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What to buy a soon to be 6 year old for his birthday?


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My ds will be 6 soon and I don't know what to get him. He has several grandparents that get him everything, so its hard and I struggle with this because I don't want him to be ungreatful. So some of the things he likes are legos he is getting better but it is hard to have them out sometimes because we have a 2 year old that likes to eat things and drag them out! He loves outside being outside is his favorite but sometimes I run out of things to do outside. He loves electronics but we limit this. He loves books but we have a lot. He loves working on things like taking apart and putting back together, his daddy loves working on cars so this is why he is into this. I would love any suggestions. Thanks.

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Does he like nature? I read a great idea in another thread the other day. They bought a camelback mule (or the kid sized one) and filled it with nature study stuff! You could do sooooo much with this! Then there was the awesome toy mat that could quickly gather them up and away from the 2yo.


Snap circuits? Citiblocks?

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How about a fun kit to do? It could be crafty, or educational... HomeTrainingTools.com has all kinds of science toys and kits for kids to do. Ant farms, butterfly kits, cheese-making kits, plant kits, Slime Science kits, etc. My kids LOVE (more than I thought) the Squishy Human Body kit and have gotten it out repeatedly to disassemble and reassemble it. They really liked the booklet that goes with it, and it was quite educational, too.

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My DS turns 6 tomorrow and I think he would love just about anything posted on this thread!

I am not going to add one more toy with small pieces just yet. We have lego and lincoln logs.


He is getting walkie-talkies from me and DH and some water guns from his sister, both his requests.

Other winners have been dress-up, swords, a bow and arrow set and a sleeping bag.

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I love the ideas mentioned. I think walkie talkies are great. Instead of the kid version, you could get a set of the Cobra brand for around $20. Also, my son loves Play mobile. They have so many themes I am sure there is one your son will love. The animal themed ones were a hit with mine.

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Mine of the same age would love any of the above. I totally agree that the little sibling complicates things. Matchbox cars, a Transformer, a kite, and a (Spiderman?) puzzle are things ds is getting for his 6th birthday.

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Thanks again for all the ideas so many great ones I think I am going to go with the nature bag and some of the things you build with. He has a good set of walkie talkies and he has his own stand up tool box and tools he got that last year because he wanted one like daddy. Thanks so much this has helped so much.

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