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Church etiquette and baptism


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My youngest is being baptized tomorrow. We go to a small, conservative Presbyterian church. This is our first baptism. I have had issues with my FIL and his wife before and we do not have a good relationship. I am pleasant and try to ignore small swipes because the kids adore them (most of the time). I have also had problems with family members having really poor manners when attending kid's events. I had decided to stop inviting them and just send them copies of the performance on dvd. However, I felt that they should be invited to the baptism.


My step-MIL (FIL's wife) called my mother yesterday with some questions about the baptism. Step-MIL sells a popular make-up (not saying which one) and does quite well. She's very aggressive with selling.


Step-MIL asked my mother if it would be okay if she did a make-up demonstration after the baptism in the fellowship hall of the church. (We are hosting refreshments in the fellowship hall). My mother told her that it probably wasn't a good idea and they should probably spend the time visiting with the grandkids.


I am at a high stress level (and have been for a few weeks) and sometimes my mouth tends to shoot faster than my brain can control. I feel like it is highly inappropriate and flat rude to try to sell make-up at a baptism. FIL and his wife are very attentive church-goers and I can't believe this would be acceptable behavior at any church, so I feel like they know better.


I need a simple, discreet (so I don't unintentionally cause a scene) thing to say if I see her unpacking make-up or handing out business cards. If she gets mad later, that's fine, but I don't want my daughter to witness a bad scene.

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I think a phone call tonight saying, "Please, no makeup demonstrations at the church tomorrow in any way, shape or form. Keep the makeup in the car and let this celebration be about [son's] baptism. Thank you." That can be said firmly, but nicely.

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You probably want to contact her directly and tell her (straight forward but friendly) that whoever mentioned that she was wondering about the baptism reception as a marketing opportunity, you wanted to let her know that it isn't ok with you, just so she doesn't go to the trouble of bringing her stuff since its not ok, and now she knows for sure in advance, etc.


If she ignores that, and still sets up, a line is, "We're celebrating, not marketing today. You need to put that away." (Smile, nice voice, direct eye contact, closing up her stuff and handing it back to her if needed.) if she's even more agressive perhaps, "Do you need DH to help you carry your things out to your car?"

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In your situation I would tell Dh that I really need him to handle it since it's his Dad. If that doesn't work, I'd discreetly call the Pastor tonight and explain the possible situation and let him, as Pastor of the church, deal with any inappropriate use of the church property.


I hope you can enjoy your child's baptism and be fully and stresslessly present in this beautiful moment.

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In your situation I would tell Dh that I really need him to handle it since it's his Dad. If that doesn't work, I'd discreetly call the Pastor tonight and explain the possible situation and let him, as Pastor of the church, deal with any inappropriate use of the church property.


I hope you can enjoy your child's baptism and be fully and stresslessly present in this beautiful moment.



This is what I'd do. Why on earth would someone think that is okay? That is so bizarre and it would completely stress me out too. The things people come up with!

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Oh. My. Head.


Can you put someone else on tacky patrol? You shouldn't have to worry about that! I really cannot fathom her thought process on this. I agree with the PP who have said that the church's no solicitation policy would be a good thing for someone else to tell her.

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Oh. My. Head.


Can you put someone else on tacky patrol? You shouldn't have to worry about that! I really cannot fathom her thought process on this. I agree with the PP who have said that the church's no solicitation policy would be a good thing for someone else to tell her.



Besides calling tonight, I'd ask someone at church to do this.

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As a pastor, I agree with letting your pastor know ahead of time and being clear that you would welcome him to quietly but firmly say something to your stepMIL to get her to stop if she tries to start. I frequently remind people as we are discussing and planning significant life events (baptisms, weddings, even funerals) that if there is the potential for a family member to do something crazy, I really like knowing that ahead of time. As the pastor, I'm happy to deal with inappropriate behavior like this - but it is much easier for me to do so if I know to be watching for it. This is particularly true of family situations where your words might be ignored - which it sounds like stepMIL might just ignore what you tell her - and I am happy to enforce rules and take the heat if that is necessary.

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Blech! Using a baptism as an occasion to do business?? What is she thinking?!


It sounds, though, like your mom told her not to, and that may be enough? I would delegate someone to watch for this, such as your DH or mom. And then I would forget about it and not let it stress you out, because you have enough to worry about. I wouldn't spend time thinking of what you would say. Just let DH or your mom handle it, and ignore it. Don't let this ridiculousness become the main thing that is in your thoughts at this important occasion.

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Thanks everyone! :) Yes, everything was lovely and it was a special day for all of us. Step-MIL did mention to my mother that she had make-up out in the car (my mother had bought from her previously) but my mom told her she was no longer going to purchase from her and that it was inappropriate to bring up at a baptism. Step-MIL was shocked and upset (I think from losing a customer) but nothing else was said about it to me. I had forewarned the pastor but if anything else happened, he didn't mention it.

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I had a woman be super sweet to me and my kids during and after Mass. Then she handed me a business card and some sample beauty products! I was so pissed off and hurt that this nice woman was only being nice to try to sell me something. The fact that she did it at my church was even more upsetting.


I would let the pastor know what to expect so he can handle it if its against church policy

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