sense. Keep calm and carry on :grouphug:

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Jean, that is so weird! What could be easier than making a couple of tests to see at what level a student can be placed?

Don't they want to make money? (I'm assuming you would have to pay for K12....but I'm not really sure if that's the case?)


You are right though, you checked it out and it was absolutely not an option. Task done.


I hope you will start to feel better soon and 11th grade will go smoothly.

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Hi Jean,

I baked bread and cinnamon rolls this morning. I'm leaving tomorrow morning at o-dark-thirty on the train to a homeschool convention. My sil talked me into going with her and we were going to take the train. I love the train. So, I'm looking at the Amtrak schedule and I e-mail her and say, "OK, so I'm assuming we're taking the 9:10am train, which will get us to Modesto by 11:00ish." She e-mails back, "No, we're taking the 6:50am train!" I'm glad Starbucks opens early.  So, anyhow, I need to get ready for that. Just going over one night. Need to clean up the kitchen. It's a disaster.

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Eek!  I don't like getting up that early, Krissi!  But it sounds like a fun outing.


My 1:30 report:


The door bell rang and it was some former neighbors who moved away about 5 years ago!  Their son, now a strapping young man the same age as mine, looks so different!  (As I'm sure they said about mine.)  We had a nice visit catching up.  We've exchanged Christmas cards all along but it's nice to have an actual chat.  


I've been working on our transcript and have been trying to figure out on paper anyway, our next year's school goals.  

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I must not have had enough water to drink yesterday, as my legs were cramping up again in the night - bah. And then the rabbits, who are usually very quiet at night, decided to tear their box apart at 4am - humbug. At least dd10 is no longer throwing up.


Done So Far:


Kitchen cleaned

Dishes done

Pork shoulder in slow cooker


To Do:

Put away laundry

email to church group

email to S.S. coordinator

Find TOG binders


Spend a little time outside in the sun- weed garden or attack invasive vines

3-hole punch TOG papers

Sort papers and put into binders

String orchestra arrangements

Get dressed

Drink more coffee

Make dinner for family

Orchestra pot-luck/play-in


Lunch - ham & cheese gf pancake sandwiches, fruit

Dinner - pulled BBQ, leftover rice and veggies, salad

Also called the hair cutting place to tell them about my 60 second "chop-it-off" haircut. They said to come on in anytime and they would fix it. This was a big deal for me because #1, I don't make phone calls unless I am absolutely forced to and #2, making complaints to a business generally makes me nauseous.

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Also called the hair cutting place to tell them about my 60 second "chop-it-off" haircut.  They said to come on in anytime and they would fix it.  This was a big deal for me because #1, I don't make phone calls unless I am absolutely forced to and #2, making complaints to a business generally makes me nauseous.


Oh, dear, I hope the cut wasn't too bad :(  I have to call the garage today and tell them that the repairs they did on my car did not completely fix the problem. I'm not looking forward to taking my car in again. Grrr...


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Wow, you thew me Jean. I had to check the date, yes it IS still Thursday. Thanks for that.

Today dd and I managed to lift a 3m x 3 m shed onto a little trailer (via long poles). then a friend came over and helped me reposition it outside our shed/shack and then we turned and moved the caravan. (Lots of back fro-ing around trees, rocks and sheds.)

Then we had a couple of beers and enjoyed the absolutely STUNNING sunset.


Computer battery went flat so it is now over 12 hours later... So I still missed posting on Thursday. So be it.

It was a good one. Today is another good one. Another stunning sunrise during my coffee, fire lit, light frost observed, sheep redirected and school work already begun.



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Sorry about the bad haircut and the bad car repair.  Both of those are so stressful for me!


I have music for Scripture verses I'm using for camp.  They are very prettily written but I don't like them!  (The verses are about the armor of God and should be more martial in nature, in my opinion, not pretty arias!)  So ds and I are writing our own.  I helped him come up with the first song and have written out the musical notation.  He has just whipped out a second song on his guitar.  I'm having him record and then I'll try to figure out the notation from that.  Why do I need the notation?  Because he's going to be helping elsewhere in the camp and I need it for myself.

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Sorry about the bad haircut and the bad car repair.  Both of those are so stressful for me!


I have music for Scripture verses I'm using for camp.  They are very prettily written but I don't like them!  (The verses are about the armor of God and should be more martial in nature, in my opinion, not pretty arias!)  So ds and I are writing our own.  I helped him come up with the first song and have written out the musical notation.  He has just whipped out a second song on his guitar.  I'm having him record and then I'll try to figure out the notation from that.  Why do I need the notation?  Because he's going to be helping elsewhere in the camp and I need it for myself.

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I think I bit off more than I can chew! How can 2 small 3 shelf book cases hold so much? I'm in the middle of pulling out all my school stuff and trying to weed through it and organize stuff for next year. My living room floor is covered in piles. I work in the morning and my sisters come tomorrow evening!

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Made 14 jars of blackberry jam and 2 more jars of pickles. Still haven't washed the green beans. I'll probably do that and break them while watching TV later on tonight.


Did get the whole house VERy clean. It was a gorgeous, unseasonal day. I opened all the windows since it was only 75 degrees outside with no humidity, and cleaned like crazy. It looks great! Nice days put me in the mood for cleaning.

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I finally got a decent night of sleep and the world looks better today.   :hurray: 


You are posting these threads way too early, Jean!


This morning I hope to:


  • read some of the book I picked up at the thrift shop
  • call one of our 'dog-people' friends 
  • walk on the treadmill & listen to sermons online
  • organize some of the books for the upcoming year
  • straighten the downstairs
  • look at my friend's email about the IEW class I'm teaching this fall
  • plan with Dd the dog training she is going to teach to her friend later today
  • pack for a visit to a friend's house

Not sure how much of this I'll get through before we have to leave this afternoon, but I'm going to try!

Had to scrap organizing books.  I completely forgot about Ds's dog class tonight, but remembered in time for him to get there!

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Drop off ds  √

Laundry √

School work √

List a few things on eBay √

Pick up ds √

Had to make a quick run to the store because dd drank up all the milk

Scalloped potatoes and ham for dinner?

DH wants me to go look at computers with him :huh: Like I know anything about them

Need to drop my car off at the repair place tonight

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6:20 check in:

Folded a load of laundry.  

Dd put the laundry away.

Ds sorted new laundry and started a load.

Did some more school research.

Heated up dinner

Snatched quick 5 min. to catch dh up on the day.

Dropped ds and dd off at swim lesson/ work out.  I'm still not up for Zumba.


I am currently at the library where I had expected it to be air conditioned but if so, it is on very very low.  I am going to work on my camp lesson.



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