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Unofficially celebrating the end of the 2 year layoff!


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I can share it with ya'll..........


Unofficially, DH's boss called him to say he interviewed very well and they're putting together an offer!

They're going to buy out his contract and offer him a full time position--with benefits and bonuses, oh my!!!


:grouphug: :hurray: :thumbup:


His previous company off-shored his job to India after they had him train his replacement there. That was in Jan. 2011. It has been a 2 year journey through hell, as many of you personally know. He got this contract job 6 months ago.


I know it's a bit early to celebrate because it's not official but this is a moment to celebrate. After he took intelligence tests during the interview process he told me I was married to a dumb husband. He was so discouraged. But evidently it's because of his test scores and the fact that he didn't take them on company time that he got a glowing report. So proud of him!

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I can share it with ya'll..........


Unofficially, DH's boss called him to say he interviewed very well and they're putting together an offer!

They're going to buy out his contract and offer him a full time position--with benefits and bonuses, oh my!!!


:grouphug: :hurray: :thumbup:


His previous company off-shored his job to India after they had him train his replacement there. That was in Jan. 2011. It has been a 2 year journey through hell, as many of you personally know. He got this contract job 6 months ago.


I know it's a bit early to celebrate because it's not official but this is a moment to celebrate. After he took intelligence tests during the interview process he told me I was married to a dumb husband. He was so discouraged. But evidently it's because of his test scores and the fact that he didn't take them on company time that he got a glowing report. So proud of him!


We are living a lay off right now so I know how you feel! Congrats!

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Of course there's a glitch.... HR calls and the position is an on-site 250 miles from where we are. We just moved here to be close to my elderly folks. Uff. We're not moving.


The clinker is that he's been working this same position remotely for the past 6 months. He asked them to what the business need for moving this position onsite when it's always been worked offsite and they've been pleased with his work.


Waiting to hear if the party is over. . ... .


Between this and my daughter's bad day I'd rather run my foot over with the tractor.

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