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Need easy low-carb breakfast for someone who hates eggs


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What can I get for DH to eat for breakfast? I can make ahead sausage patties. What else? He really likes Cliff bars but they are loaded with carbs. Are there any edible low-carb bars out there? He refuses to eat leftovers for breakfast (he also refuses to eat breakfast for dinner--nutter!!).

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I eat ThinkThin bars as meal replacements. I like the crunchy peanut butter flavor, but they have many others. They are high protein and virtually no-carb.


Depending on how ultra-low carb you want to go, I like plain Greek yogurt with nuts and berries. I add some stevia to sweeten.

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What can I get for DH to eat for breakfast? I can make ahead sausage patties. What else? He really likes Cliff bars but they are loaded with carbs. Are there any edible low-carb bars out there? He refuses to eat leftovers for breakfast (he also refuses to eat breakfast for dinner--nutter!!).


Atkins shakes and bars.


I love the shakes, but only like a few of the bars.


They are on sale at Target often. Plus our Target has an 8 pack of the chocolate shakes for about $9.

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This doesn't make it any easier, but anything involving fruit should be out for a low-carb breakfast.


I make sausage links in bulk in the oven ahead of time, freeze and then microwave two at a time.


Usually, I just have Bulletproof Coffee for breakfast (coffee whipped with 2+ tbsp unsalted grass-fed butter with a smitch of coconut oil)

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Sauteed veggies and meat or fish. Some people wouldn't care for these made ahead but dh enjoys it. Dh likes eggs, though, so the meat and veggies isn't an everyday thing.


As to the snack bars--dh used to eat Atkins but has recently decided to cut out all artificial sweeteners. He now snacks on KIND bars, but only the ones that have 5g sugar. The dark chocolate, nuts & sea salt is his favorite. It has 200 cal, 16g carb, 7g fiber, 5g sugar, 6g protein. And they taste way better than Atkins or Clif, imo.


Dh also uses full fat half&half in his tea. That helps fill him up too.

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This morning I sliced some cucumber rounds, topped them with organic cream cheese, sprinkled with dill and topped with smoked wild sockeye salmon.


It was good/ok; not as food as bacon, eggs and hash browns ;) but I feel GREAT.


I'm about to make smoothies for a snack... Plain Greek yogurt, almond butter, dates, frozen berries, and coconut milk (plain, unsweetened). We love these and I have checked my blood sugar 2 hours after having them and it was normal.


I prefer to have no carbs at all for breakfast, and then have the smoothie a few hours later. Gives me so much energy!!!

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Almond Butter Paelo Bread (almond butter, eggs, lemon juice and baking soda), and you can either (a) bake it in a loaf pan, and slice it up into sandwich-type slices, or ( B) bake it in a "whoopie" pan...and slice it. Oopsie rolls are another "bread-like" no-carb alternative. There are also some paleo/low-carb English Muffin recipes, tortillas, etc. DH and I didn't care for the Ricotta pancakes, though....you can put some meat on those sandwiches....you can then make "french toast" out of these, serve with a berry/vanilla sauce (or dark chocolate?)


I'm sure you could make a low-carb muffin using a nut-butter base...a paelo-banana-bread type recipe.


DH usually has some sort of breakfast "sandwich," egg scramble, or heat & eat muffin omelette in the morning with a green smoothie (cucumber, spinach & strawberries, using coconut milk vs. water).


Otherwise...he can just eat lunch and dinner for breakfast ;)



Edited to remove eggs...

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We do low carb (not no carb) and my favorite for breakfast is french toast. I use up my daily carb allowance with two slices of whole wheat bread (Natures Own is my favorite). I use two eggs to make and top it with Maple Grove sugar free syrup.


I make these and use them as rolls for cheeseburgers. They are really good. You can also use them for french toast but for that I prefer to use real bread.



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Another thing that I like is 3-ingredient pancakes: blend together 1/2 of a banana with 1 egg and a dash of vanilla until smooth. Cook as you would regular pancakes (keep them on the small side so they're easy to flip). I like mine just topped with butter, but you could use a little maple syrup if you want. Add a side of bacon or sausage. (I was really skeptical of this recipe when I first saw it, but they're really yummy!)


ETA: Although this recipe contains eggs, it doesn't taste like eggs. It just tastes like fluffy pancakes.

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Cottage cheese plain or with tomatoes, salt, and pepper

greek yogurt (unsweetened) with a small amount of berries or a little tiny bit of stevia

smoothies or shakes made with Jay Robb (stevia sweetened) or Jarrow unsweetened protein powder. I use berries if I add fruit, and unsweetened almond milk as the base. I also make a frappe type of thing with starbucks via, vanilla Jay Robb (or Jarrow plus some stevia), xanthan gum (keeps the ice in suspension), a sprinkle of sea salt, a bunch of ice, and then blend. I sweeten to taste with NuNaturals stevia and blend. Sometimes I add a little half and half to the top or heavy cream. This is really good! Sometimes I make it at night if I want something after dinner.

Coconut flour waffles. This recipe is great. I use the one in post 11 as I refuse to use VWG. http://www.lowcarbfr...-charski.html�� These are great reheated, so you could double the recipe and reheat in a toaster. I usually thaw some frozen berries, drain off the extra liquid, and then cook them for a bit on the stovetop with a light sprinkle of xanthan gum (sprinkle lightly so it doesn't clump) and a little stevia. It will thicken up and it becomes kind of like a very thin jam or fruit sauce.


I am not a huge egg eater in the morning, but can tolerate hardboiled or deviled eggs better than scrambled or eggs over.


Chicken sausage from TJs or WFs or Costco (look at sugar content, and watch ingredients)

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