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Since the social groups are out again... :p


Let's keep chatting. :D


I got set apart in my new calling this past Sunday: I'm now the co-teacher for the 14-15 year old Sunday School class, which means I get to use the new curriculum! Super excited. :) I also got a new VT route, and one of the sisters is a homeschooler! :)


So what's going on in your part of Zion? ;)

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Prepping for our move. It's just the neighborhood across the street from the one we're in now. Spent the past two days cleaning. Started taking boxes over. Official move-in is the 30th. Can't wait!! I hope that we get a good turnout for the move.

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I love the new youth curriculum! My daughter is really enjoying the lessons.


I'm still one of the Activity Days leaders, but I'll probably be released within the next few weeks. My husband will be officially released from his calling (teaching 5 year olds) on Sunday. We're in Ireland/UK on vacation for the next month and then about 6 weeks after we get back we're moving to San Antonio.

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We had a big stake/ward boundary realignment this past Sunday, but miracle of miracles, we stayed in the same ward, which means I'm still YW's president. I lost five girls, but gained 4 from another ward, so basically the same amount. Trying to help the new ones adjust at the moment. Blending a ward can be tough on the youth.

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I have another month of being homebound with preemie daughter and then we can go back to church. Hurray!!! I was recently put onto a writing visiting teaching route; it's actually been a huge blessing. Before baby was born I had a companion who would only go out in the evenings, without kids, and dh is already gone most evenings...it was really stressful trying to get it done each month.


We finally got a roku so I can watch byu channel. It's awesome!!! I'm really hoping we can watch conference via roku as we typically have connection problems when going through lds.org

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We had a big stake/ward boundary realignment this past Sunday, but miracle of miracles, we stayed in the same ward, which means I'm still YW's president. I lost five girls, but gained 4 from another ward, so basically the same amount. Trying to help the new ones adjust at the moment. Blending a ward can be tough on the youth.


Our new stake just did this last month. (our first Sunday here was when they did it). Interestingly enough, they've already had several new families move into the new boundaries (including mine) that they've pretty much already replaced the members they lost. :lol:

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Okay, I'm giving a talk on Sunday, am starting to right it now and am struggling. The topic is supposed to be "Personal growth as a result of showing mercy to others" and my reference scriptures are


Matt 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Alma 42:15 And now, the plan of mercy could not be brought about except an atonement should be made; therefore God himself atoneth for the sins of the world, to bring about the plan of mercy, to appease the demands of justice, that God might be a perfect, just God, and a merciful God also.

And Luke 10:25-37 which is the story of the Good Samaritan


I also on my own pulled up Pres. Uctdorf's talk "The Merciful Obtain Mercy" (his famous "Stop it!" Conference address)


Anyone want to help? What kind of personal growth do you think comes from being merciful?

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We are moving out on Monday, so my Primary calling is pretty much done, but we got asked to speak on Sunday :glare: I'm supposed to be speaking on "charity never faileth". Xuzi, when the kids are out of my hair, I will have to look through my notes and see if I have anything I can share with you :)

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Someone in my sphere of life really blew it a few years ago. Learning to forgive her completely and fully and to not harbor any bad feelings in my heart towards her despite her continued bad behavior has been one of the biggest challenges for me. Can I really love and pray for someone who seeks to hurt me? I've really learned a lot about the Savior through this challenge....and I've also learned how very weak I am in this area. I have to continually bring myself back to the place where it's all ok.

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Anyone want to help? What kind of personal growth do you think comes from being merciful?


random thoughts:


The Greek word eleos (mercy) can also be translated as compassion. In my mind it links to charity/love for others, viewing other people with their weaknesses and challenges on the same plane as we view ourselves, setting aside our natural selfishness and pride (the natural man is an enemy to God) and thus becoming more like God whose work and glory is our welfare and progression, not his own.

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Here are a few quotes that I liked, hopefully they aren't too tangentially related for you ;)



"Closely related to our own obligation to repent is the generosity of letting others do the same—we are to forgive even as we are forgiven." – Jeffrey R. Holland (source)



"Elder Marvin J. Ashton beautifully observed: “Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don’t judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another’s weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other.†(source)


This talk has some good thoughts down towards the bottom.


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Someone in my sphere of life really blew it a few years ago. Learning to forgive her completely and fully and to not harbor any bad feelings in my heart towards her despite her continued bad behavior has been one of the biggest challenges for me. Can I really love and pray for someone who seeks to hurt me? I've really learned a lot about the Savior through this challenge....and I've also learned how very weak I am in this area. I have to continually bring myself back to the place where it's all ok.



I am struggling with something similar and was just coming to ask for guidance and support. It sounds like you are making some good progress. I am sorry for your hurt.((hugs))

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Let us know how the talk went!


Today my 12yo had a bad reaction to the Sacrament bread. We are careful about it but this one got by us; luckily it was a pretty minor reaction and she was actually able to go to YW afterwards. She is now very tired and has planted herself on the couch with the TV remote and is watching My Little Pony (!). (She got a lesson: when you get a niggling little thought to go up and ask what the bread is today, do it and don't talk yourself out of it because you're embarrassed. Because she did get that thought, and she ignored it.)


Well, lately several people in our ward have gone gluten free. So I asked my friend, whose 12yo boy is gluten free, what they do. I had assumed that the gluten/celiac folks were doing a corn tortilla or something. Would you believe--nothing! The minorly intolerant people just eat the bread, the majorly intolerant skip it. :svengo: Well that is just silly. So we tackled the bishop, and are now on track for a real solution, something that will work for everyone who can't eat the bread. Can I just say, I cannot BELIEVE no one has addressed this before. There are like 10 people in our ward now I'm pretty sure.

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Our ward keeps a box of gfcf crackers that go out on a separate tray. One ward member brings his own prepared items as he can only tolerate about 12 food items.


The First Presidency sent out a letter specifically authorizing gf alternatives. (I'd love to hear the story behind why a letter had to be sent. ;) )

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My talk went well! Filled up the time, and I'm pretty sure I made sense. :lol:


I had kind of an awkward moment after my Sunday School lesson though. I'm teaching the 14-15 year olds, and I did the lesson today on using analogies to teach the Atonement and other Gospel principles. There were 4 boys and 2 girls, and one of the girls left fairly early on, saying she didn't feel well, but the other stayed and looked kind of awkward throughout the lesson (they're both new in the ward). Afterward my co-teacher comes up to me and tells me that she just found out that they're both foster kids, who have *never* been inside *any* church before. So there I was teaching a lesson on how to teach gospel principles to your friends in front of a girl who was completely ignorant of gospel principles! She must have felt so ignorant, and probably bored. I'm definitely going to have to tweak how I deliver my lessons so that these girls can feel more like full participants and like they're actually *learning* something in a room full of kids who "know it all" already.

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No church for us today. The windstorm blew down a line in the building across the street from church so we had no power. My mom, dd, and I were all upset because we'd all actually dressed up and done our hair and makeup today. Versus my normal maxi skirt and flats mommy wardrobe. We could've gone to another ward 30 minutes away but we didn't think of it in time. So it's been a very weird Sunday with no church.

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Let us know how the talk went!


Today my 12yo had a bad reaction to the Sacrament bread. We are careful about it but this one got by us; luckily it was a pretty minor reaction and she was actually able to go to YW afterwards. She is now very tired and has planted herself on the couch with the TV remote and is watching My Little Pony (!). (She got a lesson: when you get a niggling little thought to go up and ask what the bread is today, do it and don't talk yourself out of it because you're embarrassed. Because she did get that thought, and she ignored it.)


Well, lately several people in our ward have gone gluten free. So I asked my friend, whose 12yo boy is gluten free, what they do. I had assumed that the gluten/celiac folks were doing a corn tortilla or something. Would you believe--nothing! The minorly intolerant people just eat the bread, the majorly intolerant skip it. :svengo: Well that is just silly. So we tackled the bishop, and are now on track for a real solution, something that will work for everyone who can't eat the bread. Can I just say, I cannot BELIEVE no one has addressed this before. There are like 10 people in our ward now I'm pretty sure.



There was a lesson on the sacrament in one of the RS manuals a few years back (don't remember yet which) in which it talks about how the importance is in the spirit not neccessarily in the actual act of eating. Thus those who can't take the sacrament because of food issues but are in the mind set as if they were will still be blessed...this stuck with me because I have a child with food allergies and she does not take the sacrament. At this time its not a big deal because she is only 5 but when I read that lesson I realized I don't have to worry so much about it and rather make sure she understands what the sacrament is about even if she doesn't actually put the bread in her mouth.

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We went to a tiny branch in Tralee Ireland yesterday. Their numbers are few, but their spirit is huge. There are very few members in the Republic of Ireland. They were very curious about what church is like in the DC area. I told them it's just like in Tralee, only with more people! Relief Society was just 3 sisters including myself. It's so neat to be in a foreign country and still sing the same songs and have the same lessons.

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We went to a tiny branch in Tralee Ireland yesterday. Their numbers are few, but their spirit is huge. There are very few members in the Republic of Ireland. They were very curious about what church is like in the DC area. I told them it's just like in Tralee, only with more people! Relief Society was just 3 sisters including myself. It's so neat to be in a foreign country and still sing the same songs and have the same lessons.

I did did this when i visited overseas as a youth. It was cool to me at the time and cemented that the gospel is the same everywhere.


Our ward conference was yesterday with dinner on the grounds. Yum! Our primary had a few young visitors too it was a great lesson from our stake leaders.

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So what are y'all's plans for Easter? For our homeschool devotionals this week we're following this printout, and putting the appropriate Gospel Art Kit pictures on the fridge (right now we have the Triumphant Entry picture, and the picture of Christ cleansing the Temple). I remember following each day of Easter Week during Seminary, and I want my kids to have the same experience.


For Easter DAY we may be going to my parents, but it depends on how my grandma is doing. She's waiting for some very major surgery, and it'll depend on how that goes. They may end up being with her that weekend, in which case we'll be staying home. Either way we'll be doing an egg hunt and going to church to celebrate the Savior and having a ham dinner. :)

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There was a lesson on the sacrament in one of the RS manuals a few years back (don't remember yet which) in which it talks about how the importance is in the spirit not neccessarily in the actual act of eating. ...


I agree, but OTOH neglecting to provide something for the Sacrament for a bunch of people in the congregation is not exactly fair. I'm fine with skipping every so often when it has to happen--no worries--but I'm not fine with that happening on a weekly basis when there is a simple solution.


I have not thought about Easter nearly enough. I love to do things for Holy Week! We have had some nice talks about Passover and how it works. (My kids were a little TOO surprised to hear that I've been to several Seders, clearly I need to do better. I even taught a Primary activity and put on a mini-Seder once, but they were tiny then.) Yesterday we should have done something for Palm Sunday but I was all taken up with the allergy junk. 12yo was wiped out for the rest of the day, but I did at least make sure she knew what it is.


Xuzi, I love your activity! Printing out now...

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I haven't really thought about Easter this year. We're spending the next few days in Dublin and will come back to my MIL's house Friday. We might go to the Tralee Branch for church. It'll really depend on what my MIL wants. She's not a member - or religious - but since the branch meets right in the middle of the day we'll just have to see. I kind of forgot when Easter was this year between dealing with buying a house from across the ocean (worst timing ever) and our month-long vacation in general. One year we did Discover the Scriptures Easter ting. It was fabulous. In a few years I'll have to repeat it with the little two.

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So I ignored a prompting today. My DD takes ballet, and her current class has had several new students join since the end of the year, so the instructor wanted to split the class and move part of the class from Tuesday night to Monday night. I had *thought* that she had meant for the classes to be at the same time, just different nights, but all day today I constantly had the thought pop into my mind that I should call and confirm that, but I didn't. As a result my DD missed half her class this evening. :glare: The instructor was understanding, and is going to let her attend the other class this week to catch what she missed during the first half of class, but I'm feeling a bit crummy now about ignoring what was an obvious prompting.

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So what are y'all's plans for Easter? For our homeschool devotionals this week we're following this printout, and putting the appropriate Gospel Art Kit pictures on the fridge (right now we have the Triumphant Entry picture, and the picture of Christ cleansing the Temple). I remember following each day of Easter Week during Seminary, and I want my kids to have the same experience.


For Easter DAY we may be going to my parents, but it depends on how my grandma is doing. She's waiting for some very major surgery, and it'll depend on how that goes. They may end up being with her that weekend, in which case we'll be staying home. Either way we'll be doing an egg hunt and going to church to celebrate the Savior and having a ham dinner. :)


I use "A Christ Centered Easter" for the week's devotionals. They used to sell it at Deseret Book...maybe they still do. Anyway, we had a Palm Sunday FHE on Sunday, and we've been watching excerpts from "Jesus of Nazareth" starting with Christ's Palm Sunday entry to Jerusalem. We do this at lunch, and it's been a nice little break in our day. We're doing a modified Seder to teach about Passover this week and we read from the four gospels each morning to follow along up to Christ's crucifixion and resurrection on Easter Sunday. I love this time of year and being able to focus on the Atonement of our Savior. :)

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I use "A Christ Centered Easter" for the week's devotionals. They used to sell it at Deseret Book...maybe they still do. Anyway, we had a Palm Sunday FHE on Sunday, and we've been watching excerpts from "Jesus of Nazareth" starting with Christ's Palm Sunday entry to Jerusalem. We do this at lunch, and it's been a nice little break in our day. We're doing a modified Seder to teach about Passover this week and we read from the four gospels each morning to follow along up to Christ's crucifixion and resurrection on Easter Sunday. I love this time of year and being able to focus on the Atonement of our Savior. :)




I have that book! I love getting it out every year and planning our week of devotionals.

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Our Sunday was mostly good. Dd4 did have some issues. She always gets so hyper during Primary and usually her teachers can keep her under control, but apparently Sunday she wouldn't stop talking and walking around, so they brought her to me in nursery for the last half hour. Then I had to wrestle her the whole time because she was getting all the little guys riled up in her enthusiasm. It's sad because she is so excited and happy, and she honestly doesn't know she is being disruptive. I think her problems might be related to some sensory issues, so I've ordered her some noise canceling headphones to wear during primary. Everyone always says that she is good at the beginning until music time. We'll see how this works.


Also, for Easter, I took on the responsibility of planning an unofficial ward Easter egg hunt. There wasn't going to be one otherwise. It is a little stressful, mostly because of the potluck picnic we're doing, but it should be fun.

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Our Sunday was mostly good. Dd4 did have some issues. She always gets so hyper during Primary and usually her teachers can keep her under control, but apparently Sunday she wouldn't stop talking and walking around, so they brought her to me in nursery for the last half hour. Then I had to wrestle her the whole time because she was getting all the little guys riled up in her enthusiasm. It's sad because she is so excited and happy, and she honestly doesn't know she is being disruptive. I think her problems might be related to some sensory issues, so I've ordered her some noise canceling headphones to wear during primary. Everyone always says that she is good at the beginning until music time. We'll see how this works.


Also, for Easter, I took on the responsibility of planning an unofficial ward Easter egg hunt. There wasn't going to be one otherwise. It is a little stressful, mostly because of the potluck picnic we're doing, but it should be fun.

Your ward does an egg hunt? I wish ours did. Anytime we've tried to go to a community one it's always been *crawling* with kids, and my kids ended up coming away with hardly anything. I'd love to have an egg hunt to go to that was a bit smaller, and doing it with kids my kids already know would be a fun bonus.

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Your ward does an egg hunt? I wish ours did. Anytime we've tried to go to a community one it's always been *crawling* with kids, and my kids ended up coming away with hardly anything. I'd love to have an egg hunt to go to that was a bit smaller, and doing it with kids my kids already know would be a fun bonus.

Nope, not the ward. I wanted one, so I asked a few moms at a play date if they would be interested, and had tons of people interested. I ended up basically inviting the ward to my private one. Although, it may be all for naught as it is supposed to rain and I'm probably canceling it. :(

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My husband is putting on an Easter egg hunt and activities as a Elders Quorum activity. It is supposed to be tomorrow night. He has forbidden me from going into labor until Saturday lol. We are just hoping lots of people will come because the last couple activities haven't had great turn out. My husband is trying desperately to bring a very broken EQ together. They have maybe 4 active elders at church on Sunday. His hope is even to get the families of the inactive members to come too so we can show support. Hence the very family oriented activity this month. PLEASE let there be a good showing or my kids will be coming home with more prizes an junk food than I care to see.


Also my husband is gluten free and dairy free. For almost a year now we have brought bread for him. They put it on his own tray and someone brings it to him and then they take the tray back and that boy gets another tray and goes on with the regular bread with all the other boys. We thought maybe the boys didn't like doing it. Especially for only one person and then one day I was around the corner and heard them arguing over who "got" to do it. Turns out they all want to be the one to do it lol. If there were more people in the ward who needed it we would probably bring a whole slice of bread, but since my DH is the only one we make tiny pancakes and freeze them and have them in little plastic baggies. Dh grabs one on the way to church and takes it to the boys. It is really not a big deal and if it hasn't been done before it is simply because no one thought of it. I went to the bishop about it a year or so ago and everyone was kind of like "duh why didn't we think of that" At the time there was another little GF boy in our ward but they moved. My only thing would be to make sure if there are super sensitivities that the boys breaking the break make sure they break the GF bread first.


Oh and hopefully this next Sunday goes okay. I am in the primary presidency and it looks like I am the only one in the presidency who will be there. Also our singing leader will be gone. And yeah I am 38 weeks pregnant.and have delivered all of my kids between 37.5 and 39 weeks. There is a good chance I wont make it. We have arranged for a good sub for singing leader and a good sub to do the sharing time. Alot of the kids should be gone (I think we counted 15 gone for sure). If I do make it til then here is hoping I don't go crazy. Seems like those are the Sundays it all seems to fall apart.

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So I finally have a Temple Recommend after several months without one (lost my old one, and in the hubbub of the move didn't get around to getting a new one. bad me ) I've had it since Tuesday and I am chomping at the bit to get back! We're still unsure about Easter plans, but if we end up being home for Easter weekend and not at my parents' then I'm for sure going Saturday morning!

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Anyone want to help? What kind of personal growth do you think comes from being merciful?

compassion and understanding. perspective as how certain things can adversely affect others - as well as the person who committed an unkind act. humility. an awareness of the frailties of ourselves. a greater awareness of God's love for us. Feeling the Savior's love for us, in that He atoned for us.

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Happy Easter!


We had quite a nice service, all entirely Eastery, although for some reason we sang general Atonement hymns, not any of my favorite Easter hymns. Boo. Tonight there is this musical event program thingy, you know with a narrator and musical numbers and invite all your non-LDS friends. It's all very nice and my husband is the narrator, but we are learning about the difficulties that can arise when missionaries plan things. The program is at 7pm; nice. There is a rehearsal at 5.30, right about the time everyone sits down to a family feast on Easter. The kids are rehearsing at 6.30, so that's another trip. And of course we are all bringing snacks and desserts, without reference to the fact that most of us will already be overstuffed on Easter candy and ham. Ah, Mormon life. :D

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We had DS3's blessing yesterday, which was nice. My favorite thing was seeing DH, my dad, and my brother (2 months home from his mission) standing together in the circle. DS1 has been sick - he had a fever Saturday night - so we only stayed for Sacrament meeting. I was kind of sad over that because I was hoping that with extra hands to help take DS1 to class I could *finally* make it to Relief Society. I feel bad that we've lived here for two months and I haven't been able to make it to RS yet. On the plus side, next week is General Conference! I'm looking forward to it for many reasons, not the least of which is not having to worry about the logistics of sunday/church.

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We had a pleasant Easter with family. :) It's SO nice to be able to pop over to visit family now without it requiring time off from DH's work or hotel stays or whatever. We drove over Saturday morning, drove back Sunday afternoon. :) We had our egg hunt Saturday afternoon and the kids had a lot of fun with that, and my parents had fun getting to watch. Then we swam in my parents' pool to *really* wear the kids out from their sugar highs. :p


Sunday my dad was sick, so he and my mom stayed home while DH and I took the kids to my parents' ward, which is the ward I grew up in from age 11-19. There's still some of the same people there, which was cool. :) The service was lovely, with lots of Easter hymns, and special musical numbers from the Primary, YM/YW, and the ward choir. We only stayed for Sacrament meeting.


For dinner my mom made haystacks, which meant that for the first time in years I didn't have ham on Easter! I kind of missed it! :lol:


This week my IL's are coming to spend General Conference with us, and my kids are super excited. They've probably spent more time with extended family in the past 6 months than they have in all their previous years combined. I'm so glad we moved. :)


But speaking of General Conference...


Do we want to do our usual Conference Chat in here? or give it it's own thread?

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But speaking of General Conference...


Do we want to do our usual Conference Chat in here? or give it it's own thread?



I say we go for a separate thread. I always look forward to the General Conference threads, they help me to really engage with conference (because I get to chat about it with you all).

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