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Strange Report Card Comment

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I just got my son's end of the year report card for kindergarten. The only thing the teacher wrote was, "It was a pleasure having [name of my son] in my class. He is quite skilled on the soccer field. I enjoy watching him play with the other children in our class at recess."


Is it just me, or do you think this is a strange report card comment? My husband loved it, but I would have preferred if the teacher wrote something about his academic ability. He entered kindergarten reading and never really got much work at his level. He loved going to school to play soccer at recess with his friends all year. They did lots of art and music, so he did learn new things, just not much in the way of academics.

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I don't know - I guess she figured you already knew his academic strengths, or maybe they are not supposed to say anything about above-benchmark performance? I assume she wanted to put something personal and positive for each child. ... My kids' final KG report cards both just said "it has been a pleasure having ___ in my class. Have a wonderful summer and a great school year." (Same identical comment for both of my girls. LOL. And she only had 9 kids in the class.) ... I've never seen a comment about playground prowess before. Maybe it's a regional thing. :)

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This doesn't relate to the report card, but I did notice that they only gave me end-of-year Dibels data for my more average daughter. I asked about the other one and was told that they don't give out the data if the kids are above some benchmark or other. Weird, because the one I did get said my dd was well above all the benchmarks. Whatever. They also never share with me the Star reading test results and who knows what else? I don't think it's right that they have all kinds of info about my kids that I don't have. Poor communication seems to be the norm in many schools, unfortunately.

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I imagine a tired, end of the year teacher writing the note. She probably did enjoy watching him play soccer and probably did not put much thought into the note. It is kind of nice that she paid attention to what he was interested in when he was free from her structured classroom.

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I should have clarified that I am not upset or angry about the comment, I just think it is odd because I haven't heard of a teacher writing about sports skills on a report card. I think this kindergarten teacher was a good match in many ways for my son. She worked really hard throughout the year to plan really creative projects and musical performances. He loved going to school (it was half day kinder), and she made his first year in elementary school an enjoyable one. If he were home I never would have done the amount of art or music that they did at school.

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I did get comments about how my older did outside the classroom on his report cards for K and 1st, as well as a sentence comment about academics.

I asked about the other one and was told that they don't give out the data if the kids are above some benchmark or other..... They also never share with me the Star reading test results and who knows what else? I don't think it's right that they have all kinds of info about my kids that I don't have.

Your this year teacher is one of a kind. I have gotten full results/data for my older when he was in B&M even when he test out for reading and math. Maybe let the coming school year teacher know you would like the results/data for everything to set the expectations straight from the start.

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That is so cool that she was attentive to your boy outside of the classroom. I find the weird part that she didn't mention anything abotu his academics, but if you two have been in communication all year about his academics, I guess she didn't think such a comment was needed, though she did say that he was a pleasure to have in her class.


Maybe she didn't want you or him to feel that all she cared about was academics? Maybe she thought she was showing that she was attentive and interested in your sons talents/skills beyond the page?

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I actually like that she was able to write a personal note on the report card. We have to choose from a menu of 30+ computerized comments, some not applicable and definitely not personal. The fact that she noticed how much your son interacts is much better than a generic "outstanding student" or "working at ability level". As a previous poster said, it is unique. :thumbup:

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I was also thinking that academics were covered elsewhere (on the report card, in conferences, whatever), but she wanted to put something more personal to your child, and she noticed that he's good at soccer and is a good teammate. Perhaps she put on someone else's something like, "I enjoyed having Susie in class this year; she often volunteers to help in the classroom," or whatever she noticed about each particular child that was more than strictly academics.

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