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How close are your important dates?

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Linda's post about her dh maybe being gone for a birthday and their anniversary got me thinking. Our family's important dates are mostly the second week of October. Dh gets hit hard then. Within 7 days he has dd's birthday, our anniversary and my birthday. Then his birthday is in March.


So how close are your family's important dates?

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We're kind of like you...but in April.


DD bday is 4/4, mine is 4/12, DS is 4/28 and our anniversary is 4/21. So poor dh has a wifey and daughter who's birthstone is diamond. Lucky him.

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My birthday is August 16th and our Anniversary is Sept 6th. DD's birthdays are 4 days from each other in early December..so that is a busy month! I try really hard to get organzied and have my shopping done by Thanksgiving. When they lived at home I didn't put up Christmas stuff until their birthdays were past.


A couple of years ago...my oldest daughter flew out here iwth her family for Thanksgivng.

We were not going to see her for her birhtday or Christmas..so we did Thanksgiving on Thursday, Birthday celebration on Friday and Christmas on Saturday.

That was a weekend!

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Our only off time is June and July, otherwise there are Bdays and holidays Aug thru May. Its horrible.


I am so tired of all the hullaballoo. That I consolidate dates. Like Mothers Day and extended family bday all on one date.


It gets so out of control, it makes holidays miserable.



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Let's see. Fil, dh, & ds are in Jan.


Dd5 & dd1 are Apr/May, but only a week apt. Plus Mother's Day.


Then in June, we have Father's Day, our anniversary, mil's bday, & my sis's bday. Not that sis counts exactly--she's pretty far away. And my bday is barely in July.


We don't have very many autumn bdays--a few spread out around my side of the family--but a few yrs ago, I realized that August was a particularly empty mo. So wouldn't it be great to stick a bday there? Not that I was volunteering to gestate that bday, mind you, but...


And here we are. W/ surprise baby due in Aug. LOL


Now, though, I'm beginning to realize--spreading the bdays out around the calendar doesn't make things easier; it ensures that we *stay* busy, lol! :glare: Think it's too late to tell this one that Christmas is the end of Dec & Birthday is the end of Apr? ;)

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My birthday is August 7th and our Anniversary is August 8th! What were we thinking? The others are spread out a bit! Dh's birthday is in May and ds's is in January.



That's funny Shannon.......my birthday is August 15th and our Anniversary is August 14th.


Oh and I know what we were thinking, we took the next available date we could get in Reno for a quick wedding. I was about 4 months pregnant at the time and I needed to get on his insurance as fast as we could manage. Silly now to think of and a much longer story but fourteen years later we have never had an actual wedding. Doesn't matter so much now.


**I find it funny because I am a Shannon born in August too! :) **

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Our oldest was born October 11 and the next child was born April 11, 2-1/2 years later. From Oct. 11 to Apr. 11 is exactly six months. ALL of our children after that have been born in between these two dates. So "for six months of the year" they are all either in an odd-numbered or an even-numbered year (for example, right now they are all even: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 2 and 0-baby). That's fun! I'm easily amused. Dh's birthday is in there too -- mine's the ONLY one outside those six months.


That makes *me* the Queen, lol.

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Our 2 daughters, who are adopted from DIFFERENT countries, and 3 YEARS apart, have the same adoption day...July 17. DD2's bday is july 15 and dd1 is August 15. Then I have one special day each month through March. Sept-MIL, Oct, DH, Nov & Dec--holidays, Jan-ME Feb-Valentines, March-Anniversary. Then open until July :D

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Ok, well here it goes...


We celebrate birthdays, Baptismal Days and Name days. The birthdays and Baptismal days are very close. Oh an our anniversary.


That gives us 2 dates in March, 2 in May, 1 in June, 1 in July, 2 in August, 1 in September and 1 in November. I don't remember when the baby's Name day is but I know the Baptismal day will be in September.


Ya know I really like being Catholic, lots of chances for cake and presents :)

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Jan - none

Feb - FIL b-day

March - godchild bday

April - Dad bday, middle dd bday, parent's ann

May - my ann

June - mom bday, brother bday

July - dh bday

Aug - godchild bday

Sept - none

Oct - MIL bday, oldest dd bday, ds bday

Nov - none

Dec - IL ann, Christmas, my bday


There are clumps though.

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I'm taking Cheryl's idea! (Thanks Cheryl, hope I'm not infringing on copyright laws!) :D


Jan - mil's bday, sil's bday, my niece's bday, in-law's anniversary

Feb - fil and my dad have the same bday DAY, but different years, my brother's bday

March - dd's bday, my mom's bday, my niece's bday, dh's and my anniversary

April - dh's nephew's bday

May - Anniversary of dh asking me to marry him (dh remembers it every year and says it's the best choice he ever made! :001_wub: ), ds17's bday, Mother's Day

June - My nephew's bday, Father's Day

July - 4th of July

Aug - My sister's bday

Sept - DH's bday, ds14's bday, my parent's anniversary

Oct - My nephew's (brother's son) bday (beginning of month), My nephew (sister's son) was born on MY bday (smart kid! :001_smile:)--so 3 b-days

Nov - Thanksgiving

Dec - dh's nephew's bday, Christmas


We have WAY too many relatives to keep up with them all, so these dates are what/who I keep up with!

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August is our busy month.

My sisters birthday is Aug. 1

My uncles birthday is Aug. 3

My grandfathers birthday is Aug. 5

My birthday is Aug. 7

My nieces birthday is Aug. 10

We start school on Aug. 11

My nephews birthday is Aug. 19

My youngest sons birthday is Aug. 20

My SIL birthday is Aug. 21


Well that sums up August for us. Way too busy and way too hard on my pocket!

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