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Did anyone else get a lot of rain recently?


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I don't know how much we've had so far here in St. Louis, but it's a lot. Multiple flood warnings. We got a year off from flooding last year, so I guess it's time to make up for that. My driveway looks like a lake.


DH is being sent home early from work due to flooding, so it must be bad on the IL side, too.

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Oh, no! I hope the water recedes for you.


Yeah, this is almost the worst I've seen it in our area, just north of Chicago. Today my son's high school flooded in the basement where they have classrooms, the roof was leaking like crazy in parts and then another section caved in. Just driving there was complete pandemonium.


Meanwhile, his chemistry teacher was showing them how their not-very-cheap electron microscope worked. LOL. They might want to put some of that money into the roof.

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Same with East Michigan. One school is currently having parents help empty out classes that haven't flooded yet and salvage what they can out of the others. All the schools in that district are closed tomarrow. Northwoods university evacuated student housing and closed campus.

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We are in West Michigan and there is water over roads that I have never seen water over. We are starting to build an ark soon here.


The rain is welcome as we had a severe draught last year and only average snow fall this year. We just didnt' need 4-5-6+ inches in 24 hours after 14 days straight of rain before this.

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We just had a flash flooding death in our county. Creeks are lakes, subdivisions and a few town areas are being evacuated. By boat. We're going to attempt to go out in a little bit, hoping the highway on-ramp that runs over the creek is passable (don't worry, if it looks even slightly run over, we won't even try).


I won't be really worried until the rivers start flooding. The town my mom lives in was pretty much annexed by the Mississippi River in the '93 flood.

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Just lots of snow here in southern Colorado.


Sorry to hear about the flooding! Sounds awful. :( I hope everyone affected by floods right now stays safe and that the damage is minimal (our basement flooded 4 years ago from heavy rain - one of the worst experiences of my life).

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Oh yes, more rain than we've had in months...maybe years. We are 9'+ inches for April and around 6' of that fell in the last 48 hours. Whispering...it isn't raining at this moment. More is expected and we already have creeks over flowing and the rivers are being watched.

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