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Quick, a wwyd about a sick kid


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Im so upset. My middle dd has been waiting for a speech evaluation for almost 5 months after going through a 5 month process with the school system which ended in them telling us she's delayed but not delayed enough for them to offer services, so we have a private evaluation this morning. She was throwing up last night. I am so upset, it has been almost a year and canceling will mean another 5 month wait. She hasn't been sick since about midnight, still says she doesn't feel great this am but says she doesn't actually feel nauseous, my youngest was sick yesterday so I'm fairly certain it is actually a virus and not just something she ate. do I bring her to the evaluation (what the hubby wants us to do) cancel (whatbim leaning towards) the appointment is at 8:15 so we don't really have time to call and see what they suggest. Wwyd?

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I don't think I would take her. I'm so sorry to say that though! Maybe they can get you back in quicker and you won't really have to wait another 5 months. I hope so anyway.


Sorry...the stomach virus is never fun. I do my best to try to keep it contained and not pass it around.

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I would not take her. The speech therapist most likely works with other children, some of whom may be immune-deficient or seriously impaired to where a stomach virus could really throw them. I would not risk spreading a stomach virus. I would wait 24 hours after the last vomiting episode before taking her around others.

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If you do take her in please be honest and tell the therapist so that they can wipe things down with clorox wipes after you leave.  My 7 yo son is the child that ends up in the hospital if he gets a stomach virus.  He's almost died many times because of selfish people who take vomiting kids places.  We are many thousands of dollars in debt because of the 12 hospital stays.  


Watch your child experience extreme rhabdo pain because someone brought a child who had been vomiting to church and then let them play with all the other children after service and then you might understand my bitterness on this topic.  5 months is a long wait.  I know, but my son couldn't do school for two months this year because of people who won't abide by the common sense rule of 24 hours.

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If you do take her in please be honest and tell the therapist so that they can wipe things down with clorox wipes after you leave.  My 7 yo son is the child that ends up in the hospital if he gets a stomach virus.  He's almost died many times because of selfish people who take vomiting kids places.  We are many thousands of dollars in debt because of the 12 hospital stays.  


Watch your child experience extreme rhabdo pain because someone brought a child who had been vomiting to church and then let them play with all the other children after service and then you might understand my bitterness on this topic.  5 months is a long wait.  I know, but my son couldn't do school for two months this year because of people who won't abide by the common sense rule of 24 hours.


This! These types of specialists work with other children. Your child will not be the only appointment of the day and even if Clorox wipes are used to wipe down surfaces, chances are, something will be missed.


I get how inconvenient and disappointing this is, but that doesn't trump another child's right to not get sick.


The words the pediatric cardiologist used that fateful day 10 years ago were, "Take him home. Get him healthy. Keep him that way. Do everything you can to keep him from getting sick for a few years. DO NOT let him be around other sick children. Vigilance."


Please, please keep your sick little one home.



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Thanks for the replies. I packed her up And we went but called the center right at 8 when they opened to see what they would prefer we do. We live too far away to call before we left the house. The therapist told us to "absolutely come in" they had a whole separate sick area so we used a different entrance and everything. She said because of scheduling they really don't want you to cancel the day of for any reason and they will make it work.


I was not trying to be a "selfish" mom I was really just frustrated and the hubby and I had different opinions on what should be done.

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I wasn't specifically calling you selfish- the thread just hit a nerve with me.  What I find selfish is the mindset that so many have that makes them think that their child is the exception and that if no one notices or knows that their kid is sick or contagious then no biggie.  What the mindset really is if people are honest with themselves- is that as long as they don't find out who they've shared their germs with and consequently sent to the hospital then no biggie for them or their conscience.


Like I said- this is a raw subject for me, not only for my son but for people I've worked with who couldn't afford good health insurance.


 FWIW, I think you did the absolute right thing.  

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I don't think it is selfish at all.


I think everyone wants to get the care their child needs and in our suck system, that means making tough decisions to make that happen.


I don't think anyone likes being sick or wants to make people sick, but viruses are just part of the air we live and breath.


My mother died after catching a virus while having no immune system after chemo/radiation cancer treatment. It never occurred to me to be ticked off that someone at some point likely exposed us (she was living with us at the time) and thus her.

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I would tell the therapist what's going on and give her the choice of whether or not to see your daughter today.   They usually have a policy of rescheduling for things like this ASAP to discourage this very thing. 


ETA: Now that I've read more of the thread, I see that you did exactly this.  BTW, I totally get it.  I finally started asking people when I made appointments months in advance for evaluations what would happen if my son was sick.  They always said they would reschedule him sooner than the initial months long wait.

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Thanks for the replies. I packed her up And we went but called the center right at 8 when they opened to see what they would prefer we do. We live too far away to call before we left the house. The therapist told us to "absolutely come in" they had a whole separate sick area so we used a different entrance and everything. She said because of scheduling they really don't want you to cancel the day of for any reason and they will make it work.


I was not trying to be a "selfish" mom I was really just frustrated and the hubby and I had different opinions on what should be done.

How great they had a contingency plan for you. I'm glad you're getting in! I don't think you're selfish either. I think giving the place a heads up gives them a change to be extra vigilant with clean up. Places that regularly work with immune compromised should be super vigilant always anyway. Kids can be contagious before they show symptoms of illness.

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I think you did the right thing.


There is absolutely nothing selfish about getting your child in to see a specialist. She wasn't actively vomiting. It will take a toll on her to let her needs go unaddressed for months more. The longer those speech needs are unaddressed, the harder they are to fix. That's a valid concern.

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With a wait that long I would probably take her in and hope for the best, though normally I am pretty militant about keeping vomiting kids secluded for a full 24 hours after the last incident. I know what it's like to get a kid in to a specialist--I wouldn't wait.

I tend to agree.


I am glad everything worked out!

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