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UPDATE in #1 - Uh, so we just learned through Facebook...

Susan in TN

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...that ds17 won first place in a local symphony scholarship competition. We called the friend who posted it to let him know he must have made a mistake (we've not heard anything and had assumed he had not placed). But the friend said that he had gotten an "official email" of the results and ds was listed as having won 1st place in the strings division.


Now someone *please* give us an official notification so we can cheer without the bewilderment? :D


UPDATE - We finally got a hold of the powers that be (by phone) and they confirmed that ds won 1st place in the strings division. We are so proud of him!

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Wow, how exciting! Congrats to him!


My ds placed 3rd in a essay contest recently and I received an email notification...only it was to an email address that I rarely use, so about 5 days went by before I even checked it and realized he had placed. We almost missed the awards ceremony! Oops.

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Ask for a forward of the email and start celebrating! Woo hoo.


Friend forwarded the email - it does indeed look like ds won. We have emailed the foundation for confirmation.


Wow. We are so surprised - not that ds didn't do well, but we know the stiff competition he was up against. This is certainly a great boost for ds, who has been feeling a bit down after having a rather disappointing lesson a couple weeks ago and then his teacher didn't even show up for his last lesson - no call, email, or response to our email inquiry. But I digress... Yay ds!

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