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Paging Dr. Hive....can Chicken Pox look like mosquito bites?


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FWIW, we are a no-vax family. Not up for debate on the subject & no flaming please. I've done my research & made the decision I feel is best for my family. End of discussion.


DD has been covered in spots / bites for the last 2 days. Not a ton - maybe 5-8 on the first day, another 5 or so on day 2, and about the same again on day 3. Now we are up to maybe 15-25 spots, as a few have gone down but most are just there. Itching terribly, cortaid is only taking the edge off rather than making them go down & disappear like it does mosquito bites. I gave her benedryl last night and a strong baking soda bath and she still itched to the point I had to use cortaid like it was lotion on her. She even has spots under her panty / pullup which makes me wonder if it's not pox as I don't think a mosquito could bite through a disposable pullup plus a pair of knit leggings. Most of the spots are on either her arms, legs, or bum, but she also has a few on the face.


They don't look like the full blisters I see when I google pox pics, but they aren't responding to treatment like insect bites either so I have no clue what to think. She HAS been out a lot in the evenings as we have no a/c and it's HOT here, so mosquito bites are a given but I don't know how mosquitoes would have bitten her in some of the places she has spots.


She is feeling fine, but did have a day last week when she had a mystery sick with headache & threw up, but was fine after I got her out of the heat & gave her stuff to relax her tummy & calm her down. She has been tired lately, but I chalked it up to not sleeping well on account of the heat.


FWIW, she may have had a very very mild case of chicken pox at 6 months - CP was going around according to the dr. and she got a "unknown viral rash". I was nursing her though and the doc said it could be pox, but he couldn't say for sure. He did say that she likely would NOT develop full immunity if it was the pox as she was too young and getting antibodies on account of nursing.


Halfway praying it is the pox so we can get it over with, and halfway not as it's the worst time of year to get it being in hot summer.

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Chicken pox should look like blisters full of clear fluid and the number would increase every day for up to a week. Some of the symptoms you describe could be chicken pox, though. If she gets any internally - think inside the mouth, in the eyes/nose, etc., that would more than likely indicate CP. They tend to start on the trunk of the body, then spread outward to the extremities.


When I was growing up my younger sister had CP at age 3 or 4 (I would have been 8 or 9 at the time). My mom stocked up on calamine and oatmeal baths, but my brother & I never got it. Dr. said we may have had a mild case with a few blisters on our scalp......but that certainly wasn't the case, because I got a HORRIBLE case of CP at 14, when I was a freshman in high school. I was covered head to toe, inside and out - there were pox down my throat, in my eyes, and since my "monthly visitor" happened to show up during that time, I knew they were "inside" other parts as well. My brother caught them from me - he would have been about 12 at the time - and only had a few pox.


I sure hope she feels better soon! If you can't figure out that it is, indeed, CP, I'd take her to the dr to have her checked. Because you don't vax, you will want to have medical documentation of the disease if it is CP.

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I hate to say it but we had a similar situation and it turned out to be bedbugs.



I hate to say this, but I agree. It certainly would be an atypical presentation for chicken pox. And, based on dd's experience when she moved in to an apartment with bedbugs, that sounds a lot like what she dealt with. Even if it's not bedbugs, it sounds a lot more like bites of some kind than it does like chicken pox.

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If she does have chicken pox, I think it's better to have the case documented in her medical files. And if it's not, get it treated.


I thought my son had poison ivy, and of course the nurse's advice over the phone just reinforced that. Guess what? Raging case of eczema. It did much better with stronger medicine. And that's why they have a doctor. Trying to guess ends up being problematic for me.

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Both dc's chicken pox started with smallish itchy bumps (allergic to mosquitoes so they end up with huge bumps for that). About 48 hours later they had the textbook chicken pox blister all over. Even the new bumps came with the blister so at this point she probably has something else.

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Call the doctor's office - they may have you come in a back entrance in case it is contagious c. pox. You need a professional to tell you, in this case. Or can you post some photos? But I agree with getting a doctor to say what it is - and then documenting if it IS c. pox, so you have "official" proof she had it, should you need it.

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