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there is such a thing as too much sushi


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we went to an all-you-can eat sushi buffet. (they had alot of other stuff too - which made my two non-sushi eaters happy. they also had a chocolate fountain) I still feel like I'm going to burst. i might even feel better if I did. . . . .

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And now, you are hooked for life on sushi. :) I love sushi. The first time I ate it, I ate far more than I should have, and had a stomach ache for two days. I think it swells after you eat it.... either that or I'm a little gluttonous.

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I love the chicken avocado and cucumber rolls. YUM!


But yes, you can eat too much. This area is the one area where my eyes are always bigger than my belly. The maximum I can eat is two rolls. Every single time. No matter how much more I think I can eat.


I can also say (having tried practically every available "brand" here) that the supermarket dried seaweed is horrid. I have made many rolls at home, and have never found a seaweed brand that I like, it smells horrid from rehydrating, is stringy and yuk.


Last time was the last time for me. I'm a "leave it to the experts at the sushi place" kinda gal now. Which means I never get it (I'm in a Country area) everytime we are in town and DH suggests food, I always forget to try the towns sushi place. I must put a notice on my side of the car windscreen to remind me. I'm really craving my sushi now...with lots of soy sauce (and none of that green sauce, I hate that green sauce, it gets delegated to the top of the hate list just above rhubarb, escargot, country "delicacies (like eyes & testicles), and fried bat. Yep, I'd rather eat all those things than that sauce (well....the escargot might still be top of the list actually).


I want sushi now :( Sad Panda.

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(and none of that green sauce, I hate that green sauce, it gets delegated to the top of the hate list just above rhubarb, escargot, country "delicacies (like eyes & testicles), and fried bat. Yep, I'd rather eat all those things than that sauce (well....the escargot might still be top of the list actually).



You have to lift up the piece of fish in nigiri sushi (where it's just fish and rice), and put a *tiny* smear of the wasabi (green stuff) on the rice, then replace the fish, and take a bite. *Tiny* and *smear* being the key words here, at least for beginners. It gives a complex hotness that contrasts nicely with the smooth rawness of the fish. Some folks stir it into their soy sauce, but I think the soy sauce tends to cover up the flavor of the sushi, so I skip it.

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You have to lift up the piece of fish in nigiri sushi (where it's just fish and rice), and put a *tiny* smear of the wasabi (green stuff) on the rice, then replace the fish, and take a bite. *Tiny* and *smear* being the key words here, at least for beginners. It gives a complex hotness that contrasts nicely with the smooth rawness of the fish. Some folks stir it into their soy sauce, but I think the soy sauce tends to cover up the flavor of the sushi, so I skip it.


I think its one of those things that you either like or you don't. Its in the same family as horseradish, which I also detest, so that may be why. I like hot curries, and asian, and indian spices, just don't like Wasabi (or horseradish). I also love a number of other delicacies like caviar, and insect foods (food made from insects), just dislike that brassica family (not too fond of cabbage either, but I'll eat that if its put in front of me). Tomatoes are another thing that I abhor, that lots of people love. If I make something with tomato, its basically passata, or blended tomato, I don't like even the smallest tomato piece (I literally can't swallow tomato pieces or chew them, I get immediate gag reflex...even when I don't know there is tomato there, my body knows and rejects it (much to the mortification of my mum when I was at a friends birthday when I was 7, rofl) . But I love tomato sauce (actually used to put it on everything), especially homemade tomato sauce. And I used to love making a sandwich of frankfurts and nutella.


So don't think of it as an offence against the wasabi, I'm just weird (and I like raw fish sushi, I just happened upon the chicken/avocado/cucumber concoction upon one of my jaunts when I was working and fell in love :p )

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There is no such thing as too much sushi. You just have to have less of everything else to make room for it.

I remember the first time I had sushi. It was a japanese foreign ministry sponsered buffet for a japanese exchange student - oh, at least 20+ years ago. the americans devoured the teriyaki chicken and salmon filets and left tray upon tray of sushi untouched. It was some of the best sushi I've ever had - and the only sushi that had kampyo (yum - and it took me years to find out what it was. gourd shavings. very sweet.) I gorged and there was still so much on the trays, I almost wanted to cry I couldn't eat another bite. but the sushi was so good . . . . . .


I think it does swell after you eat it. I live in an area with lots of japanese nationals. so we get decent stuff. I did have a whole platefull of different kinds (and not even all the kinds they offered.). I went back for a few more.


wasabi is good for clearing out your sinuses. (I actually didn't eat any of it or pickeled ginger tonight - my stomach was rebelling at how much I was shoveling down. It was telling me to stop before I stopped - so I was warned.) I never use soy sauce on sushi.

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My stomach hurts just thinking of that.


I can't eat sushi b/c I am allergic to shellfish.


At Wegman's they make the sushi right in front of you so it'd be easy for me to try different ones but no can do. (How's that for an annoying phrase? no can do, my friend!)

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I know that you are joking, but wasn't there a scare a while back about mercury levels in sushi, and how it might be a problem if you ate certain kinds of sushi every day of the week?

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I gather you've missed out on the Odori-don then?


:scared: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: Ewwww! Where's the barfing smiley when you need it?


I know that you are joking, but wasn't there a scare a while back about mercury levels in sushi, and how it might be a problem if you ate certain kinds of sushi every day of the week?


Sushi is mostly rice. And most of the sushi people eat nowadays is rice and veggies, not so much fish. And unless you make your own then it's rather expensive too. So I don't think we need to worry about people getting mercury poisoning from sushi. :)

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I know that you are joking, but wasn't there a scare a while back about mercury levels in sushi, and how it might be a problem if you ate certain kinds of sushi every day of the week?


tuna has mercury.


:scared: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: Ewwww! Where's the barfing smiley when you need it?



:iagree: not an octopus fan. dh loves squid however.

most of the sushi I ate had crab or salmon, some tuna. some sashimi. I've had eel, and I liked it, but I didn't have any last night.

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I know that you are joking, but wasn't there a scare a while back about mercury levels in sushi, and how it might be a problem if you ate certain kinds of sushi every day of the week?


Didn't Jeremy Piven (an actor) claim he had to drop out of a Broadway show because he was sick from too much sushi? I seem to remember that was thought to be just a lame excuse to get out of his contract, but it did freak a lot of people out.


Question for the sushi experts: I just bought some sushi rice, and even the smallest bag at the market is enormous. I couldn't possibly make that much sushi in a year. Can I also use the rice as just...rice? Or is it too specialized?

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Yes you can use sushi rice as regular rice.


We had sushi in Japan, and in Japan they put so much wasabi on it! It was a shock after here, where most places only have it on the side. They also had a lot more just raw fish sushi and a lto less rolls and veggie options (and none had things like spicy mayo and such on it). It was interesting, sushi here is definitely americanized.

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