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We picked out a kitten. Actually, my ds picked him out.


We're committed now. He's 7 weeks old, orange and white. Ds named him Chester.


He's feisty like any red head. Already took several swipes at my dog's nose.


We'll see how tonight goes. It's been a very long time since I've had a kitten in the house.

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It's funny. My dog is on the floor sleeping and completely ignoring the kitten. The kitten is pacing in front of the dog all poofed out and hissing. My dog could not care less, and poor little kitty is working so hard to impress him with his whole 2lb hulk.


He has diarrhea. The shelter told me about it, but didn't say whether I should take him to the vet. He's been recently wormed, vaxed, treated for fleas, and neutered all within the past week. When should I take him to my vet? Tomorrow? A week?

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I love kittens! Congratulations!


I always take my new pets to the vet as soon as I get them. There are things they can pick up from living in a shelter, even if they did have vet care while there.


As for tonight....prepare for it to be loud. Kittens will often cry all night long. It's the worst part, but it doesn't last long.

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Since he is small, diarrhea is a concern, but then again, he has been through a whole lot and it's probable that is just upsetting his tummy. Cats digestion is pretty fickle- they do a lot of random barfing, lol. If he is acting fine I'd give it a few days and just make sure he is eating and drinking well.


I want a kitten soooooo bbbaaaadddddd.....but my 15 year old grouchy cat would never go for it.

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Okay, let me get the pics downloaded. Man, I need a new camera.



I've found a couple fleas on him. He has been treated for fleas at the shelter. I'm assuming this means a topical treatment like Revolution. Should I do something about the fleas? I caught one but missed the other. Would a flea shampoo harm him? Any thing else I can do?


We *just* got rid of a flea problem throughout my house and I do not want a repeat.


I couldn't get in to see the vet today. The earliest I could get in is Thursday. They said if he stops playing and doing normal kitten things I can bring him in earlier as an emergency. Hopefully, the diarrhea goes away.

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Orange cats are a breed all to themselves :)


I asked at the pet store what I could do to make it easier on my cats when I bring the new puppy home. They said clip their claws so as to not hurt the puppy, but to leave them be. The cats will put the puppy in his "rightful place" below them just like everything else. They did well this last week though, 10 days of pet sitting 2 dogs, and they and my 2 cats got along fairly well after the first day. The first day involved hissing, swatting and barking. By a few nights ago all 4 started sleeping right next to each other.

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What a cutie!


I do remember when we brought our kitten home a few years ago there were some digestive adjustments as we changed his food. No diarrhea but a little bit of blood. Turns out that can happen as they eat more dry food, but we did have blood tests to make sure it wasn't some weird parasite. Things should settle down for you over the next week or two. Enjoy the little fluff ball! My plan was to have kitten sleep in our bathroom the first night or until he felt comfortable roaming the whole house. I was worried about him so I brought him onto our bed in the middle of the night. He purred and settled in on my legs and that's pretty much where he has slept ever since!

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My first cat had that same coloring! Awwwwwww, I just want to play with him and pet him!


One of ours had diarrhea when we got him from the shelter. The vet just recommended high quality cat food, and said he'd get over it once he adjusted. We had that cat about 18 years without any other digestive issues, although he was a champion at getting abscesses that necessitated vet visits :001_rolleyes:

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Ummm...you made that BREAD and didn't post about it?!! ;)





That bread was years ago. I loved baking bread! That particular one came from the Little House on the Prairie cookbook. Those were the good ol' days before I developed celiac disease. I have not tried to make a bread like that with gf flours. GF dough is way way way too sticky.


Thanks for being impressed. It wasn't that hard.

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