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It's the unemployment line for me... (brag alert?)

Halftime Hope

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I'm done, finished, retired. Boo, hoo! This picture makes it official: these are my "twins-separated-by-three years." Boy 'Twin' just graduated, and I'm now unemployed. (Big Sis just finished her junior year of college and got her first B ever, but that's another story.) Yes, they're goofballs...they come by it honestly... :wub:

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for Grover: sorry, I edited the post to make it clearer. IRL people think they are twins when they first meet the two of them, and in reality, they are nearly inseparable when dd is home from college. Dd looks older with makeup and heels on, but not when she's dressed down.

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I'm 'semi-retired' now that one of mine has graduated. It feels strange. I'm not sure what to expect next year having one less student in the house!


I like your description of "twins separated by three years". To borrow that phrase and tweak it a bit, I have "twins separated by 21 months". Until ds grew considerably taller than dd, people often asked if they were twins. It was funny!


Enjoy your 'retirement'!! :party:

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Plans, you ask? I'm need to work, and dh wants me to try a 8 to 5 and not be studying into the wee hours. IOW, he'd like a life with me. ; ) (He isn't much of student, whereas I am.) I'll give it a year, but if I miss kids too much, I may end up back in teaching one way or another.

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I'm done, finished, retired. Boo, hoo! This picture makes it official: these are my "twins-separated-by-three years." Boy 'Twin' just graduated, and I'm now unemployed. (Big Sis just finished her junior year of college and got her first B ever, but that's another story.) Yes, they're goofballs...they come by it honestly... :wub:


I am looking forward to this. I think. LOL

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Congratulations Valerie!


Wishing you and your family the best. You know that I usually lurk here, but I had to log in to send my best wishes! I am planning to find a part time job while my last ds finishes his last 2 years of HS.


Keep in touch!


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