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Birds keep waking me up!


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I'm glad that winter is over, really I am.... but I sure wish the birds outside my window would wait an extra hour (or 2!!) before starting their day. Once again, I've been up since 5am (still dark outside then little birdies!). It's been going on for about 2 weeks. I can't take that much happiness & noise at such an hour. :glare: I just want a normal night of sleep with those extra 2hours back.

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Just look at them as nature's alarm clock. those birds just know that it s going to be a great day and cannot understand your lack of enthusiasm to get up at daybreak and join in the fun!




Actually I saw something on a David Attenborough documentary about how birds exchange the local news in their dawn chatter.

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Remember that episode of Friends where Phoebe's boyfriend shoots the bird that is chirping? At 4:30 am I always think fondly back to that episode :lol: .



No, I never saw that, but that is hilarious! At a previous house our neighbor had a BIG bradford pear outside their front door. Apparently one of their college-aged sons had a bedroom on the front. Every morning in the spring I'd notice frizzbies, shoes and other articles at the foot of the tree. I finally discovered it was the son throwing these things out his window at the tree to shut the birds up.

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I once swore that my next house would have no "*#^%ing trees for those %#@$ing birds to be in". I can do a random chirp very once in a while, but blathering birds at the crack of dawn just make me want to scream. Put it this way, no one will ever mistake me for Snow White with birds singing and flocking to me lol

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Remember that episode of Friends where Phoebe's boyfriend shoots the bird that is chirping? At 4:30 am I always think fondly back to that episode :lol: .



I laugh about this every blasted morning when our resident cardinal perches in the tree right outside our window and puts on a show. Dh and I keep joking that it's a good thing we don't have any guns in our house.


I hate that bird, but I kinda love him, too. He does have a really pretty song...dh doesn't agree.

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